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Modern Warfare 3


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Very true, I'm really interested to see how the new point streak system plays. It certainly looks an improvement over the old system. Cod games to me are just pure fun; I don't get all the hate.


I think it's a victim of its own success. The first MW was fantastic and so many people absolutely loved it. After MW got so much hype and publicity, it started going too mainstream. Now, all the people who thought they were cool when they liked the first one are objecting to the fact it's become so popular - it's now one of those things that it's almost cooler to hate than it is to admit you enjoy.


Anyway, that's my theory. I still think it will be ace :-)

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I'll be picking it up on PC and on Wii. I'm really looking forward to it. All the COD games are very polished, and although they come out every year they bring a lot of new stuff every year.


What's more, even though it's still the MW2 engine (or a tweaked version thereof) it still looks fantastic and runs at 60 fps on console making the online very smooth as well as attractive.


I think the new classes (assault, support, specialist) will bring a lot of new tactics to team play. I also look forward to leveling weapons too, which is done seperately and earns weapon proficiencies.


For all those that mock COD and look down on it, they're just doing so because it's percieved as 'cool' to do so.


However, the same people who 'hate' COD are now in love with other games like say Killzone, which is essentially the COD system (but inferior) and set in a different universe.


COD4 was such a success it has molded the whole industry. I really loved it and have enjoyed every installment since then., especially Black Ops, which I found to be the most balanced of the lot when it came to online play as you couldn't rely on your streaks as much.

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For all those that mock COD and look down on it, they're just doing so because it's percieved as 'cool' to do so.


I dislike the multiplayer because I find you die too quickly, maps are boring and one levelled, etc. I tend to enjoy the campaigns, but I find its one of the least fun games.

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I dislike the multiplayer because I find you die too quickly, maps are boring and one levelled, etc. I tend to enjoy the campaigns, but I find its one of the least fun games.


If you're dying too quickly, that means you're not very good. However, if you're complaining that you die too quickly because assault rifles tend to drop people fast, then that's an odd complaint! It'd be a much worse game if you ran around like a bullet sponge soaking up damage and headshots like you were made out of titanium.


As for the maps, you're simply wrong. The COD maps are some of the best multiplayer maps around. They all flow very well and have just the right amount of verticality. Classic maps like Vacant, Bloc, Downpour, Asylum, Crash, Upheaval, WMD, Array and Cracked are in a league of their own.


The campaigns are good, but are slightly overly scripted for my liking.

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While I don't want to start an argument, I would like to point out that you can't say that he is 'simply wrong' as what he said was his opinion. If he finds the maps boring he can't be wrong. Sorry, I just feel like your post is the first in what will turn out to be an unnecessary argument and I thought I'd try to pre-emptively stop it :)

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The maps probably seem fairly flat and boring to ReZ because of Uncharted. However, CoD doesn't have the platforming aspect of the gameplay to allow for such amazing maps.


Although I do have to agree that the maps aren't all that great. In CoD for the voting process my mind goes somewhat like "I have that one less, so I'll pick that." Or "NUKETOWN!!!!".

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I think it's a victim of its own success. The first MW was fantastic and so many people absolutely loved it. After MW got so much hype and publicity, it started going too mainstream. Now, all the people who thought they were cool when they liked the first one are objecting to the fact it's become so popular - it's now one of those things that it's almost cooler to hate than it is to admit you enjoy.


Anyway, that's my theory. I still think it will be ace :-)

The COD formula has been around much longer than COD. Ofcourse it was going tire fast. MW1 was a good game but not pushing the genre forward in any way(minus online unlocking etc.). IW/Sledge etc. just dont have the same status as say DICE or Valve when comes to games.


COD will still sell gangbusters but many gamers are wanting to move on.

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The COD formula has been around much longer than COD. Ofcourse it was going tire fast. MW1 was a good game but not pushing the genre forward in any way(minus online unlocking etc.). IW/Sledge etc. just dont have the same status as say DICE or Valve when comes to games.


COD will still sell gangbusters but many gamers are wanting to move on.


Wow, you spout a lot of shit. Modern Warfare 1 > any Battlefield. It's a truth.


Where are people pre-ordering this? I usually plump for Shopto.net, but they are charging £49.99?! They are out of stock in any case.

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Wow, you spout a lot of shit. Modern Warfare 1 > any Battlefield. It's a truth.


Where are people pre-ordering this? I usually plump for Shopto.net, but they are charging £49.99?! They are out of stock in any case.


Tesco direct for £34.90



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The COD formula has been around much longer than COD. Ofcourse it was going tire fast. MW1 was a good game but not pushing the genre forward in any way(minus online unlocking etc.). IW/Sledge etc. just dont have the same status as say DICE or Valve when comes to games.


COD will still sell gangbusters but many gamers are wanting to move on.


No offence, but why do you think people will take your comments on larger matters seriously when you can't even be arsed to research any of the smaller claims.

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The COD formula has been around much longer than COD. Ofcourse it was going tire fast. MW1 was a good game but not pushing the genre forward in any way(minus online unlocking etc.). IW/Sledge etc. just dont have the same status as say DICE or Valve when comes to games.


COD will still sell gangbusters but many gamers are wanting to move on.


Really though that many millions of gamers that want more and more of the COD experience and I'm sure that outweighs all these many gamers you speak of...

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Really though that many millions of gamers that want more and more of the COD experience and I'm sure that outweighs all these many gamers you speak of...


Sales = quality?


Justin Bieber is one of the best singers of all time?


COD has always been a huge seller since its inception. Much like MOH was. Neither have a single creative bone in their body or work towards advancing the genre. In fact quite the opposite, which is why they rightfully and so many other hundreds of fps with the same easy formula get so much hate.


I am glad the single player of BF got called out by gamers for being the same scripted stuff we get too much of. No game deserves a free pass like the COD or MOH series did. Same goes for the online.

Edited by Choze
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Something that I can't stand is this notion that every iteration of a franchise has to be ground-breakingly innovative. What's wrong the continued refining of a successful formula? (You can do one IF you think Battlefield 3 is anything but some well-advised tweaks to an already winning formula). In my opinion, If you're gonna make wholesale changes within a generation, you might as well develop a new IP.


The same goes for scripting. I think tightly scripted sequences are perfectly suited to the FPS genre; the waning quality of single-player campaigns I would attribute to their increasingly anachronistic nature - they are becoming more irrelevant to a generation of online gamers.


Choze, if you don't think the Call of Duty franchise has had any influence in the advancement of the genre, you're truly blinkered.

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What's wrong the continued refining of a successful formula?


It would be nice if this actually was the case.



Choze, if you don't think the Call of Duty franchise has had any influence in the advancement of the genre, you're truly blinkered.


I would like to hear how you think COD has helped advance the genre? As a veteran fps player I am quite interested in hearing your answer.

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Sales = quality?




You were just claiming that millions of hardcore gamers are moving on.


So, "Quantity = Correct Opinion"?


You're essentially using the same logic.


In all honesty, why do you even come into this thread?

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It would be nice if this actually was the case.




I would like to hear how you think COD has helped advance the genre? As a veteran fps player I am quite interested in hearing your answer.


It's become notorious for a killstreak and perk system that are re-hashed in every second new FPS for a start (no doubt you'll probably reference an FPS that had a system vaguely resembling that of COD's, with negligble effect on the genre).


What good is being a seasoned FPS player when you have the insight of a garden vegetable? ;)

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Also, I take it Choze is all "Battlefield 3 is the shitz yo" (like he was about Killzone... and like he was about MAG).


But... these are all so intertwined...


Do you think, apart from the stupid marketing side and that bullshit, these developers have that same kind of rabbid fanboy attitude that some gamers have?


If you can't place and understand, without your fanboy dick getting hard, how these games relate and influence each other then you're...


Well... a fanboy.


I kind of got lost in what I was saying.


Hey Choze, I do actually like you, but you come across as a dick sometimes.


I think you know that though.


And you like it.



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It's become notorious for a killstreak and perk system that are re-hashed in every second new FPS for a start (no doubt you'll probably reference an FPS that had a system vaguely resembling that of COD's, with negligble effect on the genre).


Killstreaks and perks arent exactly unique to COD. Perks and equivalents have existed since the Doom days. Not too sure about killstreaks giving abilities. That was never a good idea and is one of the big issues with COD gameplay.


What good is being a seasoned FPS player when you have the insight of a garden vegetable? ;)


I think its more worrying that you thought the above features were pushing the genre forward.

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Choze, you are truly a dick. To suggest COD has not influenced gaming is the most laughable thing you have ever spouted.


Every game - from your beloved Killzone and Uncharted right through to almost every other FPS with an online component have been influenced by COD.


From the XP, to the levelling, to the unlocks, to the perks - it was all popularised and brought together as a blockbuster package by Modern Warfare.


If I were to pick three console shooters that changed the way people thought about console FPS games it would Goldeneye, Halo and Modern Warfare. That's how important the title is.

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Sales = quality?


Justin Bieber is one of the best singers of all time?


COD has always been a huge seller since its inception. Much like MOH was. Neither have a single creative bone in their body or work towards advancing the genre. In fact quite the opposite, which is why they rightfully and so many other hundreds of fps with the same easy formula get so much hate.


I am glad the single player of BF got called out by gamers for being the same scripted stuff we get too much of. No game deserves a free pass like the COD or MOH series did. Same goes for the online.


Stop right there you putting words in my mouth. You said that many gamers are wanting to move on. I merely said that the millions of gamers still buying the franchise prove otherwise. I never said anything about quality just what people want. Your logic that people will keep just buying it regardless of quality is wrong as there are plenty of franchises that have died due to this problem. Look at Guitar Hero it died because of over saturation and lack of quality along with the format becoming tired. COD has not reached this point with millions of people clearly despite how your fanboyish reasoning may view things.

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