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Love it Murr. It's not 5-aside/6-aside without a bit of a squabble.




I've got back to back 5-a-side games tonight and tomorrow. I've been playing Sunday leagues for 4 years now, and still love it as much as I did when I started. There's nothing better than a close game and meaty tackle or two gets things a bit tasty. I was sent off last week for a Retaliation tackle (as the ref called it). I'm not a dirty player but if someone gives out to me, they'll get it back twice as bad.

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Scored a goal again!


Got really irritated with the ref who was just a player of the other team because the ref supposed to turn up didn't. He was helping them/ giving them some really easy decisions. I literally tried to go side to side with some guy and nick the ball off him then I was through on goal and he said it was a free kick.


Still lost 4-1 in the end. I'm awesome, its just the rest of my team :p

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Been working my way through buying Bruce Springsteen's catalogue, bought and listened to Nebraska, Born to Run and Darkness on the Edge of Town. He's just so inspirational, it's hard to describe what his music does for people. It's not music, it's a way of life.

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This is my friend's current favourite song, and after being stunned by the fact I knew where the sample/chorus/hook is from, I listened to to it properly.


It makes my soul hurt. Not even listening to the lyrics...it has one of those atmospheres. Make me sad without knowing why.


This is A GOOD THING because being moved by music is always good.


I also realised today I've instinctively learned a second Nicki Minaj rap just from excessive listening. Were I so inclined, I'd make cringey YT vids of me rapping. But I'm not.

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My whole evening has been taken up by this:

I've made one especially for Paj/Chair.






This has made my day. :grin:


...not the stunned bit but the discovery.


I have my own personal joke with my friend that fits in nicely there. :)


Equally my day was intense as I had a super sexy baking session making a slightly broken and crumbled chocolate cake! :yay:

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Been working my way through buying Bruce Springsteen's catalogue, bought and listened to Nebraska, Born to Run and Darkness on the Edge of Town. He's just so inspirational, it's hard to describe what his music does for people. It's not music, it's a way of life.

Have to concur. I bought mumsy a Bruce Springsteen collection for Christmas. About 10 albums for £15. Lovely.

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[First part should really be in bad thread, but it leads onto Good thread, so its here]


Had an awful night last night. Went to bed at half 1. Fell asleep at [presumably] around 2. Dreamt I was in my flat [that looked more like a cross between Paj's house and my sister's flat in Glasgow than my actual flat], with friends, trying to work out how to use the microwave. Kept telling my friends we had to be quick because they'd have to leave soon. As though I was aware the dream was going to end. And then when they did leave, I woke up. It was like I was self-aware in my dream. I don't remember what time it was when I woke up, but I had definitely not been sleeping for more than 2 hours.


Spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, not being able to get back to sleep. Got a headache, took paracetamol (then spent 20 minutes keeled over with stomach pain because I took it weirdly or I reacted badly or something to it). Eventually at 7am decided I definitely wasn't going to go back to sleep so sat up in bed and read my Topology notes.


Got up properly at 9, showered etc and went to my friend Alex's, assuming he'd be there (he hadn't replied to texts or a call). Turns out he was at the gym, so waited outside his flat for 10 minutes, then had coffee with him. [/irrelevent to the post]


Had my Topology tutorial at 12. Last week was the most cringe thing in my life, because I hadn't been to any of the lectures, and it was really obvious I hadn't, so I'd made an effort to be great this week (actually stayed up all night on Tuesday night being great).


The best tute I've ever had at Oxford. I was ridiculously on form, despite having only had at most 2 hours sleep. I was on a coffee high, and I just knew the answers to all the questions he asked (even the ones that I'd got wrong on the problem sheet, because as soon as I saw his comments I knew how to do them). I pointed out presumably it wasn't possible for a sequence defined on a metric space to converge to two different limits, and my tutor was like "very good!", with genuine exclaim in his voice.


I even made my tutor laugh by mentioning the T2.5 Separation Axiom, and how its a thing for the sake of being a thing. Just the most stunning thing I've ever done in my mathematical career.


Just... Yes. Getting a critical hit with every attack I made.

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Today I had the bestest work day ever.


At lunch, our photography manager comes up to us and asks where we're taking lunch. We told him the car park as usual. He said "Cool, we're all having pizza". Next thing we know, we're (the whole company) are sat in the break room eating Domino's Pizza. Ace. They even got a spicy one.


Towards the end of the day, the boss comes up to me and starts talking about the VW camper vans we now own, specifically the expensive one. On the way out he yells across to me "Do you want to come and look? You'll be driving it in a bit".


So long story short, I got to drive it back to his (the owner of the company) house whilst he drove his normal car. I was both excited and shitting bricks. The thing is half a decade old and worth about £16000 (it was worth £12000 when he bought it and it was barely even working). My nerves weren't helped by it being left hand drive and there being a lot of play in the steering wheel.


This is the lovely vehicle:








Campers are my favourite vehicles. Especially split screen ones. Best. Work. Day. EVER.

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