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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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It's definitely coming to PS3 as one of the Xbox.com screenshots shows a Circle button. I suppose a Vita version is a question of effort; I believe the handheld release of JSR has some unique features.


Going a bit off topic, but I'd love to see Skies of Arcadia: Legends albeit with the original game's audio; the GameCube version sounds wrong.

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Holy shitballs, I just got Unit 13 for £13.49 off PSN.


Score on digital pricing.


Digital Pricing is good, but let down by a lack of a basket (on Vita), a minimum spend of £10 and the stupid Vita Memory Card format.


It's actually an area the 3DS is much better at, especially when it starts getting all retail games on it...

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Ok, I'm playing Gravity Rush (up to chapter 7) and I'm not feeling it at all. Feels like a lovely tech demo for a mechanic that goes nowhere.


Lovely visuals, music characters, world design etc but it feels like they ran out of gameplay ideas by chapter 2 :( (outside of a cool stealth part that was ruined by the game telling you exactly where to go and what to do)


Speaking of which, the game's non linear nature is really a farce in many ways. Yeah, you can explore the environment to, mostly, your heart's content (until the invisible walls stop you) but you are given basically no freedom in how you complete the story missions - and the game actively stops you from approaching tasks in any way other than the prescribed path: What a joke, chapter 7 was in this respect, where one of the characters points out that there's an optional upgrade hidden somewhere in the area and that you don't have to get it, when the game makes it impossible to miss it! (as you go past it, the camera shifts to point towards the area where the upgrade is hidden and Kat says with text saying "I wonder what's over there?" - hardly very well hidden!)


And while the game certainly doesn't play itself like most modern AAA console games, the COD style directional/distance markers, constant unavoidable text hints and general lack of difficulty take a lot away from the sense of discovery and exploration that I was hoping it would have.


It's not a bad game at all, but it feels like they spent more time crafting the world than exploring the (really great!) gravity shifting and traversal mechanics that they came up with. Feels like such a waste, especially when all the enemies in the game are basically the same :(


Unless things shake up later on (though from what I hear they don't), I'd say that this is one for those who value a story/character based experience over actual nuts and bolts gameplay mechanics. A shame that such lovely gravity mechanics go largely unexplored (the demo basically showcases almost everything the game has to offer, outside of a couple of extra bits like picking up objects to use as weapons)

Edited by Dcubed
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