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Made a dick of myself at the petrol station, first I couldn't get my bloody cap off, luckily my dad was with me. Asked him to give me a hand, in doing so he pressed my central locking without me realising. He gets the cap off (huzzah!) then my car alarm goes off.. As if it was celebrating our small victory by playing its annoying noise. All the while people had begun looking at me.


Only wanted £15 worth of petrol to tide me over this week. :blush:


Not really a miserable event or a bad event, but we don't have an "embarassing moment" thread so meh.


Oh LAWL. :p


*massive hugs for rez*


Chin up mate, you are awesome and that place obvs doesn't know it!!!


It's lovely that Claire is looking out for you too :)

Thanks. :D


Yeah she is awesome/I'm lucky/undeserving. :p

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Just having one of those days where nothing really feels right.


It just dawned on me that my responsibilities and tasks at work will carry on increasing, but the likely hood of a pay rise is pretty much zero. I'm also losing all interest in it - the web coding part is pretty much out of the way and at the moment I'm just constantly adding items to eBay and the two websites, as well as dealing with customers (over emails/live chat). I just seem to be doing loads of stuff which is absurd for someone on mimimum wage (i.e. building the websites, I even went through CVs. did the job interviews and hired the newest staff member). I'm also liking the staff less and less - one in particular is getting really annoying. Especially how inconsistent he is with all his made-up stories and how he's sometime decent, and sometimes is a douche. My boss also keeps saying that the company will fall apart without me but I feel that there's nothing keeping me here. I'm also still living with my Grandparents, and I haven't had a single driving lesson. I also have no friends where I live now - they're all back in Wales (and my Uni friends are dotted about the country), so there is also mass loneliness.


I've now more than recovered from my debt form failing Uni. I think it's time for me look for a better-paid job that I'll enjoy more and that will mean I have enough money to rent my own place.

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Getting very sick of this course im on at the moment. Im just surrounded by either scummy idiots who talk about all the drugs they take or how many times theyve been in prison or arrogant tossers who just wont shut up about how awesome they are or how all their opinions are right and everyone else is wrong. Most days I just sit there getting more and more worked up and I cant even take something more interesting with me to pass the time like my DS or kindle because its very likely someone would try to steal them.

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Just having one of those days where nothing really feels right.


It just dawned on me that my responsibilities and tasks at work will carry on increasing, but the likely hood of a pay rise is pretty much zero. I'm also losing all interest in it - the web coding part is pretty much out of the way and at the moment I'm just constantly adding items to eBay and the two websites, as well as dealing with customers (over emails/live chat). I just seem to be doing loads of stuff which is absurd for someone on mimimum wage (i.e. building the websites, I even went through CVs. did the job interviews and hired the newest staff member). I'm also liking the staff less and less - one in particular is getting really annoying. Especially how inconsistent he is with all his made-up stories and how he's sometime decent, and sometimes is a douche. My boss also keeps saying that the company will fall apart without me but I feel that there's nothing keeping me here. I'm also still living with my Grandparents, and I haven't had a single driving lesson. I also have no friends where I live now - they're all back in Wales (and my Uni friends are dotted about the country), so there is also mass loneliness.


I've now more than recovered from my debt form failing Uni. I think it's time for me look for a better-paid job that I'll enjoy more and that will mean I have enough money to rent my own place.


Getting very sick of this course im on at the moment. Im just surrounded by either scummy idiots who talk about all the drugs they take or how many times theyve been in prison or arrogant tossers who just wont shut up about how awesome they are or how all their opinions are right and everyone else is wrong. Most days I just sit there getting more and more worked up and I cant even take something more interesting with me to pass the time like my DS or kindle because its very likely someone would try to steal them.


Man up, pussies.




Cube if you think its worth it, you should ask for a payrise before you leave - unless you have absolutely no desire to stay at all. (This sounds obvious and maybe you'll do it anyway) and hell....I've never had to ask for a pay rise.....I was considering leaving HBOS if I didn't get one, I was gonna tell em if my pay didn't increase then I would consider leaving, and then they gave me a good one. I guess its hard. But yeah.


And Happenstance, thats suxxors. Just remember that life burns blisteringly quickly and the course will be over "soon".

Edited by ReZourceman
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Its a 13 week course for unemployed bums such as myself to help get work. Its pretty rediculous at times. For one, you are told to apply for 3 jobs a day and if you dont then you get a warning and eventually kicked off. A lot of the time if you apply for 3 and then see a 4th, with this system you then leave that for the next day.


I also basically finish all that I need to do at 11 at the latest and then wait around until 4 to be able to go home, usually just doing some puzzle book etc. Another reason im being driven crazy is the fact that the course starts at 9:30 but because I live so far away I have to get up at 6:15 to get ready, get a bus into town and then a train into Oxford to do an hour or so's work that could be done at home.

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I feel so worn out these days because the idea of moving away from home and starting uni as well as all the preparations needed for those things keep weighting my mind down. This is one of those situations where I can still feel far too clearly that I'm autistic. I simply can't deal with having all these thoughts on my mind at once. The worst part is that I don't actually have much to do in my everyday life at the moment, so I simultaneously feel like I'm just whining and need to man up (apropos). I have to constantly remind myself that this is not the case.

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So, every weekend I play football. My friend organises it and since our old place has closed down we've had to relocate to another pitch, this time in East London. He lives in Richmond, which is miles away from everywhere and requires a train trip no matter what. However, instead of taking the train to where we usually play he's change the pitch to around Kilburn which is in North West London, so the total opposite where I live. I also cycle and he knows this so instead of the usual 5 mile cycle I now have an 18 miles round trip to get to the football.


He still has to take the train, it just takes him about 15 minutes less time.


Anyway, I didn't say anything. He sent a group message to everyone and I responded saying that if anyone wants to come to parkour with me beforehand, that'd be cool.I think I literally wrote two lines. About an hour later he posts on my wall to stop spamming his group message. This annoys me because I wasn't spamming and I put 'It's the least I could do after the 18 miles round cycle you've put me on.' Then he responds 'take a train like a normal person.'


Like a fucking 'normal person'? I HATE this phrase so much. I get it thrown at me all the fucking time. I remember one time at work, I was sitting there, doing my work, doing nothing out of the ordinary when one of the team leads swung round my chair and asked 'Why can't you just be normal?' Seriously, I'm so fucking fed up of people thinking I'm weird. Yes, I cycle, I actually like exercise, I like trying new/different things out. Why do so many people seem to have a problem with this.


Anyway, I jokingly respond 'Trains are for the weak.' This is my dumb catchphrase. Someone goes 'I wish we had some water.' I respond 'Water is for the weak.' (Whilst probably dying of dehydration). Then he responds 'and tiny bicycles are for children. whats your point?' I can't really explain how much this last comment fucks me off. Probably irrationally so.


I'm just feeling a constant wave of ridicule. It's not just this, I get it other times. On Tuesday I had to buy some shoes for this tango lesson me and my friend were trying out (Was weird, my friend had a real problem letting me lead but I think she was getting it by the end). I had the shoes in the library and my other friend looked at them and just started laughing hysterically. The worst thing is it is just so fucking predictable.


On top of all this, I've somehow managed to gain this reputation as a miserable cunt. Yeah, I complain about a fair few things but I'm pretty much always laughing about it, too. Like two months ago I was meeting with a friend and his best friend was coming too and he told me to not be a twat to him -as if I'm stunningly nasty to everyone I meet. I am nasty to no one unless they deserve it, genuinely deserve it.


I have no idea how I come across here. Probably arrogant and mouthy but I'm anything but in real life (at least outwardly).


To complete my wet fart teenage tantrum, I just feel like NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME!!


There's other shit I don't want to talk about either but yeah...I kind of feel like I'm about to reach breaking point.


I can't be bothered to proofread this. It probably doesn't make sense. It actually exhausts me just thinking about it.





...and just to lighten the mood.





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We're old friends. I'm just putting it down to a bad day/internet comment. It's just all these things are kind of building up and getting to me.


Pretty much anyone else and I'd have torn them a new one.


I hope so. Even old friends can change.


Sooo ... I've just had one of those hypochondriac moments, and now I don't know whether going to the doctor to get a check-up would be a silly waste of time or the sensible thing to do.

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Like two months ago I was meeting with a friend and his best friend was coming too and he told me to not be a twat to him -as if I'm stunningly nasty to everyone I meet. I am nasty to no one unless they deserve it, genuinely deserve it.


If it's any consolation, whenever you and I have ever met up you've been nothing but lovely company :)

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Sod it Daft, go insane! Go absolutely crazy, kidnap all the buggers annoying you and leave them tied up naked in a field in the middle of nowhere! The bastards probably deserve it! lol


EDIT - oh, and that picture you posted a couple posts back... so awesome! So, so awesome!

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Why do you have one of those tiny bicycles? [/not meant in a negative/judgmental way, genuine question. Is there a difference/reason why people have them...?]


Because he likes it. There are loads of different types of bikes, so you might as well get one you like, as (in daft's case) you'll be spending a lot of time on it.


I bought a rubbish bike just because it was cheap, spent a lot of time on it and hated it.

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Why do you have one of those tiny bicycles? [/not meant in a negative/judgmental way, genuine question. Is there a difference/reason why people have them...?]


Not really sure what you mean by tiny. It's a medium sized frame. It's a fixie if that's what you're referring to and the reasons why I have one of those is because it's low maintenance and I live in London, the city is flat, there is absolutely no need for gears. Also, ace exercise. It only makes complete sense to me.


They're definitely also a status thing. I'm not bothered with the status aspect, I only know one other person I see regularly who owns a fixie. I get called a hipster because of it and catch flak for my cycling cap (Or as other people call it "my stupid tiny hat"). The end of the day nothing compares to how much fun I have on it and when you enjoy something you do so often so much, everyone else can jam it - I honestly can't help but pity them a little. I'd be lying if I said I don't love the look of fixies over other bikes, but I do. They generally look sleeker. Plus, they're fun to customise. When you spend as much time as I do on a bike you might as well invest in it (both buying a bike you're comfortable riding and owning). Pretty much what Odwin said.


I'm planning to build one from scratch over the summer (I'd love to build the frame, too but I've looked around and courses are more expensive than an insanely good bike and miles outside London).


I didn't just pick up a fixie. I had other bikes before. None that I loved. Just ones I used and didn't really care for.

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