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bad stuff thread.


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Cheers guys, to be honest I'm not feeling too bad. I knew it was coming as he's been unwell for a while, strangely I feel worse about the fact that one of my dogs knows something isn't right, she keeps wandering around looking for the cat - they got on really well and would always play together.


Also when Ike was six we were told that he had six months left to live (kidney or liver problems - always forget which), that was six years ago so he's actually done very well for himself.

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Cheers guys, to be honest I'm not feeling too bad. I knew it was coming as he's been unwell for a while, strangely I feel worse about the fact that one of my dogs knows something isn't right,
Aww well that's crap, sorry to hear that man!

Hope everyones alright... take Jazz for a nice walk over the weekend and take her mind off it!

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Ugh, crap week. Had two horrible exams, not the issue, but obviously made me very stressed out. I had to tell my grandparents that I couldn't come home for Oak Apple Day because of exams. It's hard to explain, but it's quite a big deal to them. Then found out that my mum decided to book a holiday on the day of my graduation, and if I can't make the summer date then I going to have to wait til January to graduate. I'm very annoyed at her. And to top it all off, my laptop crashed yesterday. I've only had it for five months!



On the plus side, I won a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day on ebay.

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Aww well that's crap, sorry to hear that man!

Hope everyones alright... take Jazz for a nice walk over the weekend and take her mind off it!


The trouble with that at the moment is if we take Jazz anywhere then Tara just starts howling, she woke me up this morning when the parents were feeding the horses. Would take them both out but Tara is really stiff at the moment and I don't want her to overdo things - starting to show her age :rolleyes:

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Maybe someone here can help me undestand.


Today is a birthday party (only the party not the birthday) of someone I don't consider as a friend.

There will be several people (at least 5) who were friends but screwed things up (long story, a lot of lies that made my life more complicated) and I don't consider them as friends, either. They are nothing more than acquaintances. I don't hate them, I don't even not like them but with so many of them there I assume it's quite understandable that I'm not in the mood to go there. Or is it not?

By the way, I decided that I won't go almost a week ago. At that time I told my girlfriend (who will be at the party). Only now she's mad at me because after she asked again I still won't go. A lot of the others (some of those acquaintances) are angry, as well.


So..anybody? Explain the human race to me...

Edited by drahkon
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this occlusive contact is soooo weird.


I thought it was moving on my eye, because i'm seeing light coming through sometimes... just worked out whats causing it... Every time I'm exposed to minimal light my pupil is expanding, so the black dot gets smaller... when I'm exposed to lots of light the black dot covers the majority of my sight.... so I'm basically seeing a mirror image of my pupil expanding and contracting...





*shudders x a million*

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We had to have our cat put down this morning, feels... weird :(


Sorry to hear about that Eddage :( *man-hug* I know how much it sucks to lose a pet - had three put down over the years - anyway I hope you feel a bit better soon, just remember the good times and the happy life that you gave your cat over the years, it does help. :)

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You learn something new every day. Not that it changes anything, really, the negativity in every other thread is jarring. It'd have been the same for anyone else.


Though it was a little harsh. Apologies.


No worries, I certainly wouldn't try and use it as an excuse for the way I think. Fact is I never used to be like this, I used to be quite the optimist, when the wheelchair first arrived about 18 months ago I looked at it as a temporary thing, something I would only have to use on bad days. Those days have become more and more frequent though, and I know my attitude about life in general has started pissing people off. It's hard though, looking on the bright side when you are likely to be dead in five years, ten tops.



*waits for ReZ to post picture of an artichoke with crutches*


You're going to have to try harder than that, pretty sure I've heard artichoke before amongst the mass of vegetable jokes.


And to keep things on topic, my bank has informed me that they have no qualms about taking payments from my card when I have no money in the account.

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Returned from my night out. Uhr. It was a lovely night but, literally, the moment I took one step into my garden. VOOOOOOOOOOOMIT!


Of course it would have to be outside my house! :nono: Teasing has ensued from the Family.

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Eurgh, come on now, can they not start ignoring him? I'm tired of seeing him everywhere.


My bad stuff today isn't necessarily bad, unless you can see it that way, I'm just so bored! I've gone from having several ridiculous assignments, to never seeing anymore education.


I've never not had deadlines or a job or another year in education, this is some freaky shit.

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