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bad stuff thread.


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Actually we have someone downstairs doing some sort of gait analysis that seems to involve walking in time to a (very loud) beat.


Basically means having the same 20 second clips music played on repeat. Never bothered me when i had headphones. Bothers me now.

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Ugh, looks like my lack of confidence is catching up to me again.


Lately I've just had the shittest things flying around in my head that this week has amounted to the point where I just basically think "oh fuck it" in the mornings and force myself back to sleep, skipping quite a few lessons. There's been a growing thought in my head that I've hit "the wall" so to speak, because I'm not feeling any improvement in my Japanese skills. The amount of classes I've been to and came out with these immense feeling of uneasiness has taken a toll on me.


There's one class I've been specifically avoiding. It was my favourite class because it was fairly relaxed and focussed on where I felt I studied best, social situations etc. Lately though, I seem to be overestimated by my teacher and the other students because I'm being left to basically spoon feed the other guy who came here from my university, who wont apply himself to anything for shit so I'm being asked to explain things to him such as the assignments and homework, and recently been told to pair with him for stuff I don't actually understand myself.


So today, check my emails and after 2 weeks of not going to said class, the teacher has entrusted one of her older students to find out the views of the 1 year only exchange students. I really hope the Japanese appreciate honesty and she doesn't take it to heart, but I've pretty much told them spot on how I feel and how this ties in my absence.


Part of me recognises the sad excuse I'm giving, but the pressure of being in a country for a good amount of time when I'm still so very weak at the language is hitting me. Especially with Christmas being just around the corner.

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First and best thing you can do is start going back the fuck to class. Learning anything is about plateaus rather than a constant, consistent accruing of knowledge. If this other guy is making you a sucka then say it to him - get him to take care of his own shit.




P.S. Not a sad excuse dude, just reality.

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First and best thing you can do is start going back the fuck to class. Learning anything is about plateaus rather than a constant' date=' consistent accruing of knowledge. If this other guy is making you a sucka then say it to him - get him to take care of his own shit.




P.S. Not a sad excuse dude, just reality.[/quote']


Agreed about the first point. I kicked my own ass out of bed for considering skipping another day and my teacher seemed to notice I was running on very little sleep.


I don't think the guy can help it though. He failed the course and had to do the resits. Problem is, you're entitled to resit the modules the next year if you fail the resit exam during the summer, but this is the very last year they're offering Japanese so judging by his level, they were incredibly lenient with the marketing to compensate for that fact. It just surprises me that a 33 year old senior student would allow himself to look that fucking helpless.


Guess the main point is that I've at least told them why I seem to be avoiding that particular lesson and that I'm going back into classes. I'm keeping up with all the voluntary stuff though such as the language exchange and English lessons, so I don't feel too bad just yet.

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So a few days ago i got up and i had this pain in my leg, at first i thought it was some sort of blood clot or something but it came and went and after a few days it went away completely and i forgot about it. This mornig i wake up and a fell a little pressure on the left side of my throat, made it a little hard to breath so i was coughing most of the day trying to get rid of it. Then when i was having dinner i feel something move from the left side of my throat and i could breath fine again then i get this wierd feeling in my head after a while.

The thing is, i'm completely paranoid and think this was the blood clot i thought i had from my leg pressing against my throat. Although i feel completely fine now and if it was a blood-clot that moved to my head i would probably be dead by now so i may be overreacting a little bit.

Maybe it was just some food caught in my throat or a muscle that kinda went in the wrong direction snapping back into place. Or my tonsils or something.

I'm probably gonna feel kinda stupid if i'm worrying over nothing.

Edited by martinist
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So a few days ago i got up and i had this pain in my leg, at first i thought it was some sort of blood clot or something but it came and went and after a few days it went away completely and i forgot about it. This mornig i wake up and a fell a little pressure on the left side of my throat, made it a little hard to breath so i was coughing most of the day trying to get rid of it. Then when i was having dinner i feel something move from the left side of my throat and i could breath fine again then i get this wierd feeling in my head after a while.

The thing is, i'm completely paranoid and think this was the blood clot i thought i had from my leg pressing against my throat. Although i feel completely fine now and if it was a blood-clot that moved to my head i would probably be dead by now so i may be overreacting a little bit.

Maybe it was just some food caught in my throat or a muscle that kinda went in the wrong direction snapping back into place. Or my tonsils or something.

I'm probably gonna feel kinda stupid if i'm worrying over nothing.


It wouldn't hurt to get it checked, though, would it?

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I was considering putting this in the good stuff thread, but just incase any one has been killed or seriously injured during this, figured I'd put it here.


Playing PSO2 as I usually do and 10 minutes ago experienced my first earthquake. Common for Japan, not so common for my area of it.


EDIT: Yeah, made a good call, it was a 7.4

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My housemate has gone for the weekend and left the living room in a right state (something she did on Thursday night in fact). I'm tempted to just shove it all on the sofa and move the sofa into her room. Plus she's put a load of clothes in the washing machine, guess she thinks I should just put those out.


Also fell over and injured my knee yesterday. Now I feel old, hobbling around everywhere.

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@Ashley Your housemate seems to cause you a lot of grief. From what you've put on here she seems quite inconsiderate of you.


Yesterday I slipped on ice on my scooter at the bottom of my street. I've never come off it before. I got trapped underneath and was sort of dragged with it into the junction past the street and onto the road. Lucky there wasn't any oncoming cars.


Needless to say I was very shaken up. My first reaction once I'd wriggled free was to try and pull my scooter out of the road so it wouldn't cause an accident. Luckily someone pulled up and helped me out with it.


Now my right leg, (the one trapped under the scooter) is swollen and the whole right side of my body aches like a bitch :(.

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@Ashley Your housemate seems to cause you a lot of grief. From what you've put on here she seems quite inconsiderate of you.


Yesterday I slipped on ice on my scooter at the bottom of my street. I've never come off it before. I got trapped underneath and was sort of dragged with it into the junction past the street and onto the road. Lucky there wasn't any oncoming cars.


Needless to say I was very shaken up. My first reaction once I'd wriggled free was to try and pull my scooter out of the road so it wouldn't cause an accident. Luckily someone pulled up and helped me out with it.


Now my right leg, (the one trapped under the scooter) is swollen and the whole right side of my body aches like a bitch :(.


It's probably skewed because this is the one place I can moan about it.


Sorry to hear about your accident, hope that you feel better soon!

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Bad stuff thread was on page 2? I thought this forum was meant to be miserable.


Anyway, I currently have no heating. Either it's broken or we've run out of oil. Probably the latter, but I can't be bothered to go outside and check. Especially as I can't do anything about it.


Cold Moogle is cold.

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Got far too drunk and made out with a girl that I've had the worlds biggest crush on for years, and we somehow ended up sleeping in the same bed, although we didn't actually do anything. I asked her out, to which she said no, probably because she thought I was just taking advantage of her being drunk.


Funnily, I posted about the same thing happening with this same girl about 4 years ago, and it was just as crushing then. But being the drunk, depressed fuck up that I am these days, I went ahead and argued with her about it for a while, and I'm pretty sure the entire house heard the conversation. Spend all yesterday with the worst hangover of my life, eating valium and knowing I've probably not only made an omnishambles of things with that girl forever, but I've probably lost a few friends over the incident too.


Woe is me.

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So apparently after going to the doctors tonight and complaining about a constant headache and room spinning dizzyness he says i have vertigo...yeay?


more pills for me!


One day I'm going to build the shrink ray from

and personally finally sort out everything that's wrong with you from the inside using laser beams and tight-white swim suits.
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Got told by a close friend that my girlfriend cheated on me, and they had a picture too. Not with just the one person either. So I broke up with her.


What the fuck. Did she say she loved you back recently? Fuck. Like Moogle said, if theres a silver lining, at least you haven't been together for years. How did it go down?

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