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Had a really shitty day, had this bunch of wankers on facebook going round telling loads of my friends that I'm a paedophile.


Why do you have said wankers on facebook anyway?


Bit of a shitty day here too, I'd go into explaining, but why bother. :laughing:

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From spreading nasty lies about other people? And I thought I knew about the strange fetishes of the world ... :blank:


Oh, I thought you meant what form of enjoyment you get from being a paedophile. :p


But maybe there are people who get an erection by talking shit about other people.

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Oh, I thought you meant what form of enjoyment you get from being a paedophile. :p


But maybe there are people who get an erection by talking shit about people.


Heh, I figured afterwards that was probably what you meant. :heh: I do sympathise with people with problematic fetishes like paedophilia (and spreading lies about people :heh:), though. It must be hard. :hmm:

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Why do you have said wankers on facebook anyway?


I don't, I've had these people blocked since they tried starting trouble with me about a year ago.


... Who'd even do that for real? It's beyond my comprehension what form of enjoyment people get from such things.


Sickos, the people in question are really twisted. It's not the first time they've done something like this to me, and probably won't be the last.

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Woke up early to deal with builders installing the fireplace my mother's been dreaming of, got called in to work for the afternoon because someone's mother in law died, been spending the evening listening to my mother about how fucked we all are for money, for ever, and how fucked I am likely to be by extension.


This was my day off.

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Basically told my job runs out on friday.


Just as I arrive on my 'road' with my house on, my house burglar alarm goes off. No sign of anything. Worried there's a crafty ninja burglar sneaking from wardrobe to cupboard.


Cat snuck in after I shut the front door. Can't find it anywhere.

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Basically told my job runs out on friday.


Just as I arrive on my 'road' with my house on, my house burglar alarm goes off. No sign of anything. Worried there's a crafty ninja burglar sneaking from wardrobe to cupboard.


Cat snuck in after I shut the front door. Can't find it anywhere.


Sorry about the job situation.


I thought that second paragraph was gonna be a metaphor for the job lossage, but it didn't turn out that way. Poor form jay. :heh:

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I just noticed whilst washing my car that some cunt* has scratched the fuck out of my passenger side window. Raging, thankfully I can't really see it from the inside and doesn't obstruct my view or look like it needs repairing.


I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I like to keep things in good order. This has annoyed me.


* I may have done it de-icing in the winter, but its a lot concentrated stratches that make me think otherwise.

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I just noticed whilst washing my car that some cunt* has scratched the fuck out of my passenger side window.


I don't know why people even do stuff like that.


Unless you accidentally ran over/skinned their cat and they thought it was on purpose.

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I don't know why people even do stuff like that.


Unless you accidentally ran over/skinned their cat and they thought it was on purpose.


The only thing I can think of is if someone has tried to break into my car.


I noticed a few months after buying it the passenger does have a little gap like someones tried to wedge it open. Now I can't say if it was like that when I bought it or if it happened after. Possibly had a prang before I bought it I dunno.

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The only thing I can think of is if someone has tried to break into my car.


I noticed a few months after buying it the passenger does have a little gap like someones tried to wedge it open. Now I can't say if it was like that when I bought it or if it happened after. Possibly had a prang before I bought it I dunno.


You got a decent CD Player in your car? or (Stupid question) Keep your Sat Nav on display?

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You got a decent CD Player in your car? or (Stupid question) Keep your Sat Nav on display?


Nah, I've got a casette player xD. Sat Nav has only been in my car twice, keep it in it's box in my room. The only thing of value in the car is a £9.99 'casette on a string' for my iPod.


Or anything showing you're a dirty Arsenal fan? People might just want to destroy your car because of that :p


(I'm joking, sorry about your car damage)


Yeah there's a car kit, probably some spud taking it out on my car last night! :laughing:


Edit - The old man's official verdict is that I'm the silly cunt, and the window has been scratched by the rubber seal. I've barely had the window down, so I don't know where I stand on this one.

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I feel all sorts of shame and disgust at myself. I made the wrong decision, as I knew I probably had when agreeing to try things again with my girlfriend. 2 months since then and I know I've got to end it properly this time, but I don't want her to hate me, as she's a lovely person, but she's not someone I can be in a relationship with. I just can't bring myself to actually do it, and I'm leaving it too late which is totally unfair on the girl.


I've been talking to another girl that I've known for a few years now as a friend and we have hit it off quite a bit lately. I'm not thinking about running straight to her but I think that's what'll end up happening. There seems to be a bit of sexual tension between us and this is what's causing me anger and frustration. At myself. I'm the kind of guy I told myself I'd never be as a kid, the kind of guy you always hope you'll never turn in to.


Actually, I think Frank Turner put it best in his song Wisdom Teeth;


Oh yes my wisdom teeth have been giving me grief

They woke me up to find that I'm exactly the kind of

Guy I said that I'd rather be dead than be

In the days before I got laid.


I just never wanted this to be the way things worked out at all. I just want to crawl in to a hole and hope it all blows over, which to be honest I seem to be doing. I can't face up to myself and just man up and get it over with when, really, that's exactly what I need to do.


I didn't really know what to do with these thoughts and this post but I don't really have anyone to talk to at the moment. My best friend decided he'd cancel on me and our mate after we'd paid to come and see him and hasn't made an effort to get in touch with us so that friendship seems to be over. yeah. Sorry.

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I hate this. I am becoming more and more sleep deprived. I'm reluctant to call it insomnia because I am able to sleep, but never before 4 a.m. and never longer than 4 or 5 hours. This has been going on for months.


I had this problem 1 1/2 years ago and it went on for almost 6 months.


I feel all sorts of shame and disgust at myself. I made the wrong decision, as I knew I probably had when agreeing to try things again with my girlfriend. 2 months since then and I know I've got to end it properly this time, but I don't want her to hate me, as she's a lovely person, but she's not someone I can be in a relationship with. I just can't bring myself to actually do it, and I'm leaving it too late which is totally unfair on the girl.


I did the exact same thing, too. I broke up with my ex once, got back together, and after 1 month I broke up again. It's the worst thing I've ever done and I still feel ashamed.


BUT I know now that it was for the better. I wasn't happy with the relationship and I only made her more and more miserable. So I ended it. For good.


I was cursed at. A lot. And I deserved it.


Here's a BUT again :p After some time she was over me and found a new guy. And as I've heard she's happy.


I'm in a great relationship now with a really wonderful girl. And I'm happy.


What I want to say is, everything will turn out to be good eventually.

You should break up. That's all the advice I can give you.

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