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Guys' date=' I'm not saying what I'm doing is the height of moral decency, of course I know this situation is totally wrong. But it makes for a good story for you all. I do think I'm a dick for what's happening believe me there is no way in hell I would be pursuing this if I didn't really like this girl. We have spoken about this before and we're both pretty sure we're going to end up together properly once the situation sorts itself out, for now it's bad timing.


To cover a few particular things:


Eenuh, I'm not bragging about this, just relaying the story. I don't mean it to come across as if I am. On the picture front of course I'm not going to post it up without asking her.


Fierce_LiNk, we were just sleeping in the same room a lot, now it's progressed to sex, though not every time. The serious shit is someone now finding out about it.


Retro_Link, yes thankfully there are locks on all of the doors, even I wouldn't be silly enough to do this without. The boyfriend sleeps in the other room due to them not particularly liking each other anymore, he has a lot of issues apparently (I don't ask) which is dragging out the situation. This isn't really me coming between them, things were going downhill long before I came on the scene.


So can we all be friends now?[/quote']


I never did think you were a bad guy, I just wish you guys would get this sorted out so no one ends up getting too hurt.

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Didn't you (Will) go on a date with that other girl in Burger King and another one earlier in the same day? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Not that I'm judging. You will however have to explain it to Jesus.


That may have been me, sometimes you have to do these things to fit everyone in though.

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(Just so you know I was joking about the earlier comments, I was just waiting for Will to explain the situation).


What I still don't get though is why you mentioned her boyf was sleeping next door, surely he'd be there? Or did i read that wrong? Shame about the situation, especially if you believe you'll end up together afterwards. Life is weird man.

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I realised now how I totally skipped over a vital conversation.


All I can say is fuck it Will, you may be stepping over a social taboo but who hasn't? It beats staying in, playing vidya all night long, masturbating over some questionable material then sleeping.


I've done it twice.. However my friend excused it as he was having what he called a 'Thursdaytionship' with the girl in question, so me shagging her on the Monday was fair play.

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Guys' date=' I'm not saying what I'm doing is the height of moral decency, of course I know this situation is totally wrong. But it makes for a good story for you all. I do think I'm a dick for what's happening believe me there is no way in hell I would be pursuing this if I didn't really like this girl. We have spoken about this before and we're both pretty sure we're going to end up together properly once the situation sorts itself out, for now it's bad timing.[/quote']


So you'd be happy to get with her knowing what kind of person she is? Knowing she'd quite happily shag some other bloke whilst her boyfriend was in the next room? Well just remember this when she inevitably cheats on you.

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Woke up at 9:35 and was late for my 10 lecture. When I got there were sheets, which I assumed were to sign up for Probability classes; I saw Ziwu "Violet" Xu's name (my favourite person, who does maths with us, but is actually like 24 or something) and quickly signed up for the same class as her. Turns out they were for Numerical Analysis classes, a course which I don't even do. Of course I'm going to turn up, I love the feeling.

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My Facebook has just went off the hook, apparently there is a gunman running round where I live. Schools are locked down and armed police are at the end of my street!


Not sure if this is the best thing to happen today, buy I didn't know where else to put it haha.

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Discovered chocolate coated Brazil nuts are 25p a box at my store and they are so god damn good. If I die young I hope it's choking on a mouthful of these and scotch.


It took me an hour and 15 minutes but I nailed my pearsons r calculation in my exam today! :grin:


I'm so glad since this morning I forgot how to calculate the variance.


Also my hair continues to smell of roses etc. :)


You're like the worlds happiest mathematician! :D

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Stay on topic people. This is the sort of thing that gets threads shut down.


Which is what I find weird and stupid. A conversation isn't supposed to be some bizarre beurocratic ordeal where any divergence from the "topic" needs to be stringently demarcated. I don't understand why we can't let a discussion grow organically, letting it return to the original question when someone wants?


Read some more Slaughterhouse 5 today. The part where he watches the war film backwards is an amazing reversal, Tanks become these tubes that suck up damage and leave. Think it was supposed to be the inspiration for Times Arrow

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Yeah these are HWYD in most peoples eyes.


I had a good day at work. Been there a week and already got two "cool" meetings planned (one in Doncaster, one in Birmingham) which makes me feel infinitely more useful than I did at shitty HBOS (5 years, zero meetings)


You also received a text which im sure made your day just perfect

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