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Whilst my Christmas wasn't as bad as some, my partner's family decided that the best way to react to our dog fear-barking was to bark back at him. It got to the point where he hid under the table and pissed himself. You'd think that would have made them stop, but nope. It carried on until we left the next day.

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8 hours ago, Goafer said:

Whilst my Christmas wasn't as bad as some, my partner's family decided that the best way to react to our dog fear-barking was to bark back at him. It got to the point where he hid under the table and pissed himself. You'd think that would have made them stop, but nope. It carried on until we left the next day.

I am amazed that you stayed until the next day. I honestly would have told them to fuck off and left.

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12 hours ago, Happenstance said:

I am amazed that you stayed until the next day. I honestly would have told them to fuck off and left.

Unfortunately I'd had a few drinks, so couldn't drive. I did take him upstairs whilst muttering "Yeah, that helped". Me and Maddie sat with him for a bit until he calmed down, then let him sleep upstairs.

He got his own back the next day though, as he shit in the middle of their bedroom and then pissed up their bed. He's been perfect with his house training up to this point, so I genuinely think it was spite.

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I think I’m ready to admit that I hate Christmas Day. 
I tend to look forward to Christmas and the time of year but then inevitably by the end of Christmas Day I end up feeling like shit. I’m sitting in my room feeling depressed about how pathetic my life is and then feeling guilty for not being downstairs spending time with family. 

I'm sorry to hear that and I know how you feel. December sucks balls. It's weird because a few years ago, I loved it. I was always throwing myself into Christmas and taking part and stuff. I done it extremely late this year. The first week of December is when my Grandad passed and it's always a very low point for me every year. I usually comfort-eat like crazy and hide it, I notice my OCD goes crazy too and I genuinely feel so low. This year, I was probably at my lowest because of the death anniversary, that whole crazy time with my family and also a friend from my old gym passed away but I was very lucky to have a friend to talk to and it massively helped. He's been awesome. It makes me realise that I'm lucky to have one friend in the world.

Talking really does help and if you need anything, we're always there. I feel you on the whole Christmas Day thing. I like the build-up but the day itself is just anti-climactic. I'm the same. I've been throwing myself into it and it worked for a bit. I had a sad moment because my family now consists of just me and my parents but then I remember that the people in my life are the ones who care and they are the people I should care about. The ones who have passed may be gone and I'll see them again one day. The ones who are bastards will always be bastards and I wouldn't want that in my life anyway.

It's why I'm cutting down the people I talk to drastically. I don't want any negativity or users any more. I want to feel good again and right now, I don't feel great about myself like I used to.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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On 1/5/2019 at 8:00 PM, Sméagol said:

So I have a pimple.


On the fucking inside of my eyelid. Maybe it's something else I don't know. It feels like one.

It's not visible to the naked eye.. It's pressing against my naked eye.


Can you get a pimple on the inside of your eyelid? I've had them on the end of my eyelid before but not inside.

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38 minutes ago, MoogleViper said:

Can you get a pimple on the inside of your eyelid? I've had them on the end of my eyelid before but not inside.

Maybe it's something else, but since it's a thin piece of skin anyway, and It feels like one, I think it is one. And I still have it. It's damn annoying. 

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55 minutes ago, bob said:

It might be an eyelash that got trapped under there and irritated the skin, causing it to swell and cause discomfort.

Source: i'm a dr

Not since you changed your nickname back!

But that could be it perhaps.. I actually did start to notice it after a bit of a sting, the one I usually have when one of those fucking eyelashes gets caught up there again. Seriously, I have a million of them, they keep falling out, but also keep growing back. And half of them end up in / on / beneath / behind my eye. There's no real swelling though. It's actually some kind of white junk like the stuff from pimples. But there's nothing to see from the outside.

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Not since you changed your nickname back!
But that could be it perhaps.. I actually did start to notice it after a bit of a sting, the one I usually have when one of those fucking eyelashes gets caught up there again. Seriously, I have a million of them, they keep falling out, but also keep growing back. And half of them end up in / on / beneath / behind my eye. There's no real swelling though. It's actually some kind of white junk like the stuff from pimples. But there's nothing to see from the outside.
If it lasts for more than a couple of days, you should probably go see a real doctor about it. Either there's something still in there, or it's become infected.
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I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...I hate hermes...

Seriously, I've been waiting since Wednesday for this parcel, Hermes says they tried to deliver it yesterday, which they didn't.Didn't leave a slip or anything.

I swear to god if I find out you're using Hermes to deliver to me then I won't be using you again!

Fuck Hermes!

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I have the same with DPD.

Really having trouble with the sleep recently. I find myself going to sleep for a few hours, then waking up around 3-4 and simply unable to go back, for the past couple of nights I've had to go downstairs and watch some TV for about 3-4 hours before I feel the need to go back to bed. And I'm not even napping in the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, bob said:

Slipped on some ice this morning and fell off my bike. Now my wrist hurts. It's not broken, but I really hope its just a temporary pain and nothing more serious.

I would say to put some ice on it but... you've probably had enough of ice for one day by the sounds of it.

In all seriousness though, I hope your wrist is OK, I know what it's like to come off your bike and to have injured your wrist as I've done so while moving boxes before.

It's good to exercise your wrist when you can, after its rested for a while but only if it doesn't hurt to do so, I've found the Power Ball to be quite helpful in recovery.

I think you can still get them, it's one of those gyroscopes in an enclosure which can be used to build up wrist movement gradually.

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I would say to put some ice on it but... you've probably had enough of ice for one day by the sounds of it.
In all seriousness though, I hope your wrist is OK, I know what it's like to come off your bike and to have injured your wrist as I've done so while moving boxes before.
It's good to exercise your wrist when you can, after its rested for a while but only if it doesn't hurt to do so, I've found the Power Ball to be quite helpful in recovery.
I think you can still get them, it's one of those gyroscopes in an enclosure which can be used to build up wrist movement gradually.
Those were all the rage when I was at uni. We called them wank trainers.

I think I'll see if I can get a wrist support on my way home, and then take it from there.
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3 minutes ago, bob said:

Those were all the rage when I was at uni. We called them wank trainers.

I think I'll see if I can get a wrist support on my way home, and then take it from there.

Yeah, I thought something similar when I first saw them but when I finally got one and started using it to recover from an injury, I did find it useful.

Probably best to start off with the wrist support though.

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  • 1 month later...

It's international women's day and I got a weird look from a female superior (not directly mine, though) because I answered "no" to her question: "So, did you guys already congratulate women today?".

This is gonna be a fun day, isn't it...

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4 hours ago, drahkon said:

It's international women's day and I got a weird look from a female superior (not directly mine, though) because I answered "no" to her question: "So, did you guys already congratulate women today?".

This is gonna be a fun day, isn't it...

We all know the correct answer was "Of course. Congratulations again Sharon for this awesome sandwich" before dancing around the office like an NFL player after a touchdown.

I like to congratulate them in absolutely everything. "Well done Sandra, you opened the shit out of that email. And the way you navigated that roundabout on the way to work? Ken Block-esque. Here, have some money"


Edited by Goafer
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5 hours ago, drahkon said:

It's international women's day and I got a weird look from a female superior (not directly mine, though) because I answered "no" to her question: "So, did you guys already congratulate women today?".

This is gonna be a fun day, isn't it...

Why is International Women's Day on the bad stuff thread?

Anyway I will be celebrating Video Games Day on the 12th September. 

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1 hour ago, drahkon said:

19th November.

If anybody congratulates me that day, I will lose my shit.

I did know there was one and I shall be ignoring it. I file it under "Being proud of something you have no control over/had nothing to do with" alongside patriotism.

35 minutes ago, sumo73 said:

Why is International Women's Day on the bad stuff thread?

Anyway I will be celebrating Video Games Day on the 12th September. 

I imagine because his coworker completely missed the point of the day and made it "You should congratulate women just for being women" instead of using it as a day to highlight inequality and gender issues and encourage genuine discussion/thought.

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