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I was out running as usual, when some asshole in a van slowed down and shouted "Run, Forrest!" at me. The worst thing is I assumed it was one of my mates going to say hello, so I was taken aback and too slow to give him the finger and shout "twat".

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Left Sheffield yesterday because I just couldn't face being there anymore, and came home. Just got back from the doctors, and they've shoved me on beta-blockers, sleeping pills, and think I have stress induced IBS.


Seriously. I'm so angry. Having to explain that it wasn't exams, it wasn't a death in the family, but the cause of the stress has simply been the end of a relationship was so embarrassing.

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beta blockers AND sleeping pills? Sounds interesting... o_o


massive hugs for Slaggis - hope you get better asap. And you shouldn't be embarrassed about the stress thing AT ALL.


I've had a flipping rotten day. Spent 3 hours in the Royal Victoria Hospital, to be told that they will do NOTHING about my eyesight, and if I told the dvlni about it i'll get my driving licence invalidated. Yet no disability benefit. If I was blind in one eye I'd be able to drive with no issues AND with a disability badge... (my gran has this)


So I have no car, and with no practical other means to get in and out (bus is useless and standing around in the middle of winter will do nothing to help my arthritis) .... so how the fucking hell am I expected to work.


I feel a eye destroying "accident" coming on.... >_>

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Yesterday was a complete mess, my friend is basically driving me insane and I can't seem to get through to them (nicely of course) that if something isn't done, they will push everyone away.


Then I had an interview with all saints, crammed into a tiny room with several girls and made to sit on a box whilst asked stupid things, so I doubt I got that, given I was the only pale girl there.


Eurgh sucky day!

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So I was all set to do a job agency crawl in Bristol this afternoon, got all suited up, got my cv together, got as far as the petrol station to fill my car up then realised I'd forgotten my passport. So turned round to pick it up only to find that it's missing. Seriously cannot find it anywhere and know I'm freaking out as to where it may be.



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So I was all set to do a job agency crawl in Bristol this afternoon, got all suited up, got my cv together, got as far as the petrol station to fill my car up then realised I'd forgotten my passport. So turned round to pick it up only to find that it's missing. Seriously cannot find it anywhere and know I'm freaking out as to where it may be.




At least you didn't get as far as the harbour before realising.

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I've felt awful for past couple of days.


Too hot then too cold which keeps making me shiver. Aching body. All blocked up. I've been trying to sleep but I just can't get a good few hours solidly so its really annoying!


Eurgh, need to go into town as well, need to muster the energy!

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Blergh, stress is making me feel shit again I think. Body is all messed up, got stomach cramps and feel all bleh again. Can't even get myself to eat. =(

And I've got placement today so that's not good. I don't get why my body gets like this... I'm not even teaching yet today, just observing!


This doesn't bode well for next week when I do have to teach... ='(

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I'm not having a "bad day" as such, but I was going into town with my ma and we ended up talking about all the crap with my medical problems. She basically said its their fault for being cousins. I told her under no circumstance do I blame her or dad, but i do now feel really sad about the whole situation. Flips sake. I'm glad I exist rather than not at all :(


She also said that my sister feels really guilty because she's perfectly normal... she must be adopted or perhaps the milkman's child :heh:


its all very weird... its difficult being told the complete truth, even if you aren't to blame. I just want to tell them its okay and that i love them all :(

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I'm not having a "bad day" as such, but I was going into town with my ma and we ended up talking about all the crap with my medical problems. She basically said its their fault for being cousins. I told her under no circumstance do I blame her or dad, but i do now feel really sad about the whole situation. Flips sake. I'm glad I exist rather than not at all :(


She also said that my sister feels really guilty because she's perfectly normal... she must be adopted or perhaps the milkman's child :heh:


its all very weird... its difficult being told the complete truth, even if you aren't to blame. I just want to tell them its okay and that i love them all :(

Easy. If I recall correctly, it has been proven that the mingling of genes between cousins only causes detrimental effects if it is repeated for several generations. Even brother and sister wont result in the problems in the first generation, it'd take several before genetic issues would begin.


It's not their fault, it's just a random convergence. Just bad luck really.

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Easy. If I recall correctly, it has been proven that the mingling of genes between cousins only causes detrimental effects if it is repeated for several generations. Even brother and sister wont result in the problems in the first generation, it'd take several before genetic issues would begin.


It's not their fault, it's just a random convergence. Just bad luck really.


Yeah I agree.. my sister is completely normal... maybe too normal lol. I suppose for them, knowing there's a strong history of autoimmunity in both immediate sides of the family - its very hard for them to shrug off as "bad luck" no matter how many times I tell them I don't blame them lol

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Easy. If I recall correctly, it has been proven that the mingling of genes between cousins only causes detrimental effects if it is repeated for several generations. Even brother and sister wont result in the problems in the first generation, it'd take several before genetic issues would begin.


It's not their fault, it's just a random convergence. Just bad luck really.


Well it's more likely to cause problems, but yeah it's only after a few generations when it's more certain to cause problems.

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