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I never said my logic was sound.


Though at the very least, if you're drunk enough you don't mind as much.


I'm not sure it would've made a difference in this case. :heh:


The girl probably poisoned everyone at the party. :blank:


... lol wut? :heh:


Why would you have been hungover before throwing up, Genius?! :p


I've been led to believe that hangovers can include throwing up, but perhaps I'm mistaken there?

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I've been led to believe that hangovers can include throwing up, but perhaps I'm mistaken there?


Hangovers don't cause throwing up, throwing up during a hangover is more like a tactical chunder. You do it because you think it'll make you feel better. Usually does for about 5 minutes.


What did you drink?

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Think about it - why else would she throw the party? Because she wanted to see you again? Really, Danny? Really?








Man I totally don't recognise your posts anymore Danny... I'm so used to associating you with your previous avatar!


Heh, I have had the Sherlock Holmes avatar for a very long time. :heh:


Hangovers don't cause throwing up, throwing up during a hangover is more like a tactical chunder. You do it because you think it'll make you feel better. Usually does for about 5 minutes.


What did you drink?


A lot of Somersby cider and a single shot of tequila, plus I tasted sips of other drinks. But I was reasonably sober again in the morning, so I doubt it was a direct consequence of drinking. Realistically it was just due to the harsh effect such nights have on my stomach; it's definitely not the first time it's been upset, but it's just never reacted this strongly before. Maybe I ate something that upset it, or it didn't like that tequila shot I took. :heh:


(I'm surprised this has sparked a discussion! :p)

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Was at a houseparty last night. Really good. Took quite a lot though, so anticipate not being able to sleep properly until Tuesday. Did manage 5 hours sleep earlier though. Had a fantastic night though -- was so ready for it to be hedonistic, but there was no one there appropriate, so instead I just lay about loving life.


Someone took James' bag though, which had my jumper and his most precious diary in it (which has his entries from when his boyfriend commited suicide) which was obviously a massive deal for him, and put a downer on the night. And meant I had to walk the 2 miles home at 9am in a t-shirt. [i had my iPod, and Super Bass to listen to, on repeat, so it was fine.]


Now have 7 hours worth of work to do before noon tomorrow morning. It's fine though, I'm surprisingly alert.

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^^ Tequila wins!


but yeah, I had one night where I had a few pints/or maybe ciders (but definately just several of one thing), then just one tequila shot and a night like Dannyboys followed! I think just sometimes something will set you off.

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I work in a teeny tiny call centre - 4 of us on the phones with a campaign manager and the owner making up the entire staff of the place. We work out of an old stable (lol), but of course this doesn't matter when you're on the phone - customers won't see you or the place!


We've recently attained a new 'contract' working for the monaco tourist authority, generally just calling London-based companies and seeing if they ever hold conferences or events in europe and whether they'd consider going to monaco. Tomorrow we're going to be 'entertaining' some people from the monaco board who are hoping to give us a 20-minute presentation. Been asked to go smart/casual, which is fine as I have smartcaj trousers and shorts and all that, but it's just going to be a bit... embarassing. On top of that I've had my brain cells rounded up and thoroughly waterboarded this weekend, so I feel tired as hell, and generally the feeling in the office is a bit odd at the moment as everyone is looking to jump ship. One colleague actually had a 20-minute phone interview in the middle of Friday.


I used to criticise people with a job who complained about their workday being slow or boring, but I really sympathise now.



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So quick question about something I am currently viewing as bad;


If some random bloke came on your friends suggestions and their profile picture of them stood there arm round your girlfriend how would you feel?


He isn't totally random she went to high school with him and I am vaguely aware of him, we bumped into him once when I was over in Canada. He isn't part of her core group of friends though. At the moment I'm fuming and want to have it out with her, because something and I dunno what just doesn't sit well with me right now. The other thing is though this happens on the day I've got to see the engagement ring I've been busting my guts to save for finally all done and finished. So I feel really down about things.



Ok so most dismissed this as nothing...now she's changed her picture to the same one as this guy.....

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Haha, deary me, I'm sure it'll be fine Jay, not your fault the office is small and a stable...right?


Mostly this dreaded feeling of going back to Cambridge, the issue is, I love my job, I really do and the team and my newish friends, but the place I'm living in is dire. I'm going to be buying a mini fridge and cooker just so I can eat properly >.<

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Ok so most dismissed this as nothing...now she's changed her picture to the same one as this guy.....


Just casually ask her about it then, something simple like talk about the photo and ask "good night out then?" or something like that. It could just be that she likes the way she looked in the photo or that it was infact a good night out.

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