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I have three alarms on my phone to wake me up for work and one to tell me when to leave.


I wake up this morning think my body is preempting my alarm.


It's 8:56.


I have 4 minutes to get into work.


At 30% battery my phone has turned itself off for reasons that are beyond me.


What the fuck...


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I have three alarms on my phone to wake me up for work and one to tell me when to leave.


I wake up this morning think my body is preempting my alarm.


It's 8:56.


I have 4 minutes to get into work.


At 30% battery my phone has turned itself off for reasons that are beyond me.


What the fuck...



I see you've met my phone.


Otherwise known as an iPhone.

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I managed to get into the client's office at 9:17. I'm pretty sure I broke sever land speed records.


And on top of that, almost everyone was at a meeting in another building so they were none the wiser.


I dodged a bullet, it seems.


Otherwise known as an iPhone.


Android here.

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I managed to get into the client's office at 9:17. I'm pretty sure I broke sever land speed records.


And on top of that, almost everyone was at a meeting in another building so they were none the wiser.


I dodged a bullet, it seems.




Android here.

Weird you say that because mine has started doing that last week. If it wasn't for Fitbit, I'd be fooked.

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I managed to get into the client's office at 9:17. I'm pretty sure I broke sever land speed records.


And on top of that, almost everyone was at a meeting in another building so they were none the wiser.


I dodged a bullet, it seems.




Android here.


I don't think it's an issue nowadays but a couple of years ago, iPhone were widely known to die with 30% battery remaining.

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So much for having my catheter out today.


The next time it can be removed is a week on Thursday.


This system is insane.

What the Hell! Can you not press them? That's pretty bad...


...and as if I didn't have enough on my plate, the entire roof of my mouth is now full of sores and ulcers and the pain is giving me bad headaches. Ugh!

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What the Hell! Can you not press them? That's pretty bad...


...and as if I didn't have enough on my plate, the entire roof of my mouth is now full of sores and ulcers and the pain is giving me bad headaches. Ugh!


I tried ringing them back, my GP and even the 111 number. Nada..


Requested to work from home to make it easier all round. :red:

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Went to see the doctors today and they said there's no way I can go back to work in the state I'm in and has given me a sick note for two weeks.


I don't necessarily get how sick pay works but I'd get it, right? I mean, I've given my manager my sick notes. I've not had to do this before.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Went to see the doctors today and they said there's no way I can go back to work in the state I'm in and has given me a sick note for two weeks.


I don't necessarily get how sick pay works but I'd get it, right? I mean, I've given my manager my sick notes. I've not had to do this before.



Check your contract. You may be entitled to be paid whilst off sick. If your contract is silent on the issue then you will get SSP at the rate that @Eddage has said.

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You'll get some money from statutory sick pay but it will be less than your normal wage - £88.45 a week according to the gov.uk website.

Thanks. Better than a kick in the bollocks and it's only a fortnight, I suppose. But I mean that's mine, right? There's no way they can't pay me?


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Thanks. Better than a kick in the bollocks and it's only a fortnight, I suppose. But I mean that's mine, right? There's no way they can't pay me?



They legally have to pay you the statutory sick pay but there are some caveats. The Government's website on this gives all the required information but in summary:


  • You don't get paid it for the first 3 days
  • You are taxed on it as normal.
  • You must earn £112 a week before tax.

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So as some of you who were at the Meet already know, I didn't hand in my master's thesis August 1st as originally planned.


I've always had exam anxiety as part of my general performance anxiety, but it's never been so bad that I couldn't handle it, even as it progressively got worse with the increasing size and difficulty of my university exams (I still did fairly well despite ending up writing most of my papers the night before). However, with my thesis, it has been absolutely terrible; my anxiety levels have been through the roof, and I realised I wasn't going to be able to do it.


At my university we get three attempts at each exam, so I've now used my first, and my due date has been moved three months, meaning I now have to hand it in November 1st. I have also arranged a doctor's appointment, coming up Monday, to get some help with my exam anxiety; at this point I'm exhausted trying to deal with it myself, and documentation from my doctor should help me get dispensation from the three attempts rule, should it become necessary.


After my thesis I should probably get some help with my performance anxiety and anxiety in general, but for now I'll focus on the exam aspect so I can get my thesis done.

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Yeah you get stat sick pay unless your job gives you full sick pay.


I've been off sick for just over a week, had a bad virus thats just knocked me down like a feather. Went to dr and explained that it was kicking my ass. Told him about my drugs (heavy duty immune suppressants) and as well as having had glandular fever and he sorta gasped a little bit and said any wonder you're struggling, signed me a sick note.


So ive spent all week couch surfing. First day i go out to get some vital things i need. Car breaks down. Get her to kwik fit and they took it in straight away and said it needs a new drop link. Luckily not expensive! But just what you need when you're trying to recover. Luckily my mum swooped in and took me for tea. Wasn't particularly upset, just bloody tired and sore.


Thankfully i get sick pay, i'd be snookered without it :/

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Yeah you get stat sick pay unless your job gives you full sick pay.


I've been off sick for just over a week, had a bad virus thats just knocked me down like a feather. Went to dr and explained that it was kicking my ass. Told him about my drugs (heavy duty immune suppressants) and as well as having had glandular fever and he sorta gasped a little bit and said any wonder you're struggling, signed me a sick note.


So ive spent all week couch surfing. First day i go out to get some vital things i need. Car breaks down. Get her to kwik fit and they took it in straight away and said it needs a new drop link. Luckily not expensive! But just what you need when you're trying to recover. Luckily my mum swooped in and took me for tea. Wasn't particularly upset, just bloody tired and sore.


Thankfully i get sick pay, i'd be snookered without it :/


Ah bloody cars! How you doing now?


I'm the same, been off for 2 weeks full pay, I get about 20-22 days a year. Tends to be a common theme for full time work I believe?

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Ah bloody cars! How you doing now?


I'm the same, been off for 2 weeks full pay, I get about 20-22 days a year. Tends to be a common theme for full time work I believe?


I think unless you're off with a major long term illness most jobs will just pay you your normal wage as the admin costs of giving you stat sick pay outweigh the savings.

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I think unless you're off with a major long term illness most jobs will just pay you your normal wage as the admin costs of giving you stat sick pay outweigh the savings.


Sounds about right. It depends on your contract too I suppose, mine is very clear about paying 20 or so days full time payment, but they'll bend rules here and there for long term employees.

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We were having a lovely holiday in Spain, only to have some fucker(s) try and ruin it...


While we were outside today, enjoying the sun by the pool, someone seems to have snuck into the house and stolen our wallets. How they did this we don't know, as I lock the side door, and the only open door is the one by the pool...


So they must've snuck past us somehow while we were out there (me reading a book, Jim listening to Spotify while sunbathing). Fucking scary.


Found our wallets in the front garden, all the money taken out. Bank cards still in there. Luckily I had hidden our credit cards and passports, and they didn't touch the laptop, car keys or other stuff. Just the money (not sure how much was in there, but more than €50...).


Stupid fuckers. :(

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Do you have travel insurance? Are you covered for theft?


I checked for travel insurance beforehand, but because we traveled from the UK to Belgium and from there on to Spain, they said I couldn't get cover (only flights directly from UK). Doubt it would have covered this "small" amount of money anyway.


Luckily I still have money in a different wallet (two different places even), but it's more just the fact that this makes me feel quite unsafe in my own (holiday) home. :(

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Try not to feel unsafe. Robbers like this are all about opportunity and sneakiness. They don't want to be caught, they don't want to be seen, they don't want a fight, and they won't come back now that they've already got away with it. Just keep your stuff somewhere safe, be glad you had money kept aside and enjoy the holiday :)


Shit happens, I got my wallet stolen in Italy and I was mostly gutted that the wallet itself was lost, and I was dumb and kept all my cards in the one place, at least you had the foresight to separate yours up.

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