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bad stuff thread.


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LONG POST, but read it. It explains recent not huge activity from me.



No idea if this is the good or bad thread but I am aiming for it to be the bad thread.




Literally so sad recently. Claire said something to me yesterday which summed it up "Its sad/I get worried when you're not yourself."


So many things. Right. Supposed to be saving up to move out but almost seems like everything is against (me) recently.


Last few weeks have just been stupid though, more really with happiness than money.


So back in the swing of full time job. (Hours are 9-5:30) with 45 minutes for lunch. So yeah back to fucking stupid life bullshit where the weekends fucking vanish. The job itself....lel. God. Just. Ugh. Right so I kind of work with two different sides of the business. In the morning I do like all orders and stuff for shops....which is fine...it is easy stuff and i really don mind doing it. The thing is...there is fuck all work for me to do. There are two other people in the job that do it all day...yet I finish what Im allotted at likke 10am....like...I need to be given more responsibility or something. And they know this...but nothing happens.


The actual manager seems nice enough usually but...ugh...some things she does like...hounding on (one of the nicest guys there) because he couldnt describe a fucking poster to a customer....in the middle of a team meeting she hounds on this guy...first time it happened I felt so fucking awkward. Should have been discussed with him 121. Also she is fucking blind to the arse lickers...thinks the sun shines out of their ass...and apparently doesnt care that one of them constantly has the most errors.


So yes, the morning sucks but would be good if I haf stuff to do. But i dont so it drags.


The afternoon....training hasnt been amazing tbh. i was passed off like ....loads of work (three regions) to look after and administer...wasnt given much training and they just expect me to do it...i mean i am getting to grips with it now but its still difficult. and i cant always ask for help cos the trainer is on the phone...like he needs to be alloted timeto sit with me off the phone. I dunno. but beyond thatl...the work itself is so boring...its all paperwork and spreadsheets for customer queries...whihc are usually all the same thing (or at least along the same lines) (yet complicated as there may be different ways to deal - which is why its annoying/difficult) but Im literally like...only dealing with the paperwork and emails that come in regarding them and like the spreadsheets(s) so it seems really boring. I dunno.


So that is kind of getting me down. Then just bullshit things happen all the time. Last week got a parking ticket, customs charg and other shit. this week I puked up yesterday, felt sick and horrible all day at work, oh my car battery was dead yesterday....charged it last night, then this morning it transpires that something is fucked with the central locking now!! So rang up a inute to go to see how many fucking hundreds of pounds that might take to fix. Only rang a few places but the only answer I got was £40 for one day labour then plus whatever is wrong with it....shit like this that hangs in the background all the time. Why is this shit happeneninig. it just makes me so stressed on top of everything.






Man up would be my suggestion, and gain a bit of perspective (seen the news recently?) and what it would be like to have REAL issues.


(Said without meaning to sound too harsh)

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Man up would be my suggestion, and gain a bit of perspective (seen the news recently?) and what it would be like to have REAL issues.


(Said without meaning to sound too harsh)

By that logic no one should ever be upset about anything, because there are always people who have it worse. :indeed:



I hope things work out for you, ReZ. And you were so happy about getting that job not too long ago, too. :hmm:

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Why oh why are there no decent jobs out there? Hell, not even decent, even half decent would do but there's none around!

I'm willing to work for less money than I have been. I've been out of work for nearly 4 damn months now... it's doing my head in, I'm so fed up!

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By that logic no one should ever be upset about anything, because there are always people who have it worse. :indeed:


Yeah, ReZ isn't one to normally let himself be dragged down by such things. If he's down about it, it's not just something you have to "man yourself up" from. The psychological well-being of regular people (and not just people diagnosed with mental conditions) is something that's far too often overlooked, it seems. Too many times it's just shrugged off with people saying stuff like "pull yourself together" or "don't be a whiner".

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Man up would be my suggestion, and gain a bit of perspective (seen the news recently?)


Lol @ Egypt.








Anyway, cheers fellas. Yeah Dannyboy it is work really.


I forgot to mention that it was annoying/extra hard last week as they got me in at 8AM four times out of five, half of it for no reason. It doesn't sound that bad "oooh an hour early" but that means instead of getting up, feeling okay, popping online for a bit and doing 10 minutes or so of painting, its get up and go to work straight away.


And the reasons for getting me in were pointless/stupid anyway. Like one was they forgot to tell me the meeting was cancelled, so +1 hour onto my already small workload = :/



Anyway! After all of that post I had a meeting and it actually turned into an okay/alright day. I mean it still isn't amazing, and it probably won't be for at least a short while, but my manager had a catch up type talk with me, and she was like "Yeah we're gonna get you to do more work blah blah" essentially, and she told me a few anecdotes (she likes to waste time in meetings which is one good thing about her) :p


Also I've got a meeting on Friday, we're going to Birmingham Thursday afternoon, out for an Indian (paid for by them - win) and then hotel/meeting in the morning 8:30-12:30 ish, so I am kind of looking forward to that - it is a good thing, never did anything like this at HBOS.



And generall today the outlook is better, and my afternoon work is starting to make more sense. SO IT IS GOOD really. I mean I'm still "BLEHHH" at being back in the routine (and I'm in at 8:30 tomorrow) which is again a bit of a shit reason, cos' I asked for some help from someone today at about 1pm ish and then they said they'd come over, then they didn't and came over just before I was leaving and said can we do it at 8:30. Grateful for the help, but really I only needed to see her for 10 minutes. It just seems their work loads over that side are a bit big/or something.




Also my car is still gh3y but I think I've found a trick to it. At least from the outside, which doesn't help me on the inside. Have to see tomorrow.



MEH/GOOD/BAD, hopefully the good continues.

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Sorry to hear things havent been brilliant recently ReZ, dont worry though, me you and Goaf will have to meet up again soon to brighten your life back up!


Also whats with people saying "Man up" lately? Its barely ever a helpful comment, especially when telling people to see the rest of the worlds problems, just because bad stuff happens elsewhere doesnt mean smaller life problems are any less meaningful.

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(Lol, having just heard the news I saw the NZ stuff - which I didn't see due to work) :p



And yes Happenstance, that'd be good. When Claire and I eventually move out I'll have to get you round for a gaming night or something. Or you and I can talk comics and I'll roll up a sheet of tin foil for Goafer to play with. :p


(Incidentally I'll be going to Banbury for the first time on Thursday as our train swaps there)

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I think the implication is that at least you personally can laugh about it, they cannot, being dead and all. (hope I wasn't Captain Obvious there)


Any hoots, Rez, I know work is very sucky. Did you know we as a nation are working more but achieving less? Whenever I thought I was going to have bad days I would break up tasks in order to make myself feel like I was achieving more. It worked really well.


Spoke to my dad today, his contribution to the conversation was:


"We all know your grand fathers going to die soon, so don't be shocked."



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I did the old 'fall up the stairs in front of people you don't know' trick today...I was carrying 2 big folders which went everywhere...then I banged my head (from that fall) into some railing.


5 minutes later I dropped the same folder in the rain where all my noted were RUUINED!!








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Also whats with people saying "Man up" lately? Its barely ever a helpful comment, especially when telling people to see the rest of the worlds problems, just because bad stuff happens elsewhere doesnt mean smaller life problems are any less meaningful.




Cowboy the fuck up?

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Made a dick of myself at the petrol station, first I couldn't get my bloody cap off, luckily my dad was with me. Asked him to give me a hand, in doing so he pressed my central locking without me realising. He gets the cap off (huzzah!) then my car alarm goes off.. As if it was celebrating our small victory by playing its annoying noise. All the while people had begun looking at me.


Only wanted £15 worth of petrol to tide me over this week. :blush:


Not really a miserable event or a bad event, but we don't have an "embarassing moment" thread so meh.

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Woke up extremely hung over, with a massive headache. Never had a hungover headache before. Check my texts and I had texted my boyfriend saying I was sorry. Some girl, my friend's girlfriend actually, kissed me like twice, on the lips obviously. She had been kissing my other friend (a girl) on the swings out the back garden. She was kissing everyone really. So I told my boyfriend and now he says he can't trust me any more and that we'll discuss things later, whatever that entails. That's going to be a fun conversation.

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