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It's not just because of losing Missandei, she lost Jorah as well, one of her children/dragons, she felt betrayed by Jon, Sansa, Varys and Tyrion. She is unloved by everyone (or so she feels) so basically feels like everyone is out to get her or replace her. And everyone who kept her in check before is either gone or no longer has her trust. She's always been quick to kill, burning people/cities down and all that. Yes, it would've been nice if they could've spread it out a bit more during the story, but as we're only getting a certain amount of episodes, this will have to do. 

As for Jamie and Cersei, I'm sad they are gone, but at least they died together. 

Now I'm wondering if the last episode will just be Everyone vs Daenerys...


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My main issue with this season is apart from Dany going crazy, nothing particularly surprising or interesting happened.

There was no big reveal or unexpected twist with the Night King, he was just stabbed in the chest by Arya out of the blue.

Cersei didn't really do anything this season, just watch stuff from her balcony. Then she just died when a roof collapsed on her.

It all seems a bit, meh.


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2 minutes ago, Ronnie said:
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My main issue with this season is apart from Dany going crazy, nothing particularly surprising or interesting happened.

There was no big reveal or unexpected twist with the Night King, he was just stabbed in the chest by Arya out of the blue.

Cersei didn't really do anything this season, just watch stuff from her balcony. Then she just died when a roof collapsed on her.

It all seems a bit, meh.



I had expected at least a bit more traps. Wildfire was seen around the city but nothing that did anything to anyone other than innocents. I am a bit disappointed with her in that regard.

As I said, I think her death was very unfitting.


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On 5/13/2019 at 12:03 PM, Dog-amoto said:
  E5 (Reveal hidden contents)

I can see why they needed for Dany to go full heel turn and burn Kings Landing to the ground, but it still felt rushed. The decision to condense the last two seasons into 13 episodes was a baffling one. Like others have said, they’re needlessly sprinting to the finish line and for what? 

After all the talk of not wanting to be queen of the ashes and leaving the world a better place, this was a very jarring decision to make. She’d won. They had surrendered. Perhaps with more time spent with Dany exploring her descent into madness, they’d have made a better job of rationalising her decision. Like I said, I understand it, it does make sense. Tyrion, Sansa and Arya knew the truth and the people of Westeros love Jon more than they do her, but more time spent with Dany would have been possible with more episodes and less of a rush to tell the conclusion of the story.

It’s hard to say for sure until we see the finale, but I think people will look back on the final two seasons and think that a rushed approach to the storytelling will have put a slightly sour finish on what was an excellent show.


8 hours ago, MindFreak said:
  Episode 5 (Reveal hidden contents)

I agree that Daenerys' descent into madness seems quite rushed and forced. She has shown signs of it previously but it just went to a completely new level without real explanation. She has lost her second "child" / dragon, she lost her best friend (Missandei), and she is really pissed, I get it, she is mad - but not batshit crazy as she is seen in this episode. Too much, too fast. 

So yeah, the last two seasons could have done with a couple of episodes more. A friend of mine described the season as consisting of mainly highlights which is a good way of saying it, I think.

Overall I enjoyed this episode. Hound vs Mountain was awesome, Euron vs Jaime was tense. I didn't like how Cersei ended, though. I think that was an unfitting end and I'd rather that she had escaped instead.
I find it unbelievable that Daenerys was able to destroy the entire Iron Fleet and get into the city from behind without getting hit this time.
It's sad that Varys had to go but perhaps that for the best and the goodbye between Tyrion and Varys was good and fitting.

So next episode will be the fight vs. Daenerys. 




I agree with most of these points, the season feels too short and condensed to its determent, which in itself is bad but its made worse by D&D's after episode talks and interviews, firstly Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet the other episode when she had literally just had a war council where they discussed them, it just shows a complete lack of understanding of their own story, lazy writing, terrible editing or a combination of all three. Or them deciding to cut Sansa and Arya getting a secret held for 7 seasons! Christ what on earth

and then the interview the other day where they dropped the bomb shell that HBO had thrown money at them, said they could have a full complement of episodes and more money to do it and D&D turned them down as they felt they only needed 6 episodes...............Its glaringly aparent that they did not need 6, they needed at least a full season or two. Even with a 10 episode run they could have fleshed out the battle of winterfell to two episodes, maybe a third on build up made that 'arc' 5 or 6 of the season to do it justice and through it seed Dany going off the deep end.

I'm really unhappy with how jamie's whole redemption arc was shat on as the heel turn he did, which lots assumed was him going to 'deal with' cersei and the speach to warn off brienne was exactly at face value and all the 7 seasons of being redeemed was for nothing, he was a bastard and always was, he cared not for the people, he only wanted Cersei! it was utterly out of Character for the jamie.

The twins death was okay, a fitting twist on the prophecy but (i might be being a little evil here, but don't forget what Cersie has done over seven seasons) I kind of wanted her to get stabbed to death by Arya, just like Talisa, even down to Arya sending her regards, so that felt a cop out of sorts.

Arya and the hounds final Journey was shit, they got all the way to the map room before the hound thought to say, nah love you'll die and the hardy night killing assassin goes okay? what was the point? other than her acknowledging him 'Sandor' [touching scene to be fair] it felt like the hinted sub plot was just for that line.

Cleganebowl was everything i could have wanted it to be 

Its wierd because it was an exciteing and terrifying episode but in context of 7 seasons of character development? it was totally out of no where.

I honestly believe that they have cut too many scenes and its more of a highlight reel now




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Good job, Game of Thrones' writers, you made How I Met Your Mother's ending look good.

To be honest, there's no way the series can redeem itself with the final episode. Everything turned to shit a few seasons ago and E5 of the current season was the absolute pinnacle of crap.

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Good job, Game of Thrones' writers, you made How I Met Your Mother's ending look good.

To be honest, there's no way the series can redeem itself with the final episode. Everything turned to shit a few seasons ago and E5 of the current season was the absolute pinnacle of crap.

Saw someone post this and I think it’s the only good ending. 


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Reading reactions online, we're veering into the OTT, ridiculous Last Jedi style "THIS IS THE WORST THING MANKIND HAS EVER CREATED" nonsense hyperbole again. The downside of social media and the echo chamber of online I guess. Whenever something disappoints people try and outdo each other to shout louder about how DISGUSTINGLY AWFUL it is.

I'm not a fan of season 8 at all, and it's really sad the series has to whimper out like this, but in no way was the last episode "the absolute pinnacle of crap". Come on.

(For the record, the first paragraph of this post, wasn't referring to anyone here/this place)

Edited by Ronnie
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3 hours ago, drahkon said:

E5 was the absolute pinnacle of crap.

Would you like a glass of water after that super hot take? 
Thanks for expanding on your thoughts in your reply to Ronnie, great contribution to the discussion. Why was it "the pinnacle of crap"?

I haven't liked season 7 or 8 from a writing perspective. As many have said, it's way too rushed and doesn't have the great build up and development that the other seasons had, also, why all the fan service? But, I think this ending was GRRM's plan all along and the hints have been there for anyone who has been paying attention. To me it was obvious in E5 that it was mostly GRRM at the wheel and it was better for it. It's such a shame that these two clowns wanted to get out and do Star Wars, they should've just handed it to someone who wanted to be there instead of leaving a sour taste in the mouth of many fans, whose criticisms I fully understand. If they didn't want to commit to 10 episodes a season they should've walked. Egotistical. narcissistic bullshit, and without the base material it turns out they're two very average writers who don't understand the art of subtlety and careful character development. E5 was anything but "the pinnacle of crap" though, from a visual perspective alone it was magnificent and...


has left the final episode wide open into who will take the iron throne and the consequences of doing so.

Overall, I have enjoyed this season. Along with 7, it has undoubtedly failed in reaching the heights of the previous seasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how the whole story is wrapping up, it just could have been much, much better.

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2 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

Thanks for expanding on your thoughts in your reply to Ronnie, great contribution to the discussion.

Sorry, but if someone says "in no way was it [whatever I said]. Come on.", I don't really like to respond. It seems he is set on his opinion and I am on mine. No point in discussing further. I hated the episode, others don't, I've moved on.

My second post was juvenile, though, I admit and I apologize.

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2 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Sorry, but if someone says "in no way was it [whatever I said]. Come on.", I don't really like to respond. It seems he is set on his opinion and I am on mine. No point in discussing further. I hated the episode, others don't, I've moved on.

My second post was juvenile, though, I admit and I apologize.

That's fair enough. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it. I felt the same watching House of Cards S4 and 5, though the investment I put into that was nothing compared to what most people have put into GoT, so I can understand why you feel that way. It really is a shame. 

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1 minute ago, Nicktendo said:

Would you like a glass of water after that super hot take? 

The internet in a nutshell. Everything is either the greatest thing since sliced bread... or the lowest humanity could possibly sink.

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I'm seeing a lot of hate for the current season on the internet. But, I can't be arsed moaning about the show. I've enjoyed it, especially that last episode. Many shows have their best episodes in their earlier seasons, so it's not as if Game of Thrones is going against the grain there. 

I'm Team Sansa anyway. :bowdown:  (at least, these days)

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30 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I'm seeing a lot of hate for the current season on the internet. But, I can't be arsed moaning about the show. I've enjoyed it, especially that last episode. Many shows have their best episodes in their earlier seasons, so it's not as if Game of Thrones is going against the grain there. 

I'm Team Sansa anyway. :bowdown:  (at least, these days)

The last episode was up there with the best for me, I really enjoyed it too.

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Wasn’t my intention to stay up to watch this, but I couldn’t sleep and thought why not?

Twitter is in meltdown over the finale, I think everyone was expecting another massive battle, but I thought it was a fitting ending given that we’ve had two big fights in this season alone. Would’ve been too much. At least the characters learned that constant war is achieving nothing.

Having said that, it all bordered on the absolutely ridiculous. Not so much Bran sitting on the now non-existent throne, but they tried to handle it in a comedic manner which did not fit the tone at all. And yet more non-sensical character decisions, I suppose Grey Worm allowing Tyrion and Jon to get away with their lives made a little sense, seeing as everybody learned something and all but why oh why did an animal, Drogon decide not to burn Jon to a crisp? Like he suddenly knew that it was the Iron Throne that corrupted her and he wanted it destroyed? Just one of the completely stupid plot points but I’m sure there’s more.

I’ll need a sleep and try to process it more, but I’m honestly not sure what to make of it.


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I was one of the people that wasn't particularly a fan of last weeks episode (or the one before). I was fine with the destination but thought how they got there wasn't right. Due to this I came into the finale with low expectations and have to say I actually really enjoyed it.

Complete contrast to how I felt after last week - thank god it was this way round!

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I've been a tad disappointed by the writing this season, and have said as much in previous posts... but I really loved the finale. I thought it was fantastic and satisfying enough, given the short timescale. I even teared up a couple of times towards the end, and yes one of them was...


Jon reuniting with Ghost

I was waiting for this episode before properly judging season 8, and this redeemed what's come before a bit somewhat. I wish it were at least 4 episodes longer, sure, but what we ended up with was a satisfying conclusion I think. Beautifully shot too, episode 6 was just stunning from start to finish.

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I was generally okay with the Finale, I went in expecting the worst and wasn’t disappointed


Bran on the Iron Throne made little to no sense in the show, Danny’s motivations were odd, but here last scene gave glimpse into the madness and Brienne staying at Kings Landing was very strange….but all of these were problems brought about by not fleshing out the story, we got the abridged version, when I’m sure if a full complement of episodes had been made, we’d have got those personal scenes – the Sansa and Arya finding out Jon’s secret, explanations about why Danny was descending into madness, Why Brienne forgot she was pledged to Sansa and stayed in another Kingdom ETC. As concepts I think they all work, and I can fill in the blanks on how, but it’s wrong they didn’t do that in the show


There were some odd inconsistencies, like Jamie and Cersei’s corpses being in a pile of rubble with about 20ft to their left nor rubble…..so they chose to die? No the writers forgot they had that entire chamber collapse. Or Grey Worm executing hostages and Jon going to see Danny, then when he gets their Grey Worm is already there….erm? did the writers forget the scene before? I suspect a scene was cut here.


But in the grand scheme of things I can ignore them, the Kingsmoot is where I have the problems! The weird comedic tone (democracy, so funny, Bran? He can’t use his dick…what?) was jarring and unnecessary and how the scene played out without Jon kind of ruined the logic. Grey Worm accepted the decisions of the newly elected King? A King he didn’t follow? Seems odd

The way it should have played out, is Jon should have been on trial there, Grey Worm should have challenged him to a Trial by combat and Jon should have won (he went from hero to merciless butcher he didn’t deserve to go to Narth). After this the Sansa and some others should have said Jon was the rightful heir. Jon would again say he didn’t want it, renounce the throne and with Tyrion make the case for Bran. It would have had more impact and meaning then. Jon could have self-imposed exile, stating he was going north with the wildlings and/or to look for Drogon. That way they’d have dealt with him as intended, they would remove the inconsistency of Grey Worm agreeing and not had the oddity of him going to the nights watch, the force that defends against the white walkers and wildlings, which are gone or allies by this point AND we’d still get that Ghost reunion.


I also half wish they’d made use of Bran one last time, have him talking to Tyrion or someone at the end and with the same music that was playing when the night king died, have him reveal he has been puppet master all along, he withheld information and directed people the way they did (taking control of Danny for the attack on Kings Landing, sending her mad, sending Jamie home, giving Euron super aim etc) which would have ended on a dark tone, but retrospectively corrected some issues.  



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I think it's easy to overthink things like this, no solution is ever going to be watertight.


The comedic tone fit in fine with the tone of the series. I loved the small council meeting.

They didn't say Bran couldn't use his dick, they said Bran could never father children, they've been vulgar before but this wasn't one of those times. I liked the implications for future king's being named, rather than inherited. Feels like Westeros took a big step forwards.

The laughter at democracy made me laugh actually, very unexpected. Going the democracy route would have been lame anyway and predictable anyway.

Brienne leaving Sansa's side never crossed my mind, I don't think it's that big a deal. She's leader of the King's Guard to protect Sansa's brother, seems a good trade.

"No the writers forgot they had that entire chamber collapse." - I think some things need to be put down to creative license.

I do agree that Grey Worm accepting the rule of a king he doesn't know seems odd, but whatever. Like I said not everything is going to be watertight.



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So, I guess you've all been wondering what I think about the finale? Well, I enjoyed it:


I think the overall ending and what actually happened was good and fit the tone of the series. I think Bran becoming king was a surprise but then we kind of learned that he had basically wanted it from the very beginning and had done what he could to ensure his getting it. Brilliant.

Jon did the right thing by killing Daenerys, she was clearly not in her right state of mind and wasn't possible to dispersuade, however much a shame that was. She was good up till season 8 as was evident by Tyrion's speech in the cellar. I kind of wanted to know what happened when Jon was captured, though. I can't see how that could have ended without a fight between Grey Worm and Jon but apparently it did. (I was also surprised by Grey Worm's teleportation from the streets to the top of the stairs.) I find 

18 hours ago, Agent Gibbs said:

The way it should have played out, is Jon should have been on trial there, Grey Worm should have challenged him to a Trial by combat and Jon should have won (he went from hero to merciless butcher he didn’t deserve to go to Narth). After this the Sansa and some others should have said Jon was the rightful heir. Jon would again say he didn’t want it, renounce the throne and with Tyrion make the case for Bran. It would have had more impact and meaning then. Jon could have self-imposed exile, stating he was going north with the wildlings and/or to look for Drogon. That way they’d have dealt with him as intended, they would remove the inconsistency of Grey Worm agreeing and not had the oddity of him going to the nights watch, the force that defends against the white walkers and wildlings, which are gone or allies by this point AND we’d still get that Ghost reunion.

This would have made more sense. It also occurred to me how accepting Grey Worm was of the whole thing after Tyrion started to speak. It was like he just decided to shut up and go away. But with him gone, why should Jon then still be exiled? 

I had also expected that once Sansa took the North for her own, the other lords would do the same with their regions.


Overall, I have enjoyed season 8 but I feel that it was too rushed, everything went too fast with not much of the awesome character development that had been in prior seasons - this could be down to the characters not needing any further development, but that didn't seem like the truth. So I put it down to lazy writing. The acting, however, was great, and I really enjoyed the story for what was there. 


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I thought that the first 20 minutes of the final episode were quite good. The slow walk through the ruined city; Dany addressing her troops; Tyrion talking to Jon; Jon killing Dany. All those were fine for me. It managed to remain pretty tense (all credit to the score, which did most of the work), while putting in some pretty amazing shots.

Once Dany died though, it seemed to fall apart. I feel like Drogon should have killed Jon along with melting the Iron Throne (that bit was fucking cool). Why would he not? Jon seemed like such a loose end after that, this didn't know what to do with him.

The whole rest of the show felt like a bad parody. I didn't really have any issues with Bran becoming king, but the way they went about it was a bit flat. I think the reason why it felt weird is that the show essentially killed off all the interesting and best characters, and all you're left with are the supporting cast, who aren't enough to carry the show. It felt as though they'd had to pad out the number of Lords sitting around the dragon pit, since there weren't enough interesting ones left, and similarly, the members of the Small Council really seemed to have been scraped from the bottom of the barrel.

I don't understand why the series took such a nose-dive though. Didn't GRRM help at all? Are the books going to turn shit as well? Can't wait to find out!

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