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The snow is making people do some stupid things though, have seen a video of some guy sliding down a hill in Brighton naked on a tea tray, not sure if I should post it or not, but it's pretty funny.


You probably should, because I want to see it.

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I have no clue where this snow came from (ok, it was a dusting). Weather reports across several huge sites said South East Wales would get away with snow until Saturday, then there was a 50% chance of getting it (showers). They lied. Oh well, i don't mind the snow at all. I just don't want it turning to ice making it impassible.

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It's just started here, but possibly the weakest snow you could still get away with calling snow. It looks like RPG snow. Falls really slowly and there's hardly any of it.


I just hope nothing affects the trains tomorrow, I'm going back home to Caledonia.

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I don't know what weather forecasts you normally check, but the met office has been saying it'd be a light snow here in brighton today for 5 days. They're undecided whether it's going to be light snow/heavy snow/sleet tomorrow, and my dad's got a plane to catch so his hol's up in the air.


I don't mind if all the parcels don't arrive. It'll just spread the joy of christmas :)

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Cause I'm local I didn't get to go home any earlier either... :(


Where i used to work, they didn't care too much about me getting home. Only about those who drove (i got public transport in and out, and they didn't use the main roads on routes).


Probably why i was near last to leave, and if i failed to show up i was cut wages no matter what the weather was. Which was harsh.

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Thankfully though it seems that the washing machine delivery guy can still get through. Looking forward to being able to get my clothes washed again, I was starting to run out of clean ones.


Scratch that, looks like they got about 5 miles away then decided the roads were too bad. Gonna have to wait until next week now.

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I've been stuck indoors for the last few days due to an illness and I should probably still stay inside because I still have it but I wanted to get out today...but seems I can't.


Although I have very little food in the house so I may be stupid and go out.

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