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I'm in China on holiday. Had a great time in Beijing and am now visiting a friend in Xi'an. Sounds good except my friend basically just decided she didn't want me to be here any more, so made me leave her place and check into a hostel. I am utterly confused as to what I did to upset her, she actually didn't really give a reason. Really out a downer on this trip, I was having the time of my life and now I feel so lonely. I guess I've just got to get on with my trip and put this to the back of my mind, but I don't want to lose a friend over something so stupid. Never fallen out with anyone before so I don't know how to deal with this. Just want to get out of this city, can't wait until I leave for Hong Kong on Saturday.

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I'm in China on holiday. Had a great time in Beijing and am now visiting a friend in Xi'an. Sounds good except my friend basically just decided she didn't want me to be here any more, so made me leave her place and check into a hostel. I am utterly confused as to what I did to upset her, she actually didn't really give a reason. Really out a downer on this trip, I was having the time of my life and now I feel so lonely. I guess I've just got to get on with my trip and put this to the back of my mind, but I don't want to lose a friend over something so stupid. Never fallen out with anyone before so I don't know how to deal with this. Just want to get out of this city, can't wait until I leave for Hong Kong on Saturday.

Did you put the noodle bowl to your mouth and eat/drink? I think Tom Selleck did that in a film once and it was considered offensive.

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I'm in China on holiday. Had a great time in Beijing and am now visiting a friend in Xi'an. Sounds good except my friend basically just decided she didn't want me to be here any more, so made me leave her place and check into a hostel. I am utterly confused as to what I did to upset her, she actually didn't really give a reason. Really out a downer on this trip, I was having the time of my life and now I feel so lonely. I guess I've just got to get on with my trip and put this to the back of my mind, but I don't want to lose a friend over something so stupid. Never fallen out with anyone before so I don't know how to deal with this. Just want to get out of this city, can't wait until I leave for Hong Kong on Saturday.


That's ridiculous. You deserve to know why she threw you out.

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All I can think is she found me annoying when drunk last night. But you don't kick out a friend who has come half way across the world to visit you for being annoying when drunk. The whole situation is quite frankly ridiculous. Her loss I guess. I've been out and got on with my day but can't help but feel the disappointment sat inside me.

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TV broke on the weekend (then Amazon delivered the replacement to the wrong address and City FUCKING Link didn't show up to pick up the broken one). And now the fucking washing machine has packed up.


This has been my mood this week.



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can't wait until I leave for Hong Kong on Saturday.


Just some suggestions, you should go to this awesome food place . I have cravings about the food there. I wish I could go back again!


Also there' a great vegetarian restaurant . It's in the World Trade Centre in Causeway bay, at the top of the building there's also the very awesome Namco World Arcade.


... oh and you should also go to Jumbo Floating Restaurant. Just because!!


For trips go see the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island, eat the food in the Buddhist restaurant, it's great and super cheap.Also on the same Island is Tai O village, where people live in Shanty Houses on Stilts. Very interesting!


Take the bus up to the Peak from the bus station and catch the tram down, you'll save so much more time, and you won't have to wait in a queue for the tram!


Also, there's a really geeky/awesome shopping arcade in Mong Kok on Nathan Road called the Sino Centre, it's weird and wonderful.

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So, my job is great.


Why am I posting here? Because I'm down about it, I'm not sure I know enough, I've already got a client deadline for Friday and they want me to do a test when they've barely shown me how to do anything and just made me get on with things.


Its another 'we need testers, so you need to be up to speed - now.' bah, not again.


I'm so tempted to ring the agency that got me this and ask them for a gaming job. I'm about 70% ready to do so. What a wuss.

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All I can think is she found me annoying when drunk last night. But you don't kick out a friend who has come half way across the world to visit you for being annoying when drunk. The whole situation is quite frankly ridiculous. Her loss I guess. I've been out and got on with my day but can't help but feel the disappointment sat inside me.


Offer her to stay and yours as a way of apology.



Then kick her out the next day.

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So, my job is great.


Why am I posting here? Because I'm down about it, I'm not sure I know enough, I've already got a client deadline for Friday and they want me to do a test when they've barely shown me how to do anything and just made me get on with things.


Its another 'we need testers, so you need to be up to speed - now.' bah, not again.


I'm so tempted to ring the agency that got me this and ask them for a gaming job. I'm about 70% ready to do so. What a wuss.


Nobody was ever successful by doing what's comfortable. Man the fuck up and push through it.

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So, my job is great.


Why am I posting here? Because I'm down about it, I'm not sure I know enough, I've already got a client deadline for Friday and they want me to do a test when they've barely shown me how to do anything and just made me get on with things.


Its another 'we need testers, so you need to be up to speed - now.' bah, not again.


I'm so tempted to ring the agency that got me this and ask them for a gaming job. I'm about 70% ready to do so. What a wuss.


The advice I would give would be advice that I went through myself. Go with your gut but really think hard about whether it's for you. I mean, try and do this deadline and see what happens after that. Ask some questions. If you feel it isn't for you, try and find another job and then hand in your notice. If you think you can cope, stay there.




Also, @Mr\-Paul, your friend sounds like a total bitch. You paid for a flight to travel halfway around the world just to see her and she kicked you out without telling you why? Even if you were a little drunk, that's not a good enough reason to be kicked out, you're on holiday!


Here, just wondering something, has she got a man? Maybe he's the jealous type or something...




I got seriously uncomfortable in an Xbox party last night. Now, this wasn't exactly aimed at me but it was still really uncomfortable sitting there and I think I did the wrong thing...Also, sorry for the language but this is what happened and I don't mean any offence in any way. I'll spoiler it just in case.


I've known this guy I was speaking to for about two years now and everything seemed okay. He can be an arsehole but it wasn't ever anything serious until now so I'm going to call him Arse for the story. So anyway, I was in a party with him and my two other friends. I was playing South Park, my other two friends were playing Dead Island and Arse was playing FIFA 14. Arse is trying to get all of the achievements for FIFA and he's playing a match and things aren't going well for him. He's effing and beeing and just getting worked up. Then, it started.

A player must have done something he didn't like. He shouted "RUN, YOU FUCKING NIGGER!" and everyone was like silent. I'm not exactly a total prune and I don't really mind offensive jokes (not that he knows that but the other two know my view) but when people use it in a derogative term, I don't like it. Also, before I continue the story, he knows I'm mixed race. I said nothing.


At this point, I was a bit worked up. I still said nothing. My friend text-messaged me on the Xbox and asked if I was okay. I said "Sort of".

So then the player must have done something he hated again and I heard him growl a bit and then under his breath, I hear him say "Black bastard".

So then I asked to Private Chat to my other mate and told him how I felt. He said that he was actually really surprised with his behaviour as well and didn't say anything in case I didn't want anything said and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I didn't get why he was saying these things and he said "Not that it's right that he's saying it, of course, but the majority of the team he's playing with are black but that doesn't condone what he's saying in any way shape or form". So after talking a little more, I left the chat and joined the party again and he pissed off. About 10 seconds later, he disappeared. My mate said he went running but then I notice that they locked the party after he left so he wouldn't join again. I think they kicked him out, personally.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it and, for the first time in years, I didn't speak or say anything and now I'm sitting here, typing this, wishing I did. I might have words with him tonight because I feel worse now I've not said anything. I know it's not directed at me but I felt so uncomfortable being in there. It's a weird feeling, it was like school all over again of the first time I had racist comments. It was sort of like I noticed I wasn't the same as everyone else and I felt singled out because of something I couldn't help being. Not that that's a negative thing but it's just that feeling that someone could use such slurs and make a person feel that bad that they felt a little uncomfortable.

I still feel a bit shitty now, if I'm honest. I feel like I should've said something last night and I still feel like I should say something now. My friend in the party last night reckons I should speak up and tell him what for. Actually, I feel a bit worse today than I did last night. Usually, stuff like this I can ignore but this is the fourth time it's happened where I've had a friend be totally racist to me but it's the first time that it's happened where it wasn't aimed at me.


Am I being over the top? Ugh, I hate feeling like this! I feel like I am being over the top but then I don't. I felt singled out last night and it wasn't a nice feeling.


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My audition for The Chase failed. Out of the six people in out group four got on the shortlist (which doesn't guarantee actually being on the show) which was rather annoying. Since in part of the audition I did better than one woman who had confessed to being on a previous TV show.


Feeling rather cheated. Feel like some irrelevant details influenced them (one or two mentioned a hint of donating to charity) but hey, whatever makes me feel better.

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Started my new job/contract on Monday. It's 11:39 on Thursday and I've done absolutely nothign so far. At least I'm getting paid for it. Although as I don't have a business bank account I can't actually get the money which I desperately need...


Edit: 16:41 - I've just been told I'm doing a great job this week.

Edited by Charlie
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Left my bag in a taxi that had my 3DS in it, as well as Super Smash Bros Brawl, and two Wii motes with nunchucks and Wii Motion +, one of which came with Skyward Sword. It hasn't been handed in and it probably won't be. There was also a lot of leftover food in there :(:cry:

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