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N-E Winter Meet!


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Remember how there were talks about doing more regular meets? Not just during summer? Because they're that fun that we'd like to have them more than once a year, obviously.


There had been talks about maybe doing a winter meet-up, but so far no thread has been made yet. So I figured I would start the discussion to see if there's any interest. Even though I'm not sure I can make it myself. =P



But yes, if you fancy meeting up some people from this very forum, this is your chance. Set up a meet-up in your area, or help organise a bigger meet-up somewhere (like London) to meet lots of cool/crazy/sexy people! Maybe if there's snow there can be an awesome snowball fight. Or building the sexiest snowman/woman. Or just sitting in a pub and slowly getting drunk while talking about how political messages in films and music affect today's youth and the way they perceive life and how this leads them to getting depressed and eventually rotting their lives away playing videogames. Or something like that.


Anyone interested in meeting up, this is your place to set things up!

Time to stop stalking your favourite N-E members and finally meet them in the flesh! (Just beware of ReZ, he might take this literally.)

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Anything is open. You're free to arrange a meet-up at any time, with anyone.




As for me personally, I'm in the UK from December 27 until January 7, actually being in London on the 27th. So if a meet-up is on then I can go, but I doubt anyone will be wanting to meet at that time. =P

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Spending time with the family over the holidays. Plus being jobless doesn't help either. As soon as there is a summer meet announced, my name will be on that list. Just be aware and Eenuh can vouch here, that when i get alcohol inside of me, i can do nutty things.


I don't mind having a meet around Wales around December/January time. I know there was talk of one last year, which never came to be.

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I vote for somewhere more up north than London for a change, total hike for a lot of people on this forum.


Newcastle/Sheffield/Manchester/Leeds I don't really care.


You're always free to set up a meet-up there if you want. Like has been said many times before, there can be multiple meet-ups going on at different times/places. =)

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I vote for somewhere more up north than London for a change, total hike for a lot of people on this forum.


Newcastle/Sheffield/Manchester/Leeds I don't really care.


This. Unless you get incredibly lucky with advance tickets, or set off at 5am or something, it's usually in the region of £50-£100 for a return trip for northerners. Ridiculously expensive just to go to London for the day.

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Wut, I can get to Liverpool and back for £50 the night before from Canterbury, which is like far southeast London.


And why do people always complain about the trip to London when you can just do your own meet. Nothing stopping you northerners just not coming to london and meeting each other close by >_<

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Mcoy will not be able to attend but he may be able to dispatch a diplomatic associate who can fill in for Mcoy's place.


Brilliant. :grin:


This meet idea is really born out of the fact that we'll be "passing through" London and will be there for 2 days or so. Nothing's really stopping anybody from making a meet idea in Newcastle or whatever. London really made sense for the Summer event as its a capital city, there's something for everyone to do there, etc. If the N-E meet took place in France, it would probably be hosted in Paris.

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The East Midlands! It may be a little east than the normal midlands. But it's in the middle.

Or building the sexiest snowman/woman.

We all know Hard-On the Snowman cannot be beat. Especially in that spit-roast.

Or just sitting in a pub and slowly getting drunk while talking about how political messages in films and music affect today's youth and the way they perceive life and how this leads them to getting depressed and eventually rotting their lives away playing videogames. Or something like that.

I tried that with Dan and Nightwolf. They were well frigid.

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Hmm...I think London is out of my reach a bit :/ i could probably scratch the money together but just wouldn't have the time, sense of direction etc. unfortunately.

I'd say somewhere like Dublin is my limit :p

Of course, everone could just come to where I live. A bustling, lively, dramatic, crazy, village where there's always something to do*! :p



* look at sheep, cycle and go to the local butchers...

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If anyone wants to meet up in London, Jim and I will there in December.

Basically the 27th is when we're there (though we do plan to visit Hyde Park/Winter Wonderland with the two of us). We leave somewhere on the 28th, though plans haven't been made yet.


So if anyone wants to stalk us, feel free to come! =P

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