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bad stuff thread.


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The last week or so has been utter shit.


Had two nights last week where I was at work til 1am, overtime which is normal rate. Then I got a letter from the job I applied for saying that I didn't get that.


And to top it all off, my mate comes round today for some gaming and a few laughs. Late this afternoon we had to move the cars so that my grandparents had room to get back into the drive with their caravan and whilst reversing out of the drive I caught the rear left side of my mate's fiesta, scraping both our bumpers in the process and knocking a headlight washer off of mine.


Words can't descibe how shit I feel, was not looking where I was going at all for some reason. Going to pay for the damage on his when he gets back to me with what it'll cost.


Gah. :(

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I think I'm going to get fired tomorrow. I wrote a stupid email about my manager to a co-worker (actually in reply to a co-worker, who is also likely to be fired) and they managed to find it during their random checks. I have a disciplinary hearing tomorrow at which the punishment will be decided. It means that depending on how the manager reacts, I could be gone by the end of the day tomorrow. This means I will have no income, which means I will not be able to afford the rent on the flat I share with my gf, which means she will hate me and we will have to move back in with our parents. It also means I have no job, and have lost (literally) my dream job at a magazine.


So yeah, I have had a bad day.

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What was the email? Was it genuine complaints or were you just bitching? If it's the former then you probably won't get fired anyway. I wouldn't have thought you'd get fired for the latter either. Unless you already have some warnings or something.


How long have you been there?

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I think I'm going to get fired tomorrow. I wrote a stupid email about my manager to a co-worker (actually in reply to a co-worker, who is also likely to be fired) and they managed to find it during their random checks. I have a disciplinary hearing tomorrow at which the punishment will be decided. It means that depending on how the manager reacts, I could be gone by the end of the day tomorrow. This means I will have no income, which means I will not be able to afford the rent on the flat I share with my gf, which means she will hate me and we will have to move back in with our parents. It also means I have no job, and have lost (literally) my dream job at a magazine.


So yeah, I have had a bad day.


Oh......shitting fuck. :(


How long have you been there?


Just over three months.


Hope everything turns out okay Dohnut. I put a video with the HBOS logo on with the contents being the employees getting drunk, swearing, talking about how there is no such thing as rape - only "surprise sex" and the pros and cons of drugs and I didn't get fired.


Seriously....hope it turns out okay. Be definitive proof that nice guys finish last if bad things happen.

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It was the latter :( There are genuine complaints but I didn't make them properly and I can't now really.


No warnings or anything like that, only been there a short time. Apparently my work has been really good too, but that won't have anything to do with it. All that will be considered are the facts, and the facts are that I sent a nasty email. Thing is I was just 'being one of the team' and trying to join in with people. As I'm new people are already in a group, so I feel like I need to work hard to get in with the other guys. That was basically what it was - some genuine complaints being twisted to 'be one of the lads'. It was incredibly stupid and I wish there was something to do about it, but there basically isn't. I've apologised to the guy in question (and I genuinely am sorry about it all) but there is no way for me to do anything else, which is just incredibly frustrating. What's even more frustrating is that everyone in the office does the exact same thing, but they haven't been caught. My editor said that if they checked everyone's emails they'd have to fire the whole office. Worst thing it is genuinely my dream job and losing it would basically ruin my life, at least for a few months until I can get a shitty job.


*epic sigh*


Thing I'm looking forward to least is telling my gf. Don't know whether to just tell her tonight, or wait to see what the outcome is tomorrow. I don't want her to worry, and I also know she will be incredibly disappointed in me. I just feel really sick :( Still, thanks for the support guys

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It was the latter :( There are genuine complaints but I didn't make them properly and I can't now really.


No warnings or anything like that, only been there a short time. Apparently my work has been really good too, but that won't have anything to do with it. All that will be considered are the facts, and the facts are that I sent a nasty email. Thing is I was just 'being one of the team' and trying to join in with people. As I'm new people are already in a group, so I feel like I need to work hard to get in with the other guys. That was basically what it was - some genuine complaints being twisted to 'be one of the lads'. It was incredibly stupid and I wish there was something to do about it, but there basically isn't. I've apologised to the guy in question (and I genuinely am sorry about it all) but there is no way for me to do anything else, which is just incredibly frustrating. What's even more frustrating is that everyone in the office does the exact same thing, but they haven't been caught. My editor said that if they checked everyone's emails they'd have to fire the whole office. Worst thing it is genuinely my dream job and losing it would basically ruin my life, at least for a few months until I can get a shitty job.


*epic sigh*


Thing I'm looking forward to least is telling my gf. Don't know whether to just tell her tonight, or wait to see what the outcome is tomorrow. I don't want her to worry, and I also know she will be incredibly disappointed in me. I just feel really sick :( Still, thanks for the support guys


At least know that what you have done really isn't terrible at all. Sometimes I wish we could just be straightforward, open and honest about our opinions instead of having to dance around things because of some perceived necessity for extreme politeness. If we didn't have to tread so carefully, people wouldn't be so sensitive to criticism.


If things turn out badly for you, I'm truly sorry. :(

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Thing I'm looking forward to least is telling my gf. Don't know whether to just tell her tonight, or wait to see what the outcome is tomorrow. I don't want her to worry, and I also know she will be incredibly disappointed in me. I just feel really sick :( Still, thanks for the support guys


(Don't tell her yet)


Thing is, do not blame yourself. Everyone does it. Everyone. Like you said, you're new and it is a really difficult position to be in. Sure you could have not replied, or said "I don't think you should say that"...but...you're a human fucking being. And you wouldn't have wanted to alienate yourself, and its everything in hindsight.


I know exactly how you feel. A stupid little shitty "mistake" not even a mistake just an occurence that everyone does, but that you've been pulled up on.


Seriously, hope it turns out okay dude. And the quality of your work may have a bearing on it (it did for me), so all hope is not lost.

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Man what a situation to be in :hmm:


Hope it all turns out okay.


From experience though, any bitching or complaining about anyone make sure it's through speech and in a quiet spot if at all. Anything written down can be used against you, hell companies even check facebook now.

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Just explain it how you did to us.


You had some complaints and you didn't feel you had been there long enough to complain in the proper way. In an ill advised attempt to fit in, you made a joke to a co-worker. Obviously don't tell the manager that everyone makes the jokes as it will only make him more pissed. Just say that in previous jobs, the best way to fit in was to mock/complain about someone in authority and you tried it here. If the message was particularly nasty, just blame it on a bad day.


All whilst saying sorry at the end of every sentence of course.



Does make me worry about my emails getting checked. May have to clean out my inbox/outbox.

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Just explain it how you did to us.


You had some complaints and you didn't feel you had been there long enough to complain in the proper way. In an ill advised attempt to fit in, you made a joke to a co-worker. Obviously don't tell the manager that everyone makes the jokes as it will only make him more pissed. Just say that in previous jobs, the best way to fit in was to mock/complain about someone in authority and you tried it here. If the message was particularly nasty, just blame it on a bad day.


All whilst saying sorry at the end of every sentence of course.



Does make me worry about my emails getting checked. May have to clean out my inbox/outbox.


I'd go with that.

Explain that what you did was wrong and keep explaining how you really want to be at that place of work. People say and do things in the heat of the moment, and it's not always a true reflection of what they feel and how they are.


I hope it goes ok, for you dude. Good luck.

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Just explain it how you did to us.


You had some complaints and you didn't feel you had been there long enough to complain in the proper way. In an ill advised attempt to fit in, you made a joke to a co-worker. Obviously don't tell the manager that everyone makes the jokes as it will only make him more pissed. Just say that in previous jobs, the best way to fit in was to mock/complain about someone in authority and you tried it here. If the message was particularly nasty, just blame it on a bad day.


All whilst saying sorry at the end of every sentence of course.



Does make me worry about my emails getting checked. May have to clean out my inbox/outbox.


This, except the underlined bit. That doesn't sound so good in my opinion.

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This, except the underlined bit. That doesn't sound so good in my opinion.


True, but what's the alternative? Say that everyone else was already doing it and he was trying to fit in? If he points that out the guy will feel stupid that the whole office hates him and it won't help the chances of being fired.


Could just not mention it I suppose. Just chalk it up to a bad day and an ill informed attempt at a joke/whinge.

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