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Job search (Thread rip)


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This whole job search thing is a bit of a pain, eh.


I emailed the Wedding people on Friday (am) asking what stage they were at (effectively). Last time I emailed the guy (to check my application had been received) he responded within about 2 minutes.


Its now Tuesday and I've not heard anything (albeit not working day Tuesday yet, but thats still two full working days.)


Le sigh.


Theres some DVD packing job, nearby which from the description seems to insinuate "We will hire anyone". But its low moneys. Sigh. Perhaps I might give it a go for a mobnth or so.

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This whole job search thing is a bit of a pain, eh.


I emailed the Wedding people on Friday (am) asking what stage they were at (effectively). Last time I emailed the guy (to check my application had been received) he responded within about 2 minutes.


Its now Tuesday and I've not heard anything (albeit not working day Tuesday yet, but thats still two full working days.)


Le sigh.


Theres some DVD packing job, nearby which from the description seems to insinuate "We will hire anyone". But its low moneys. Sigh. Perhaps I might give it a go for a mobnth or so.

I hate it when they just do not reply/follow up emails.


That's what I've had to do atm, just take back an old job which is crap hours, crap pay, but it'll just have to do for a while until I get some money in again and until I can find something I'd really like to do.

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Mother fuckers. I sent another email.




Thanks for getting in touch.


We have now filled the role. We will be communicating this to all candidates in the near future.


Thanks for your interest in the role.






Cunts didn't even give me an interview, clearly their loss.




Thanks for the speedy response, a shame I could not join the team and prove myself to be fantastic. I wish every luck for the successful applicant.


Many thanks

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I have just basically given up job searching. What is the point of it, when absolutly zero employers seem to be taking anyone on below the age of 25. Between September (when i lost my job) and November (now), i have applied for over 200 jobs. Yes that is correct, 200 jobs.


Out of these 200, i've heard back from 30. Out of these, i have got 4 job interviews. Missed out on a 5th because i was attending a job interview already, and had some snobby person tell me they are not interested in someone looking for other work.


Been rejected from 3 places i used to work at, 2 because i wasn't skilled enough (bull really, one of them was MY old job but thats a different story) and 1 because the manager didn't want someone who doesn't like being pushed around back.


Had 1 job offer, some 60 miles away in a town where i can't get to easily for 8am without re-locating, and can't go to anyway because it isn't based in 1 town, but in 4 or 5 towns.


So, in 2 and a bit months i've had not much success. I'm not sure if i want to carry on, but i may.


And other things which drive me nuts, i was watching C4 news the other day and there was a women practically giving a lecture to a young lad who didn't have a job. She basically said to him he isn't doing enough to get work, but the news reporter said he was doing more than enough and he just isn't what employers are looking for. He even set a challenge to the women to get a job in a month, she failed and admitted it is a lot harder than what it once was.

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I'm at the point where not hearing anything back or rejections from programming jobs have actually demotivated me enough that I've not really done any programming work/practice/projects for a good few months. It's an evil cycle that will cause difficulty should I then get a successful app.

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My big problem is just not hearing back at all from studios.


I haven't been very active in applying and such lately... but when I was being rather active about it I sent out something like 80 applications... and literally heard back from ONE studio.




Which then they gave me an art test that I failed haha.


It's rough, but I gotta get back to it.

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*Email back saying position is not yet filled*


*Ring up*


*Position filled*




Dunno wtf to apply for now, theres shit all on this town. Hatey hatey hate hate hatey hatey hate...la la la laalalaalalalalalalfffssshhhhhhhhfuuuuu. (Lol)


Perhaps they heard that Michael Jamieson (aka Rezourceman) is the creator of such things as Rez Daily and Comedy Rainbow. And not someone who has a brain of knowledge full of useful information.

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This is true.


I've found another and applied, a part time customer service gee. Role seems to suit me down to the ground, it even says "needs soh" so I'm basically a shoe in. Mother fuckers better see to it.


It will go the same way as all other applications. It is a near cert.

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I'm currently refusing to work in retail. Emailing companies seeing if there's any prospects, applying for jobs to find they've filled the position already, and generally Hating The World. I'm not at the stage where I NEEEEED money, so I'll probably turn to retail in a couple of months.


Job agencies is the next step, really. I'm scared of doing telesales due to my hearing, and I can't do barwork because of my eyes. The job centre are 'sympathetic' with my situation and are trying to get me some help/guidance but the first 'course' they sent me to closed down two days after they sent me a letter for an appointment, and the other one has taken 6 weeks to get on with it and have just sent me a "we are processing your information" letter.


The worst thing about it all is people constantly asking me how the job situation is. It's shit, thanks for reminding me. I have no idea what to do with my life, thanks for reminding me.

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Did you get to the job centre safe and sound the other day, Dan?


ReZ; I put signing on off for... 4 months? Truth be told all that did was cost me a bumful of money. If you send them your CV (after they accept your claim) they can actually get you job interviews without you having to do anything.

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Can't believe its come to this. There truely are no jobs out there.


I'm applying for this place which is a job that is essentially my old job just at a different company. Literally don't want to do it, but kind of have to now. Sigh.


It'd be so funny if I DIDN'T get this. Because I'm more than "perfect" for the role, so it'll just mean I can't get anything.


Hate. Don't want. Blah.

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Can't believe its come to this. There truely are no jobs out there.


I'm applying for this place which is a job that is essentially my old job just at a different company. Literally don't want to do it, but kind of have to now. Sigh.


It'd be so funny if I DIDN'T get this. Because I'm more than "perfect" for the role, so it'll just mean I can't get anything.


Hate. Don't want. Blah.


I'm thinking of selling blood, just as a way to get income greater than the feckin dole.


It is surprising how you can live within the means of the £52 a week, well it surprises me anyway.

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