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Or June then, whatever. I missed the initial deadline (as they needed a passport number and I had just sent mine away for renewal) but they extended it by a week and I got it in within that. Its the fact that every time I phone they've been too busy to even put me into a queue...apparently once you get through they can sort it in minutes, it just means constantly phoning until I can get into the 100th place in the queue and then wait 2 hours in said queue.

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Basically lived off £200 for the last 7 weeks. Since i got my job.


Job centre's methodology when it comes to 'encouraging' people back to work is nonsense. Got a part-time job where hours are between 0 and 20 hours a week, but excellent career potential. Just stupid timing with a bank holiday meant I didn't even know my claim had been cancelled until a fortnight later, where after 4 trips to the job centre and two 30 min phone calls and simply doing everything they told me to do, I'm now told, two weeks later, having still not received anything I won't get any back-pay reclaimed because I took those two weeks to apply for the backpayment of those two weeks -- which is silly because I didn't even know my claim had ended.


Then they say my claim started again 2 weeks ago, but they didn't pay me anything because they say I worked over 16 hours that week. Which I didn't. And I won't get anything for another two weeks.


I know I should be all inspired to look for jobs more, but the fact is I am looking, I have succeeded in getting a job, and I feel like I've been utterly punished for it. Fingers crossed on shit I'm waiting to hear on, eh.

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The landlord came to tell us how much rent we owe. Was told that my room (en-suite) would be £80 p/w, and the others would be £70. He gave us a price list that says that my room is £425 a month and the others are £375. It's a fucking joke. It doesn't include any bills, not even water. The house is a massive shithole as well. My room has damp, paint peeling off, plaster peeling off and even a piece of plasterboard missing. Only one hob works on the cooker (I think you can get a 2nd (out of four) to work if you try hard enough).


So now I don't know what to do. I'm certainly not paying £100+ p/w for this shithole. Also the only person in the house who had a copy of the contract, dropped out of uni and no longer lives with us.

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Phoned up Ponds Forge (Sheffield Swimming Centre) to ask for their opening hours for the pool and was given the wrong information! Spent the whole of Sunday in the city centre shopping then arrived at the Centre at 4.40pm to find out they were shutting in half an hour. *Grumble*


Both @DanDare and I were given free swim tickets so I decided to leave work early today and go for their afternoon slot. I arrived a few minutes late (as i'd been given the wrong parking information on the phone) only to find out their swimming session had been cancelled due to staff shortages!! Apparently I'm meant to phone and check whether or not there's enough staff before hand!?!

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I dislike at the moment (although this week is soooo good), but this day a year ago I was at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, fulfilling the dreams of my liftime.


But this week is too much. Today = Breaking Bad (insanity episode), Tuesday = Invincible, Wednesday = Lulz, Thursday = Last day at work, Friday = Thorpe Park, Saturday = Nando's and Casino, Sunday = Best all you can eat Chinese (non buffet) I've ever been to. Well best Chinese period. (blood win)


OH GOOD.....PC fucked again. £700 down drain win. :)

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The more you read about the original trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, the more you wonder how the fuck they ever got found guilty in the first place. The supposed evidence they had didn't actually link any of them to the crime. It's all the more baffling when you consider that the guy who did commit the crime got his sentence reduced by 14 years because he said sorry.


Just goes to show how screwed up the Italian Justice system is.

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