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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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I'm not sure why you're being so defensive. I even explicitly stated:


I'm not saying the 3DS' lineup is any less valid than the NGP having versions of Uncharted, Killzone, etc. My point is that it isn't more valid, either.

Oh seriously Aimless don't say 'defensive' as though you think I actually give a shit, or want to get into any arguement. Believe me, I'm not being even the slightest bit defensive about anything. Edited by Retro_Link
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Oh seriously Aimless don't say 'defensive' as though you think I actually give a shit, or want to get into any arguement. Believe me, I'm not being even the slightest bit defensive about anything. I don't even know wtf you're talking about.


You sound pretty defensive about being accused of being defensive :laughing:

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The two devices in a lot of ways aren't even competiting. They are very different devices...along with two very different ways of showing off their tech unique 3D vs Home console on a handheld graphucs. However naturally they are still in the same market and the online connectivity of both devices shows how they see this as just as important as online has become for home consoles.


One final thing I love the way the live space looks. wouldn't be too displeased if that replaced xmb at some point on ps3.

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Almost chundered when I saw that back touchpad being used to climb the vine in the Unch vid. And you just knew they'd claim it would be immersive, and the actions were similar to that of climbing in real life.


Just no.

You don't haul your body weight up a wall by rubbing your fingers against it. Plus it's awkward to control.


If I ever got one of these machines I wouldn't want to be playing Uncharted on it anyway. And as for graphics - this is early stages I know - I'd say they're akin to a 'Playstation 2.5'.

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Fair enough, I wasn't trying to rile anyone. I can only go on what people type, sorry if I read into things incorrectly.


Whilst the NGP seems more to my taste, I'm expecting this generation of handhelds to play out fairly similar to the last one. The 3DS will have slightly less success than its predecessor — this is something of an inevitability given the obscene sales of the DS — hopefully Sony's handheld will do a bit better, at least in terms of software sales and retaining developer support, but I can't see either switching market positions.


Meanwhile everyone will say how smartphones spell doom for both, but I think they expand the handheld market as much as they detract from it. So long as everyone's successful enough to keep making games I don't really care.


To go back to pricing, I can't see the 3G NGP going for less than £249 at launch; I think that's a best case scenario. Nowhere near a mass market price, but it doesn't really have to be day-one, even if it means I can't afford one.

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Almost chundered when I saw that back touchpad being used to climb the vine in the Unch vid. And you just knew they'd claim it would be immersive, and the actions were similar to that of climbing in real life.


Just no.

You don't haul your body weight up a wall by rubbing your fingers against it. Plus it's awkward to control.


Ha, yeah ill be pressing UP to climb as usual or maybe touch drag him up if im feeling risky. I did like the tilt aiming bit though.

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Sorry if these have been posted already



I really like the use of the touch screen here to climb about (I also like that it's an option so if you're on your period like dwarf you can stick with your buttons). Makes it a lot more accessible. I know it's probably been done before but in Uncharted fashion, it's never looked so smooth.

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This thread is loltastic...


My two cents...


I'm definitely leaning towards the 3DS over this. The PS3 still hasn't grabbed me, in fact I've had one for 2 years (maybe 3?) and have only ever owned two games and I can't help but feel this will be more of the same. I'm also more excited about 3D (however gimmicky it turns out to be) than updated graphics, updated graphics aren't anything new so 3DS it is for me!


People have been complaining about the 3DS being over priced as well, I honestly can't see this being released for under £350, 3G or not.

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All those Uncharted implementations seem fairly gimmicky to me, bar perhaps the motion controlled scope. That doesn't really concern me, though: the DS had its fair share of touchscreen misuse to start with, people figure out what works.


The big boon of the NGP over the PSP is that it's much better suited to its apparent role of 'home console on the go'. Playing stuff like Peace Walker on the PSP was literally painful, whereas this new handheld seems far better equipped for delivering those kind of experiences competently and comfortably.

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My big problem with this is that it's only going to appeal to the hardcore. Essentially it's an incredibly powerful iPhone with your traditional gaming controls added to the sides. Tack on a pretty high pricepoint (I can't see it being anything but) and I just don't see the masses being interested at all, not when they can buy an iPhone and have access to 1000's of games that are of random interest to them for 99p.


As a device it's quite simply phenomenal, as a commercial prospect I think they've taken totally the wrong direction. Where Sony once dominated by appealing to the Western audience I think they've now become far too Japan-focussed.

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I think the PSP was caught in a place where it couldn't keep up gameplay wise with what we came to expect so it became a little dated and awkward. This wasn't helped by the one crappy analogue nub.


Two proper analogue sticks. Yes.


The more I think about the size of the screen, the more I love. I could even have gone for a little bigger. I always felt there was something missing from the PSP that always made me hesitate when thinking of buying it. Also, Trophy support. Hell yes. It's what I come to expect. I love a unified games history.

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My big problem with this is that it's only going to appeal to the hardcore. Essentially it's an incredibly powerful iPhone with your traditional gaming controls added to the sides. Tack on a pretty high pricepoint (I can't see it being anything but) and I just don't see the masses being interested at all' date=' not when they can buy an iPhone and have access to 1000's of games that are of random interest to them for 99p.[/quote']

It depends how you look at it.


The iPhone is great for cheap thrills because people won't think anything of potentially wasting 59p, but big publishers aren't as enamoured by it as it's a very unpredictable market: if you aren't on the charts you might as well not exist. It's similar to how a lot of publishers are sinking money into the PS3 and 360 rather than the Wii, despite the latter having a far bigger install base: the HD consoles are fairly dependable, that market is a reliable source of income.


I think handhelds and smartphones are more different than people give them credit for.

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It depends how you look at it.


The iPhone is great for cheap thrills because people won't think anything of potentially wasting 59p, but big publishers aren't as enamoured by it as it's a very unpredictable market: if you aren't on the charts you might as well not exist. It's similar to how a lot of publishers are sinking money into the PS3 and 360 rather than the Wii, despite the latter having a far bigger install base: the HD consoles are fairly dependable, that market is a reliable source of income.


I think handhelds and smartphones are more different than people give them credit for.


Of course publishers will create games on whatever platform can generate an acceptable profit for them, and yes, for home consoles often reward has been greatest on the HD formats (unless of course you happen to hit the jackpot on the Wii, something thats doable if you create the right content).


With handhelds I think the lines are a lot more blurred than people think. Day to day I have room for one device, and that device has to be a phone. So for me that's an iPhone as my main device. It does not matter in the slightest how much I like the 3D of the 3DS or the power of the PSP2. If they don't have a phone, they're not taking over my pocket.


The way many (most?) people play handhelds is in pretty short bursts, no more than 30 minutes at a time. Just the right setting for the cheaper, and often decent quality now, iPhone games. PSP2 just doesn't fit in with this more casual end of the market, and this just so happens to be where the bulk of the people and money is situated.


My only real thought is that this is too much of a games console rather than an all-in-one device. I know that's the point of it but the market has moved on from where we were 5 years ago. Yearly iterations of smartphones/tablets will at some point surpass the standards set by this device anyway. Right now I don't see this being a huge success whatsoever.


Just to correct one point, the iPhone market is very very predictable.

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You're right, unpredictable was the wrong word. It isn't that it can't be read, more that it's an exceedingly different market and publishers don't know how to read it.


People seem to fall into the trap of thinking that because things like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja exist they supersede several generations of more traditional handheld games. They're very successful in their own market, sure, and indeed there is some crossover between the two, but it's not a case of either/or.


People might break out a smartphone if they're sat waiting for 10-15 minutes, but handheld usage goes beyond that: lengthy commutes, plane/train/coach journeys, when the other half is watching some dross on TV, in bed, on a sun lounger, meeting up with friends, etc. Portable gaming and bitesize experiences aren't synonymous, and whilst it isn't impossible to create larger experiences for smartphones that isn't what the existing market, or underlying hardware, is built for.

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I daresay this looks rather excellent. I don't know If I would get one instead of a DS, but my guess is that it will be better value for money, as Sony units often are.


For the graphics to even come close to the PS3 is pretty phenomenal and with games like Uncharted, the thing could really kick ass. A little concerned about pricing at the moment. I probably couldn't justify a release day buy if it were to cost >£300.

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