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The audience in the cinemas


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Idea from Films You've Walked Out Of...


So I was reading a post by Supergrunch and how he said he laughed through Haunting in Connecticut, which might've annoyed the audience. So I thought of making this thread. Share your stories about the audiences in the cinemas. They can be about good, bad, annoying or funny...anything.


The one that sticks out in my mind is definitely when I went to see Saw IV with my family and I had a black woman with her boyfriend sitting next to me. The movie starts and when the traps were on, she'd start whispering to her boyfriend "Ooooohhh, no he di'ent just hit him! I'd have slapped his face!" and there was a trap involving someone and she was whispering "Well, he deserves it! Fucking asshole! Mmmmhm!". At a part of a movie, she was like "Mmmm mmmm. Don't open the damn door! Don't do it! He's in there, you know!" and when he did, she turns to her boyfriend and was saying "I told him! I told him, baby!" and the bloke simply said "Woman, shut your mouth!"


I tried to not laugh but it couldn't be helped. She was irritating but she was really funny. She reminded me of Brenda from Scary Movie when she's in the cinema making noise.


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I watched the original Saw in a New York cinema, and there were a few Brendas in there.


What I really hate though is when there are teenagers in a film which has no explosions and they get bored. Had one by the throat once when I was watching Gran Torino. And made a few leave while watching Invictus.


If you have no interest in the film, then why fucking go???

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Im usually fine with audiences in cinemas, the only time I really got annoyed was when I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (same showing I mentioned in the walking out thread) with Goafer and some little tossers were throwing things at some guy and his son. By the end of the movie I was so pissed off I shot up and went over to them to have a go, only one was left as he'd gone back for his sweets. All he said to me was ".......I only came back for my food" in a scared voice.

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The weirdest thing was when people actually APPLAUDED in the cinema during Die Hard 4 when McClane took out the helicopter with a car. APPLAUSE in a cinema...it's ridiculous...it's unheard of...it's so american.


When we went to see Scott Pilgrim, it also seemed the audience didn't get almost everything. Itwas just me, my friends and a few guys in the back row laughing at most of the jokes. That was extraordinarily weird.

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The weirdest thing was when people actually APPLAUDED in the cinema during Die Hard 4 when McClane took out the helicopter with a car. APPLAUSE in a cinema...it's ridiculous...it's unheard of...it's so american.


When we went to see Scott Pilgrim, it also seemed the audience didn't get almost everything. Itwas just me, my friends and a few guys in the back row laughing at most of the jokes. That was extraordinarily weird.


I know I went to the cinema recently and people were applauding but I can't remember what...it may have been TS3 at the Imax.


When I went to see Pulse some annoying teens in front of me were being annoying teens so I kicked the back of one of their chairs.


At TS3 (the first time I went to see it, which was the first showing in Birmingham on its release date) there were a bunch of school kids. Other than my annoyance at the teachers doing a half-arsed job of actually educating kids they sat in the VIP seating. I was asked to pay extra on my booked student ticket as they wouldn't accept my student card but were quite happy to let kids sit in the VIP seats they didn't pay for.


Went to see Lala Pipo last week at the Barbican and for the first time in ages the audience were all laughing quite vocally. Not been in an environment like that for a long time.

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The weirdest thing was when people actually APPLAUDED in the cinema during Die Hard 4 when McClane took out the helicopter with a car. APPLAUSE in a cinema...it's ridiculous...it's unheard of...it's so american.


Only time I have come across clapping in cinema was in Sydney watching transformers, at the end everyone stood up and applauded. I did as well. I love that film.


Never have any problems in cinemas where I live, We don't have any black people, and the way you guys are going on about it, those blacks are the root of the problem.


I did go see Toy Story 3 and there was a couple behind me and mates were talking like they were in a pub, about everything but the film. I moan but I didn't tell them to shut up.

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As I mentioned - In saw 2/3 there was a fat couple on the front row seemingly having sex. She was sitting on him facing the audience... It was weird. They cackled with laughter and left about 10 mins into the movie.


When I went to see Team America, my mate sitting next to me was That Awkward Guy Who Laughs At Everything By Himself. People were laughing at him. It was embarassing.

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While watching Freddy Vs. Jason , there were so many Brendas at the theater that the film was paused, the lights were turned back on and security came in and told everyone to shut up.


Worst cinema experience ever, on top of the movie itself being terrible.

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Back when I was in Middle School (I'm not sure what the equivalent is in the UK but here thats 12 year olds to 15 year olds) the school organized a field trip to the cinema every year the day before the winter holidays started. I don't know why, perhaps it was the fact that school would be out for two weeks afterwards, but the majority of the people from my school were always incredibly disrespectful. Tons of people were shouting across the theatre, throwing popcorn everywhere, talking on their phones, etc. It had to be one of the worst experiences I ever had a the cinema. To top it off, they applauded at the end, which if I didn't know any better would have made me think that the majority of them had never been to a cinema before.


Otherwise, younger children, especially in birthday parties tend to be the worst. They talk the entire time, they laugh during serious bits, they kick the back of your seat constantly, and the parents just sit there and accuse you of pedophilia if you politely ask the kid to stop kicking you. This is probably one of the biggest reasons I usually wait a few months and rent movies now, or just watch them on Netflix after a few years.

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The weirdest thing was when people actually APPLAUDED in the cinema during Die Hard 4 when McClane took out the helicopter with a car. APPLAUSE in a cinema...it's ridiculous...it's unheard of...it's so american.


It's not that weird in my experience. LOTR and the new Star Trek films being the big ones I can remember. Also Scott Pilgrim. And Tron and Labyrinth when I went to see them in the Prince Charles.


Oh, and everyone laughed through Episode II.

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Mcoy remembered when he was watching signs at the cinema.


Mcoy remembered it being such an awful film and the way the aliens die to water was hillarious. At the end a glass of water fell on an alien so Mcoy leapt off his chair and started cheering, Mcoy guessed the rest of the cinema was full of fairly young people because It was almost like a football stadium where a goal had been scored.

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People clapped at the end of The Dark Knight. But that was stunning, so it felt right. And Inglorious Basterds too.


I recall people also clapping at the end of iron man 2 as well, but that's more for the bit right of the end of the credits with the geeks (including me) squeeing. :D:laughing:

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I've punched a man for clapping at the end of a film.


I hate cinema crowds though.


I wait until the film is about to be stopped screening before I watch it.


The other day I went to watch Despicable Me at the cinema with my girlfriend and had to move from where we originally sat.


The three lads, firstly one of them wolf whistled my girlfriend (or perhaps me, I was wearing a very nice dress), which took me so much effort to not go crazy and and and.


Anyway, perhaps just as bad is that while sat behind them the black lad started making racist comments about a woman who was wearing a turban.


Called her a dirty Muslim, etc.


So much wrong with it.


This guy was black...


20 odd years ago if he'd just walked in a white guy would have probably made fun of him, calling him a dirty monkey or whatever racist shit people peddle.


So yeah I moved because the temptation to kick him as hard in the back of his head was immense.


I wanted to hear his neck snap.


Anyway, I don't like cinema crowds.

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Oh I think it was Inception! I think they clapped at the very end.


People here are somewhat stupid, so it was funny when Inception ended, because most people were looking around like chickens, not really getting anything, and everyone started talking asking each other "what the hell was that??? They didn't explain anything!!!" It was hilarious, I must say. :laughing:

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Haha, I remember at the end of that loads of people were wondering if that was all a dream or if... and loads of people saying, out loud of course, that if was/wasn't because the silly spinning thing didn't fall (different people thought it should have done different things).


That's the one nice thing about the crowds though, that feeling of communal thinking.


At the "twist" of The Happening there was the specific sense of everything thinking, "But... that was obvious".


And also at some point in Paranormal Activity 2 when the screen went black for a good 30 seconds without the lights going on yet, everyone wasn't sure if it was the ending or not.

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When I saw Inception in the cinema, there was a couple beside me which seemed to be, if not mildly retarded, then at least not the brightest bunch. Anyway, they just talked a bit during the film, not really that annoying. It was really nothing, but it's the worst I have. Oh, and it was so funny when Inception ended. My mate and I just looked at each other and laughed, both thinking: "Perfect ending!" :D

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I remember seeing Jeepers Creepers with my dad and stepmom (my first 15 certificate movie) and I remember, with every scare, these two girls screamed and then they started saying what scared them and then started going through the scene again, saying things like "Oh my God, did you just see him take his chest out? That made me jump so much, I screamed, hehehe" and it really annoyed me.

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Avatar 3D, Where it was all filmed in 3D I might add. douche of a girl walks infront of me with her boyfriend saying it wasn't very good because because she couldn't see the 3D, She claimed it was not as good as Final Destination 3D because it wasn't jumping out the screen at you......I could have smacked her in the chops.

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When I went to see Titanic there was this woman sitting two seats across from me who laughed at just about everything, in particular the scenes where it was totally inappropriate considering the nature of the actual event. Another woman on the other side of me kept shooting me death stares because she thought it was me laughing, which wasn't very pleasant, but no matter what was said to the cackler (by myself as well as others in her immediate vicinity), she just wouldn't stop. If anything the people telling her to keep it down just tickled her funny bone, making the entire movie that much more entertaining for her. She definitely spoiled it for me, as well as many other people unfortunate enough to be seated near her, but the kicker was after the movie was over. The death stare lady said really loudly to her partner as we were walking out, "It was such a tragic event and this STUPID girl next to me kept laughing through the WHOLE movie!" Naturally those around us heard her while she stared hatefully at me, but this random guy who must have been sitting somewhere behind me turned to her and said, "She was smart enough to leave before the lights came on," then he turned to me and said, "I don't know how you put up with her for so long, I couldn't have been that patient". Death stare lady turned red when she realised she was insulting the wrong person and scurried off as quickly as she could, but the whole experience was a bad one. I love that movie too, and have seen it many times since, but have never forgotten that loud and obnoxious woman who I'm sure many of us thought was a few cans short of a six pack ;-;


Another unpleasant experience was when these two teens were sitting behind me making out. I don't mind a couple of kids having a smooch in a dark cinema but my goodness they were loud. Long, wet, noisy, sloppy kissing through the entire movie isn't something anyone wants to hear, but I didn't want to spoil it for them by saying anything so I just changed seats and noticed a short time later that others were doing the same. If only the cinema hadn't been so packed during Titanic, I would have done the same.


Other than those two incidents my movie going experiences have been mainly good. As long as I don't have some tall dude sitting in front of me I'm happy ^-^.

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