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bad stuff thread.


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So this summer, my gym has closed, my brother has been in hospital, my Nan has died, my TV broke, the two lecturers at my Uni responsible for the entirety of my course (them being the only ones capable of teaching the most important subjects) have quit and the only girl I've really like in the last 10 months has kicked me out of her life for some other guy.


I really can't recall a time of so many crap things happening to me in such a short space. I'm almost ready to write off 2011 now...

... but on the plus side you got to meet me and many others from here! *really clutching at straws now!* :p


That's a lot of crap stuff have happen, but at least I think a lot of people can relate to it, so you can always talk more about it should you wish and not let anythig get you too down.


Don't go hitting the hyperdrive on the Blue Falcon to 2012 just yet.

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Unfortunately that sounds like my 2009/2010, it's slightly carried into this year too.


I really hope things look up for you CF. :hug:


If we factor in the rest of year, I've also had two pets die - one from old age and the other was poisoned - but I was just talking the last 2 months. Spanned over a year, I might not of minded so much.


But having all this crap dumped on me and then knowing I'll be going back to uni when the course will end up being a shadow of it's former self is just so... *sigh*


They've only just put up a recruitment position with interviews expected in the last week of September, so after we've already started back, and then they still have to select someone if any of them are even good enough.


It's supposed to be the most important year but it looks like it's going to be a bit of a farse.

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Augh, considering going deliberately tee total. I love beer and scotch and other varied delights though I've never drank heavily for any period. Over the past year however I've been noticing a distinct degradation in my own mental reaction to even small amounts of alcohol and now things feel like they've hit a peak. I had single small bottle of beer for the first time in a couple of weeks after having had a good day yesterday and spent the whole evening feeling like James Stewart in a Hitchcock movie. Deeply unpleasant.

Edited by gaggle64
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So this summer, my gym has closed, my brother has been in hospital, my Nan has died, my TV broke, the two lecturers at my Uni responsible for the entirety of my course (them being the only ones capable of teaching the most important subjects) have quit and the only girl I've really like in the last 10 months has kicked me out of her life for some other guy.


I really can't recall a time of so many crap things happening to me in such a short space. I'm almost ready to write off 2011 now...


Hope things start looking up from now :hug:

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... but on the plus side you got to meet me and many others from here! *really clutching at straws now!* :p



Well the meet was interesting and it did allow me to go and re-establish my friendship with a girl down that way after we hadn't spoken for 6 months following an argument.


It also meant I missed the last train home that day so I had to stop in London over night. But everywhere I went to was already booked up so at 3 in the morning, I gave up and just decided I'd go toward the train station and sat on the floor all night/morning until it opened.


On my way to the place, some woman asked for a sip of my drink... turns out she was a prostitue, so I threw my drink away (wasn't going to chance it) and no where was open I could get another from at that time. I had a headache at this point anyway so I could have done with it.


And whilst I thought my ticket was an open return, it was only open for the day and not the month like I normally have, so I had to buy a ticket on the day which cost me more than my original two tickets combined.


I didn't want to stay over night because it would cost me more to stay somewhere but I ended up staying, didn't get to sleep, and still forked out more than I planned.


So even that wasn't excellently the best weekend I could have had though the pluses outweighed the negatives overall.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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What is luck but an accident with a particular positive or negative outcome?


Luck is when you rely on something else. Captain didn't have to give the hooker the drink, nor did he have to be late and in fact I'm sure Captain has booked train tickets before so he should have known/ checked what the tickets were for. What luck was involved?

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Luck is when you rely on something else. Captain didn't have to give the hooker the drink, nor did he have to be late and in fact I'm sure Captain has booked train tickets before so he should have known/ checked what the tickets were for. What luck was involved?


To that though, I didn't know she was one - I was just trying to be nice to someone. It wasn't until after she gave it me back that she asked me if I fancied a "bit of fun".


And whilst I had agreed to meet my friend at a certain time, she herself was late in arriving. Had she turned up when planned, perhaps I wouldn't have missed my chance to come back the same day as the last train hadn't left at this point when I realise it was getting late - I just thought it impossible to get to the station in time.


Is it unlucky that I wasn't able to find somewhere to stay or is it statisically the most likely scenario in which case I was never never going to find one such short notice?


Not that I was saying any of that was unlucky or infact you were saying I was - I know you were talking to DannyBoy. I think there are lots of things we call luck when in fact they probably aren't. We have control over a lot more things than we like to admit but we don't as it's easier to blame "luck" or "fate" than than accept the truth.

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£200 to get a new oxygen sensor in my car... crap.


then as i went to pick up my car it was parked in by two cars. The owner moved one, but one was still like... really in the way. To make matters worse some arsehole parked me in then his wife decided to be a guide.... "turn it this way!!!" etc. I've got no depth perception so this is where I really struggle when it comes to driving, but I would have gotten it given time and no stupid nagging guide... Urgh. There was about two inches room between me and this VERY expensive 4x4 and i was shitting bricks trying not to hit it :(

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Luck is when you rely on something else. Captain didn't have to give the hooker the drink, nor did he have to be late and in fact I'm sure Captain has booked train tickets before so he should have known/ checked what the tickets were for. What luck was involved?


But with that attitude you can always shift the blame for everything on people themselves, can't you? Maybe some of the things were due to poor decision-making (that's a whole other topic of debate, though), but when the decision has been made, the rest is entirely up to chance/factors outside of our control. I'd argue there's always an amount of luck involed in any given situation, since we can never take all potential factors into account.


But again, I'm no expert on this topic of philosophical debate.

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Friday night and I'm sitting in the flat myself because I've got to work at 9am tomorrow morning. That wouldn't stop me from going out but I've got to drive so can't drink. Been sitting i nthe flat all day actually because I took the day off work because I was out last night. Been so bored. Watched The Matrix and will watch the 2nd one later on!

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Can't those friends separate themselves from their other halves for one night? :(


Have Sex or hang out with Pokémon Webmaster.


I know which I'd pick


I can only sympathise, my friends in Sheffield are much the same, the last two years were a bit of a pain and it became a nasty habit that I'd never see one person without the other.


Now I'm further away it's even worse.

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