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It's Christmas time and this is the time of year when I feel regret more than any other time. It's because I eat so much. I eat and then the meal is done, and I think "that wasn't actually that nice," but by that point I've stuffed my face and it's too late. I'm bloated and there's no way back. REGRET.


As for the rest of my life, more than anything else I regret the way I acted with a certain girl when I was 18. The move should've been made but it was not. A year of pining and whining; a year wasted. REGRET.


But then I kinda don't regret that year because now I'm pretty happy with my life, and a lot of that is down to the way that I acted that year; the way I acted like a numpty and all the things I learned from this down time. KINDA UNREGRET.


How's 'bout you?

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I'm the youngest in my family buy quite a way so I'm fairly lucky. My sister is almost decade older than me and my even older sister is twice that. Consequently in the past few years I've been made quite aware of regrets in one form of another. It's actually why I go to the gym manically. I don't want to wake up one day and find out I can't run as far or as fast as I want because of something I did (or didn't) do.


That's why I started parkour this year. I've been wanting to do it for a couple years but this summer I finally bothered to do it. If I have any real regrets it's that I didn't have this attitude a lot earlier. Better now than never, though.


There are things in my life that I wouldn't have wished upon myself (or anyone) but it's hard to regret them since they made me who I am. Although I do have one regret, but I understand why I did what I did - ideally I'd go back in time and change it but I could only do that with the hindsight I have...so, can't really regret that too much.


In short, as the great HST said, “Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?” I try to live by these words.



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Everything I've done has led me to this point in my life... I'm not overly ecstatic about my situation but it could be a lot worse. I don't really know how much happier I'd be if for example, I'd not dropped a few subjects in 6th form... I ended up going to college and doing ICT which I'm much more suited for.


At the moment I'm working in a pub and studying for a degree so I'm still in the planning stages of my future. Anything can still happen at this point so for now I have no regrets. Maybe in 10 years I'll be able to look back and see what decisions I should've made but for now I'm going to remain optimistic.

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I'm so full of regret. So many actions/events in/from my life are pregnant with regret.


It often hits me really out of the blue months after/later. Then I do something stupid related to it...


*vague/applies currently*


This, pretty much. I'm good at negative thought patterns and cyclical self abuse. Mostly I'd like to have been more driven or capable when I was younger so I wouldn't feel like I'd wasted my younger years on things that I would inevitably forget. Would like to not have been a fattie in my teen years so I would have gotten more play.


I have that weird unfeasable fantasy of going back in time with the cognitive powers and mindset I have now and inhabiting the body of my 8 year old self and blowing some minds. Could be kinda wierd though.

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One of the haunting memories I have is when I was the captain of the cub scouts football 5-a-side B-team during a tournament. Our keeper got sent off, so I went in goal for a penalty. I dived teh right way, even got a finger to it -- but it still went in. It's a bizarre thing to haunt me but it does. I even saved another penalty in the next match - from my school's 'best' footballer who went to a different cub scout group.


I regret taking the course I did for uni. I regret not being a better friend to... well, all my friends. I'm very bad at keeping in touch with anyone. I regret leaving sheffield as soon as I did, but then things down in Brighton haven't been all bad.


It's hard to regret things when you're happy with where you are.

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I used to be so full of regrets, things I did/said etc, but in the last couple of months I've just learnt to let it go, there's fuck all I can do about it now.


From that I do tend to find myself doing more things and stopping myself from saying no, for example going out on NYE, I don't want to go, but I'd rather go and find myself having a good/bad time, rather than wondering if I would.


Things like that make it easier to get on with things.

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I have two real regrets: not getting screened & diagnosed for dyspraxia earlier, and letting my school push me around with my choice of A Levels I should have done History and two of Politics/Maths/Economics/Philosophy & Ethics/Geography/German, and gone strait into a History & War Studies degree with a language.

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I often regret things I say as soon as they leave my mouth. There have been many, many times where I've opened my mouth trying to say something nice, and it has just totally not come out in the write way.


I also regret the way I act quite a lot. Especially with new people. They tend to like me for a few days/weeks if they see me regularly, but my personality is loud and if I don't like someone I can't really hide it. So people get very annoyed at me quite quickly. If I like someone I'll joke around with them too, but sometimes I go too far and jokingly 'insult' them in a way I think is funny, but they get upset about. This has happened a lot recently when I started a 6 month course, but hopefully I managed to reel it in a little.


Summary of the above - I met some people. After 14 weeks of seeing them every day one said that I was one of the most sarcastic people she'd ever met. I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing, but it's me.


[/huge tangent]

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