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bad stuff thread.


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Just under a year and a half. I was so confident, so happy. But I got totally blindsided.





Cheers m'dear, but buy me dinner first. ;)


....mmm.... No. Me thinks with liberally applied date rape drugs, I can have you out of the restaurant before you've even finished a breadstick. Net cost to me: two taxi rides. :)

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Raaaaage. Why are people such idiots? Our recycling hasn't been collected for at least 3 weeks because people are putting all kinds of crap that can't be recycled either inside the bin or around it. What is even more irritating is that they are continuing to pile the stuff around the bin, despite it not having been collected for weeks. You'd have thought that they would have some sort of idea by now that nobody is coming to get it.


I was just walking next to the bin a few minutes ago on my way to my flat, when I spotted this old woman trotting down the path in her housecoat, carrying binbags full of stuff, which she then just leaves in a pile next to the stash of un-collected recycled rubbish...Sometimes, I wish I was rude and abrupt, so that I could deliver the beatdown on this fool.

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Oh, I beg to differ! We had tremendous fun picking apart the terrible screenwriting, acting etc. :D


Yeees! There are so many things to make fun at/of. For a start (and this is noticeable within the first few minutes of the film), why is there this awful pale/aqua blue hue colourscheme going on in the film? It makes the film look like a dentist's reception from the 90s.


Secondly, what is wrong with Kristen Stewart? Why does it look like she is about to throw up in the middle of every line? Was she ill at the time of shooting or is this simply how she is or how she was told to act? Seriously. Annoying to watch.

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Secondly, what is wrong with Kristen Stewart? Why does it look like she is about to throw up in the middle of every line? Was she ill at the time of shooting or is this simply how she is or how she was told to act? Seriously. Annoying to watch.


Watch Snow White and the Huntsman, or Adventure Land. She is exactly the same in both of those. It's how she is.

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