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Earlier in the week, my friend who I work with asked me to do a favour for them. She previously worked at an activities centre, where her fiancé now works. On Friday morning, some of the trainee instructors were holding a free Sailing lesson, in which they would be assessed. So, they needed volunteers to be taught by these instructors.


I said I'd go, with another friend from work. It was at Calshot, which I've never been to before, but luckily I found the place ok. It's quite neat how it's all set out. It used to be an airbase, and the hangers are now used for different things, such as housing boats, the inside has been used for rock-climbing, etc.


The guy who was going with me didn't turn up, which was a bit shit. But, I had a fucking brilliant time. Looooved going out on the water, especially in that lovely weather. Got to play about with the sail, as well as manoeuvre the boat, and a few other things.


Unfortunately, I was only out there for the hour instead of all morning, because I had to get back in time for work. I was gutted, could easily have spent the whole day out there.


I want a boat now. :laughing:

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Or, at least, Sky's coverage.


I essentially arranged the hiring of a massive 80ft crane to Sky News from a company I'm "working" for, so they can cover the wedding at the end of the month.


So yeah. Cool? I dunno.


Essentially I set it up last week but I called them back today to check on something and it's actually only just clicked NOW that it was me that got the contract. Like... Shit. Lol. Wtf? yeah. Means nothing. But lol. Totes telling it to my g'kids.

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It was at Calshot, which I've never been to before, but luckily I found the place ok. It's quite neat how it's all set out. It used to be an airbase, and the hangers are now used for different things, such as housing boats, the inside has been used for rock-climbing, etc.


Irrelevant but that's near where I live!!!!!!!!!!!

Indoooor Ski sloooopes are fun fun fun!

It has a castle too on the end!

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Getting really addicted to Rock Band 3 leaderboard positions. The game makes it so easy to track where you are and how you're doing. I don't hold any #1 spots yet but I have gotten close - #14th on Anamanaguchi's Airbrushed and #15th on How We Operate by Gomez (even after dropping a note - if I'd hit it, I would have been higher.. damn it!).


It's just the most fun, playing the song and it telling you "You're ranked #Xth in the world!", having that buildup and excitement. It's been keeping me going lately :)



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If you're lucky, a nearby GAME store may have a preowned original (pre-lite) DS for sale. If I recall correctly, they're £40 (may even have gone down to £30..!) without a game. Whack Pokemon in there and it's £60-70. And you're sorted for handheld goodness! Old DS games may go down in price quite a bit when the 3DS picks up steam, so you'll be able to play some classics for not much money at all. : peace:

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Pre-owned DS is a good idea, don't know why I've never thought of it...maybe because they're not advertised as much as pre-owned games! I will probably go out looking for one once I finish college (next month). I can deal with not having Black by going back to Sapphire for a bit! :)

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Getting really addicted to Rock Band 3 leaderboard positions. The game makes it so easy to track where you are and how you're doing. I don't hold any #1 spots yet but I have gotten close - #14th on Anamanaguchi's Airbrushed and #15th on How We Operate by Gomez (even after dropping a note - if I'd hit it, I would have been higher.. damn it!).

I have the same, except for... Pokémon cards.


58th in the UK! Result. And around all of the top 20 are from the East Midlands. Tourism spot for sure.

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Went out last night. First cocktails with Kat and Chris, my bests. I love how it's so easy being friends with Kat. You literally don't have to make any effort, because the effort makes itself, because she's so great. We spend loads of time having lolz at various iPhone things. [she has this app called "Fit or Fugly", and you take a photo of a person, and it judges how hot you are (using some weird symmetry thing / guestimate / random number generator) . Both me and Kat got 10/10, and Chris got 4. I love. Really unfair and unrepresentative.] [This is Kat Knight BTW, I have three greats called Kat -- Kat Finch, Kat Scott and Kat Knight.]


Then went to GHQ, gay club. Was stunned, because it was really sparse, but so many there were blatantly playable characters. If there had been an accident, a TV show would have blatantly been triggered, LOST-style, where randoms gain significance. Kept locking eyes with a beautiful guy, and smiling. Eventually plucked up courage and went up to him.


He's so nice. We struck it off immediately. Having jokes and banter.


Going to list everything about him that's amazing, because it's too difficult to fit into sentences:


- Works for SPCA (Scottish version of RSCPA). Helps baby seals and foxes. (I died, and was reborn)

- Is a drummer. Likes heavy music. But also had Rihanna playing in his car. Has coarse hands from drumming.

- Is 29, but looks much younger. Genuinely thought he was like... 25.

- Is built otter-style. Nice arms.

- Has a fantastic ass, blatantly does squats.

- Has a BMW. And isn't a prick. [Does not compute] And most fantastic thing about this is that obviously he was driving, so wasn't drinking, but was actually really fun company. And it therefore wasn't just a "I'm drunk. You're drunk" thing.

- Is very Scottish. From Fife.

- Just got out of a 3 year relationship, a month ago. I'm the first guy he's kissed since.

- Has sleeve tattoos. And a nipple ring. And minimalistic ear piercings (helix and tragus). But everything feels done well. Not shitely "I work in Forbidden Planet" style, more "My brother's a tattoo artist, and I look great".

- He's invited me round to his house tonight. Going to go to the gym just now to buffen myself up a bit (too little too late, I know).


Basically my fave person. Called Robbie/Robert/Bob/Bobby. Swapping numbers, he added me as "John Nice Smile". Yesss.

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Changed my mind / gender is fluid / somedays I wake up a new person.


[Plus, would massively disagree that banter is a bloke thing, since some of the jokiest people I know are women.]


I would say in general that women take jokes and things to heart so it's hard to have proper 'banter' with them. I was round at a mates last night and there 5 or 6 guys there and one girl (who I don't actually like, but that has nothing to do with this) and she wasn't into our patter at all. Apparently girls don't like being involved in conversations about wank rags, pumping birds and football. Learn something new everyday.







On a positive note from my post in the bad shit thread. I'm lining up a night out tonight to get absolutely fucked and try and find a bird. Totally gagging for it. Also I got a good 4 hours out in the sun this afternoon so my skin is glowing and looking good! Hair is going nicely blonde too so I'll have my "Greek God" (my Gran's words) look on the go tonight!

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Made the most fantastic steak today. The sauce was really the best part, heated a bit of soya cream with a half a beef stock cube, then simmered. Added some Dijon mustard, a bunch of ground peppercorns and a dab of white wine, but the thing that made it amazing was the ground (and stupidly expensive) pine nuts that I tossed in there that gave it a fucking amazing texture and taste. Aweeeesome =D

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I would say in general that women take jokes and things to heart so it's hard to have proper 'banter' with them. I was round at a mates last night and there 5 or 6 guys there and one girl (who I don't actually like, but that has nothing to do with this) and she wasn't into our patter at all. Apparently girls don't like being involved in conversations about wank rags, pumping birds and football. Learn something new everyday.


In my experience that depends entirely on the girl(s) in question. I know both the types you and chair describe.

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I have banter with females.


Had a good couple of days. Went to my old stomping ground (i.e. undergrad uni) yesterday and met a friend and we went to his and just chilled out in the garden. In spite of his house mate knocking around (she's one of the most boring people in the world) it was nice. An odd night but nice nonetheless. Glass of straight JD, a bud and a bottle of red. Needless to say I woke up about 4am a little bit thirsty :p


Then today I met my nan in town to help her with some stuff then went to meet my married friends and my 'nieces' who I hadn't seen in over a year. The youngest was a bit uneasy at first because I've not seen her since she was a baby but she soon perked up. Played LBP2 with one of them. Its amazing, she now has a personality (a problem I find with younger children, they can't express themselves as thoroughly so they seem to lack a personality) and she remembers all the gifts I've gotten her over the years (birthdays, christmases...and pretty much every time I see them). Plus I love that my friend is turning them into lil geeks. The eldest girl played on the PS3 and they both enjoy Pokémon apparently.


And we went to the park and played on everything, like grown up kids. And they had this gym section which was cool. I know its in a park near me in London so now I know what its about I may go.


All in all a wonderful two days catching up with people :)

Edited by Ashley
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While I'm on a roll in these threads. I was out in the sun for 4 hours today and I'm now looking tanned as fuck! Great news for my pulling prospects tonight!


I shall report back in the drunken thread with how I get on. If I don't post its because I've either; a) taken a girl home b) forgotten c) can't be bothered.

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