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To Martinist: Well, it's still better then "Enterprise."


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Ladies & gents, one year ago I swore to weave for my good friend a tale of magic, fantasy and woe of such startling proportions and originality it would explode the cortex of the galactic consciousness. Unfortunately, I'm lazy, so here's this instead:

All was lost. The Enterprise was uncontactable, either in flames or going down with zombie Ryker firmly installed at the helm. Outside they could the ravenous, high pitched squealing of a thousand syphilitic Wesley Crushers, mewling and clawing at each other like a parade of Jersey Houswives on fire.

"Damn." Captain Picard sat down on the counter of the pornography store they had taken shelter in and hung his bald, fluorescent head in his hands. "At least we can still get a good cup of tea before the barricades fall."

"Dammit man!" Martinist slapped him hard about the face. "We've been in this situation before! In fact EXACTLY this situation before! Honestly, it's really quite uncanny..." He stopped as as a weak, girlish limb hammered feebly at the wood.

"It's only a matter of hours now. I don't think beating them to death with your dick is going to work this time. All is lost." He looked up, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "Martinist, would you... one last time?"

Martinist nodded and their lips locked together in a long passionate embrace, pulsating over each others mouths like a pair of slugs in a rainstorm. The cracking of wood and violent screams caused them to break and look to the door where they expected to see which syphilitic Wesely clone would be the harbinger of their destruction. Except it wasn't.

"Oh my god!" Exclaimed Picard. "It's Jackie Chan!"



Edited by gaggle64
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I ewecxpect you to haver that wrigfht ndone by newxt christmass, Arthur!! Wesly should die of zombiew AIDS!!! and santa shoujld be bads ass and lkill all teh szombies! witht Jackie cChan! with kung fu actiong like i've never sween beforew!!!

Edited by martinist
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I ewecxpect you to haver that wrigfht ndone by newxt christmass, Arthur!! Wesly should die of zombiew AIDS!!! and santa shoujld be bads ass and lkill all teh szombies! witht Jackie cChan! with kung fu actiong like i've never sween beforew!!!


... pure roffles :P


Happy Birthdrizzle, the most martin of ALL martins! Kinda.

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