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a few snaps from my weekend away


Found an awesome sweet shop that sold nerds and toxic waste, haven't seen nerds or waste in years so had to purchase! -



Saw these people sleeping very high up and near some rocks we were clambering over, made us all chuckle -



went to lands end, and now really motivated to do the Land's end to John O Groats cycle next summer, training starting tomorrow! (I need a lot of training)


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Lands End wowed me when I went there last year. I wasn't really expecting a great deal... just your normeal outlook on the sea... but there was something different about it.

It was a FANTASTIC pamorama and really felt like you were on the edge of something final!


I'd like to go to John O Groats now too... but don't think I'll be cycling! :p

*mind you I'm only saying that because I haven't cycled for ages, but it would be something great to do!*

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We think he's about 7, though the rescue wasn't entirely sure, he's got one eye poor thing and is a bit thin at the moment, but he's very funny.


I didn't think I'd like him, but he's a lot better now he's had a trim and so bloody tame! We've not had to train him or do anything. Which is strange given he was wandering the streets (in Ireland, apparently there's a massive dog problem over there?) for a long time.

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I went to my parents yesterday, and decided to go looking for all my old consoles and snapped some pics of them, then when I got home, went a bit nuts and took some pictures of my newer consoles too. Here is the majority of my collection, missing from the pics are my Gameboy Colour, Zelda Game & Watch, Pikachu pet thing, Playstation 2, 2 Sega Gamegears and 2 Xbox 360's (one old white, one new shiny black)


The consoles i've left at my parents -consolesr.jpg

Master System Gun & SNES Mouse -bitsp.jpg

My GBA's - 46668403.jpg

My GBA's Again - 49463848.jpg

MY DS's - 31595002.jpg

My DS's Again - 22535763.jpg

Dusty PS3 - dustyps3.jpg

My Wii's - 36387025.jpg

My Red Wii & Silver Cube - varianth.jpg

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