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good stuff thread.


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Being so poor, going out for a couple of pints is a Big Deal. I decided to throw away the last of my money and follow them to the next fine drinking establishment... Which ended up being a £1-a-drink monday night deal. My two drinks in the previous place cost me £6, so for the price of a pint there I instead invested in three pints at this new, glorious place.


Would Recommend.

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Just watched the strangest thing -- what people are calling the 'Banksy of gay porn'.


It's a video of very explicit content -- two guys fucking -- but it's filmed in that film which you often see in films, which makes things feel far-away and hazy and vintage. I'm sure I've seen in it like... Lost In Translation or The Virgin Suicides, or a film like that. Arty/quality film. And it's set to Frou Frou's 'The Dumbing Down Of Love'.


The film was quite... beautiful? In a strange way... takes proper fucking, which isn't exactly beautiful, and presents this strangely compelling thing. And in doing so, it doesn't feel like porn. (It'd feel wrong using it :p)


Just... weird.

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Just watched the strangest thing -- what people are calling the 'Banksy of gay porn'.


It's a video of very explicit content -- two guys fucking -- but it's filmed in that film which you often see in films, which makes things feel far-away and hazy and vintage. I'm sure I've seen in it like... Lost In Translation or The Virgin Suicides, or a film like that. Arty/quality film. And it's set to Frou Frou's 'The Dumbing Down Of Love'.


The film was quite... beautiful? In a strange way... takes proper fucking, which isn't exactly beautiful, and presents this strangely compelling thing. And in doing so, it doesn't feel like porn. (It'd feel wrong using it :p)


Just... weird.


Urgh, this is the kind of art that really doesn't appeal to me - the kind where the artistic statement is "I'M MAKING A STATEMENT! LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEE!"

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Today, thanks to a difference of opinion in some facebook comments, I was threatened by some kid that he was going to DDoS me and 'break my computer'.


Knowing the absolute hilarity that could ensue, I bait the poor shit in. He says the next time I comment his Bullguard internet security suite will pick up the incoming connection and he will find my IP and distribute it to the 'high people he knows in low places'.


He posts a screen cap, claiming victory that my laptop is now fucked because he has my IP address and his gang was going to DDoS it, until I informed him that all he got was Facebook's IP because the stupid shit didn't realise that Facebook isn't P2P.


Not stopping there, me and various others curious as to how he was even going to 'break' our laptops (for those who are still reading for some reason and don't understand why the threat is retarded, read up about 'Denial of Service Attack'), we all decide to give him our actual IP addresses.


Whilst we were waiting for the obvious failure, he had forgotten he sent me a friend request so he could tag me in his screenshot and 'shame me in front of all my friends for being a retard'. I accept the friend request, copy down the contact details, de-friend and send all the others the details in case there is evidence of an external interference on their connection and they wish to file a police report.


The best part of the day: His voice shitting bricks when he answers the phone and proceeds to get incredibly angry that I'm withholding my number.

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Just finished watching The Social Network and I loved it. I thought it was a great movie with great performances and a good story.


I also have a laugh with this title because every time I look at it, for a split second, I see DILDO!...I'm sure you all saw this coming at some point....lol....


I got past the part I was stuck on in COD:WAW which was on Heart of the Reich on Veteran. I've just destroyed all of the 88s, I've been stuck on that part for months because all it seems to be is grenade galore. Now I can't get past the stairs to enter the building, haha.

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I also have a laugh with this title because every time I look at it, for a split second, I see DILDO!...I'm sure you all saw this coming at some point....lol....


I get this stuck in my head when I see the thread titles


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Today, thanks to a difference of opinion in some facebook comments, I was threatened by some kid that he was going to DDoS me and 'break my computer'.


Knowing the absolute hilarity that could ensue, I bait the poor shit in. He says the next time I comment his Bullguard internet security suite will pick up the incoming connection and he will find my IP and distribute it to the 'high people he knows in low places'.


He posts a screen cap, claiming victory that my laptop is now fucked because he has my IP address and his gang was going to DDoS it, until I informed him that all he got was Facebook's IP because the stupid shit didn't realise that Facebook isn't P2P.


Not stopping there, me and various others curious as to how he was even going to 'break' our laptops (for those who are still reading for some reason and don't understand why the threat is retarded, read up about 'Denial of Service Attack'), we all decide to give him our actual IP addresses.


Whilst we were waiting for the obvious failure, he had forgotten he sent me a friend request so he could tag me in his screenshot and 'shame me in front of all my friends for being a retard'. I accept the friend request, copy down the contact details, de-friend and send all the others the details in case there is evidence of an external interference on their connection and they wish to file a police report.


The best part of the day: His voice shitting bricks when he answers the phone and proceeds to get incredibly angry that I'm withholding my number.




@waffle am 16 barely a kid, and your not really conning me because A; i wouldnt ask you to do nout for me B; don't trust you C; i watch the real hustle on t.v... so i pretty much know how cons/scams work ;3



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Lost Highway, the David Lynch film that is needlessly out of print in the UK/always somehow annoying to get ahold of just happened to be in my Uni library! I'm stunned every time I go in. Alway something I've longed to see but never got around to.


Sadly I'm nearly half-way through it and have a decidedly "..." opinion so far. :/

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After spending aaaaaages trying to figure out how to do to it, I think I've finally managed to put my site online!


It probably looks crap and cheap and the coding is all wrong/horrible/a huge mess, but I don't care! =P




Since that's done I can focus on schoolwork now... urgh.

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I really like that Ine, very cute and simple, I really need to get a portfolio up and running tbh and pay for a website, I might go and take a look at your old thread!


Today the silver lining to having to stay in all day and miss uni/work, is exactly that, plus chocolate. :)

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After spending aaaaaages trying to figure out how to do to it, I think I've finally managed to put my site online!


It probably looks crap and cheap and the coding is all wrong/horrible/a huge mess, but I don't care! =P


It looks nice and does it's job. My only suggestion is to make a hand-drawn background when you have the time.

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Two things at the moment:

A] The start of (possibly) breaking the concept of the Mega Drive Championship due to the people in charge being complete tools.

B] A lovely bit of Facebook harassment.


Well I had fun anyway. Sadly nothing about soup came up. :(


I'll see them tonight, hopefully we'll be able to call Aiden on some of the bullshit he spewed about her.

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After spending aaaaaages trying to figure out how to do to it, I think I've finally managed to put my site online!


It probably looks crap and cheap and the coding is all wrong/horrible/a huge mess, but I don't care! =P




Since that's done I can focus on schoolwork now... urgh.


Looks great, Ine! :D Much, much better than a lot of the amateur websites I've seen.

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