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Girls only liking bad guys is such a cliché, by the way. Stay good, Dyson!



Not me, obviously.


I'm a nice guy and I'd say I'm doing rather well for myself :P Saying that girls like being treated like shit only tells us that you, charlie, have yet to encounter and decent women that are actually worth the care and attention that all of us want.


If you want something meaningful then you should ignore the rules charlie posted.




And to everyone else who is taken aback by what I said.


You're absolutely wrong. It's a very simple concept. If you put a girl down with a comment she'll naturally try and make herself more attractive to you being the dominant male. Girls, like everyone else, like a bit of excitement in their lives. Obviously you're not meant to be a total wanker to them but keeping them on their toes helps you out so much. I've met loads of lovely girls when out and about in the pubs/bars and I'm consistently passed over because I was so nice to them. Where's the fun in that for them? Trust me, it works.


And I'm talking about just getting with girls rather than going with them for a relationship. Relationships are totally different territory.

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So I'm not wrong whatsoever :P


You could always just go one step further if it's all about sex, you know.


Where's the fun in that though? Half the fun is in the chase! :)


(And I still do actually think you're a wee bit wrong, I think putting her on the backfoot a little bit works well. Small things like taking a while to reply to texts, it makes her want you more.)

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And to everyone else who is taken aback by what I said.


You're absolutely wrong. It's a very simple concept. If you put a girl down with a comment she'll naturally try and make herself more attractive to you being the dominant male. Girls, like everyone else, like a bit of excitement in their lives. Obviously you're not meant to be a total wanker to them but keeping them on their toes helps you out so much. I've met loads of lovely girls when out and about in the pubs/bars and I'm consistently passed over because I was so nice to them. Where's the fun in that for them? Trust me, it works.


And I'm talking about just getting with girls rather than going with them for a relationship. Relationships are totally different territory.


Dude, if you put a girl down with a comment, she'll most probably slap you in the arsehole. And not in a nice way. And, probably rightfully so, too.


There's excitement, which is where you flirt and shtuff. But, putting a girl down just seems like the wrong way to do it. Unless you're joking about and you're teasing, in which case it's different.


Girls pretty much like confidence. Also, they like feeling special. So, making them feel like the only girl in the room, that would do eet.


I dunno, I don't know what the women are like in Scotland.

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Like this pretty much:




Good luck making her feel like she's the only one in the room.


She could dream a dream that she was the only girl there.


A dream within a dream. She could meet Leonardo Dicaprio along the way.


*in all seriousness, I was sick in my mouth when I saw that picture. I made a HWORRRRUP sound*

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*in all seriousness, I was sick in my mouth when I saw that picture. I made a HWORRRRUP sound*


You think that's bad:


A dream within a dream. She could meet Leonardo Dicaprio along the way.


We need to go deeper. *shudders*

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There's excitement, which is where you flirt and shtuff. But, putting a girl down just seems like the wrong way to do it. Unless you're joking about and you're teasing, in which case it's different.


Well you obviously do it in a flirty way, just putting her down isn't going to get you anywhere. Example, a girl asked me how old I thought she was which is the PERFECT opportunity for a neg. I knew she was 22-23 so I said 29. BOOM. She loved it.


I know a lot of you are completely against what I'm saying and think that it doesn't work at all, but time and time again people have proved these tips to be true when 'picking up girls'. What I'm saying isn't what to do when you're looking for a relationship, just trying to pick up a girl. There are loads of forums/books/articles dedicated to the subject; it's really all about psychology.


I gave the lifeguard at work a lift home this afternoon and was talking to her about the exact same thing and she was in the same viewpoint of you guys but I talked her round. She said that she hates it when a guy she's texting doesn't text back straight away and starts to get a bit annoyed, but when she finally gets the reply she absolutely loves it!

Edited by Charlie
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I think it all depends on how you actually say the words - if you deadpan it and then stare at her like a child killer then yes, she will probably be put off. You can practically say anything to a girl if you do it with a smile.


Thank you! It's all about how you pull it off. Say it one way and you can totally screw it up, say it another way and you'll be in there. :)

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Choose the one you like best and see her tomorrow night. Apologise and say already have plans to the other but that you would still like to go out on X day.




I know 2 things about girls.

1) They love being treated like shit

2) They love cock



They'll tell you otherwise, but it all boils down to this. Nice guys finish last which is why recently I've been working on being a bastard. Girls have always viewed me as the nice guy and it gets me nowhere. I've got to stop replying to texts, not give any Xs at the end, give them verbal abuse etc etc and they'll be constantly seeking my approval!


Get this man a pint, he has women totally nailed! Well done, now enjoy the fruits of your knowledge! haha.


Seriously, any guy who thinks he's getting anywhere playing the subserviant, weak and kiss arse male will get NOWHERE.


The fittest birds want the guy that controls them, not some wimp that grovels at their feet.

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Charlie you noob, don't be one of those guys, bullshit to ''nice guys finish last''.


Eurgh and don't generalise, it isn't fun.


I'm tired, 10 hours down 40 left. I'll hopefully be going back home for my birthday this weekend. My landlord has been even worse this week.

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Just drove up to Cambridge this morning to check where this place is for my interview/assessment day tomorrow. Not a bad drive at all just over an hour, not much traffic until I got there. Bad stuff though, my car was just under half a tank so whacked £20 in, took it just over half (I've only got a shit 1.1l engine) and I'd used most of that £20 on the one journey, so I had to put in another £15 to cover tomorrow.


I had some stuff done to my car last week, which included a new fuel pump. Dubious whether my dial is working properly or what ever. £20 use to easily fill it half way, surely petrol hasn't gone that mad.

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Took my car for an MOT yesterday. Never had two pages of fails before. And this is the newest car I've ever owned. So much for progress.


I was almost certain it was going to fail, it was just a question of whether it would be worth repairing it. It's not.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Get this man a pint, he has women totally nailed! Well done, now enjoy the fruits of your knowledge! haha.


Seriously, any guy who thinks he's getting anywhere playing the subserviant, weak and kiss arse male will get NOWHERE.


The fittest birds want the guy that controls them, not some wimp that grovels at their feet.


Do you woo girls with your Nintendo sales figures?

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Just drove up to Cambridge this morning to check where this place is for my interview/assessment day tomorrow. Not a bad drive at all just over an hour, not much traffic until I got there. Bad stuff though, my car was just under half a tank so whacked £20 in, took it just over half (I've only got a shit 1.1l engine) and I'd used most of that £20 on the one journey, so I had to put in another £15 to cover tomorrow.


I had some stuff done to my car last week, which included a new fuel pump. Dubious whether my dial is working properly or what ever. £20 use to easily fill it half way, surely petrol hasn't gone that mad.


It cost me £150 to get to my interview (I had to stop overnight.) I was gutted when I didn't get it.


You'll do great, Jagex are a pretty sweet company to work for!


Bad day: how is it morning (evening to you guys.) already?

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Well you obviously do it in a flirty way, just putting her down isn't going to get you anywhere. Example, a girl asked me how old I thought she was which is the PERFECT opportunity for a neg. I knew she was 22-23 so I said 29. BOOM. She loved it.


I know a lot of you are completely against what I'm saying and think that it doesn't work at all, but time and time again people have proved these tips to be true when 'picking up girls'. What I'm saying isn't what to do when you're looking for a relationship, just trying to pick up a girl. There are loads of forums/books/articles dedicated to the subject; it's really all about psychology.


I gave the lifeguard at work a lift home this afternoon and was talking to her about the exact same thing and she was in the same viewpoint of you guys but I talked her round. She said that she hates it when a guy she's texting doesn't text back straight away and starts to get a bit annoyed, but when she finally gets the reply she absolutely loves it!


Ugh...any women who fall for shallow tactics like that aren't worth time or effort. Seriously, what shit relationship material.


I'm sure we've had a conversation like this before which ended with my disapproval of your derogatory terminology for women and the notion of 'pulling' for a 'quick shag'. Honestly, it's not the kind of behaviour that leads to a fulfilling, respectful relationship and sadly this culture is too popular these days.

Edited by Sheikah
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Ugh...any women who fall for shallow tactics like that aren't worth time or effort. Seriously, what shit relationship material.


I'm sure we've ha a conversation like this before which ended with my disapproval of your derogatory terminology for women and the notion of 'pulling' for a 'quick shag'. Honestly, it's not the kind of behaviour that leads to a fulfilling, respectful relationship and sadly this culture is too popular these days.


In fairness to Charlie, he isn't looking for a relationship in this case. He is literally just looking for a quick bit of fun. So, if his tactics work, then more fool them, really.


I feel sheeeet. I woke up with a smashing headache and a really sore throat. Thought I'd go to the gym before work to sweat it off. But, a few hours afterwards, I felt worse. My nose is blocked, my head is thumping, my eyes are tired and my throat is sooore. The nose is definitely the worst part, though. I dread to think how many tissues I have used today.


To add to it, I was teaching a lesson about the environment/recycling. Teaching that whilst wasting a box of tissues on my nose. Kids must have thought I was crazy.

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In fairness to Charlie, he isn't looking for a relationship in this case. He is literally just looking for a quick bit of fun. So, if his tactics work, then more fool them, really.


Regardless of his desire for a stable relationship or not, his behaviour and beliefs about women are foul, and speak bound for his character.


His attempted scientific explanation of 'why women like dickeads' is laughable, obviously backed up with watertight scientific proof and not bullshit at all.

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