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Two months ago, on IAMX's PledgeMusic page for their new album, I asked for a personalized birthday message from the band for my girlfriend.


Totally forgot about that. Just logged into my PledgeMusic account to see that a band member responded to me and said I should write an email to them.


So I just did.


Fingers crossed. : peace:

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Had the week off and mostly been going to the gym, doing personal work and playing games but today I went to a local lido and swam for about 30 minutes and lounged in the sun for about 90. Was nice to do nothing and enjoy what will probably be the last nice day of the year!

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I'm absolutely knackered. I weight trained on Thursday and did my usual Friday afternoon/evening football club where we played for about two hours. Today, I had to take the kids on a short trip in the morning and then we had a Family Fun Day thing organised at our school. I played in two 6-a-side matches; one against a team made of parents and another match against a team made up of ex-pupils.


I woke up this morning and knew that it would be a struggle due to feeling very tired and having a disruptive week. There's been major roadworks on the big stretch of road that connects Bournemouth to the area where I work. What usually takes me 25 minutes has more or less taken me almost 1 hour and 25 each day. So, that's made me tired, but the football and training has also added to that, so wasn't particularly up for it today.


We started our first match (against the parents) and everything seemed to go well. We closed them down quickly enough and I made quite a few meaty tackles, particularly one on one of their better players who was quiet after that. :D We played some good passes forward and I managed to get a tap-in after our headmaster took a shot that might have been trickling in already had I left it, but I couldn't take a chance as there were players racing back. A few minutes later, we played some nice one-twos and our headmaster fed me in to the right of their penalty area. I aimed for the corner and was delighted that it hit the post and went in. Made a very satisfying sound. A tight angle, too! We struggled a bit more in the second half, particularly me who was starting to feel it in the legs a little bit and we did manage to concede a goal, but eventually saw it through to become winners. 2-1. With me getting both goals, including the winner. :D


In the second game, we countered really well and our headmaster got two quick goals which were basically one on ones. We defended pretty well and I tried to get forward as much as I could to support him. We had a corner and I knew the ball was coming for me. But, before I could put my head on it, our headmaster chested the ball down with his back to goal and bicycle kicked it into the net to complete his hat-trick! It was unbelievable, one of the best goals I've ever seen and was totally not expected. The whole place erupted. Amazing scenes.


We defended well after that and restricted them to few chances. However, they had a freekick with the ball coming in from our left. One of our guys jumped up with one of theirs and I wasn't sure they were going to get it, so I also went up to attempt a clearance. Had they left it, the ball would have gone far away. However, my luck had run out and there was a slight deflection from one of them which tapped it onto the back of my head, which saw the ball spin slowly into our bottom corner. A slight blemish on an otherwise good day. Still, we won the second game 3-1, which made us overall winners. If I didn't feel tired beforehand, I certainly do now.

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There's been something blocking off our attic, so we haven't been able to get into it since we bought the house. Slightly concerning, since the surveyor couldn't tell us about the state of the roof before we bought it. Good news is the roof is fine. Pretty good actually, with nice insulation and boards all through the attic to crawl on/store stuff on so we don't have to stick to the beams.


Found some interesting things up there though. Namely a carpeted area (bear in mind there is no room to stand up there), complete with a short shelving unit (like the ones that go under TVs), candle holder and this delightful fellow, which I believe the kids refer to as a "Bong":




Seems like our attic used to be a lovely little hippie pad. The weird thing is, the normal attic hatch had been boarded over from the inside and there was another hatch in the main bedroom cupboard, which looks like it had been boarded over from underneath (there's a random sheet of wood nailed to the ceiling of the cupboard, which we assumed was just how the cupboard was built), meaning that there was basically no real access to the attic before we re-opened up the main hatch.


We've decided to clean up Freddy (we've named the glass head) and display him on the mantelpiece as homage to the house's past.

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Had a week off work (:yay:) and managed to get a fair bit of personal work done. Happy with the progress I've made and it's been nice to use my brain and my creativity a bit, which sadly doesn't happen at work.


Also managed to see people, have drinks, enjoy some sunshine, go to the gym much, SLEEP and go to a lido (and spend most of the time lounging around in the sun) so had a pretty good week off!


The thought of going back to do 12 days in a row is kind of killer, but after that I am in Greece for 4 days. Just keep swimming!

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I know, buying a house with an attic that doesn't open is something right out of a horror movie.


It didn't help that we got the hatch slightly open one evening, but didn't get it fully open because we didn't want to make too much noise as it was getting late. We did manage to find out that there was a crib on top of the hatch though, so in the time until we got it open fully, I envisioned us being haunted by a ghost child who had been sealed in the attic.


What also didn't help is that the glass head was facing the hatch, so that was a nice thing to be welcomed by, especially since I hate attics to begin with.

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As I'm not currently employed had to be screened to get an industry pass to Tokyo Games Show (the public days are hell and impossible to meet anyone). This involved a phone interview - in Japanese. I wasn't 100% sure but I felt I managed to understand most of what they asked me, give good detailed answers and all the proper phone call niceties etc. It was almost kind of fun!


Anyway, my pass just came through! So I guess my Japanese has progressed to the point of being able to get by some fairly in-depth stuff. Or it was so ridiculous they didn't dare risk having me call back. Either way, I feel I hit a good milestone in my learning and I can go and have a nice relaxed Friday checking out all of the new stuff.

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As I'm not currently employed had to be screened to get an industry pass to Tokyo Games Show (the public days are hell and impossible to meet anyone). This involved a phone interview - in Japanese. I wasn't 100% sure but I felt I managed to understand most of what they asked me' date=' give good detailed answers and all the proper phone call niceties etc. It was almost kind of fun!


Anyway, my pass just came through! So I guess my Japanese has progressed to the point of being able to get by some fairly in-depth stuff. Or it was so ridiculous they didn't dare risk having me call back. Either way, I feel I hit a good milestone in my learning and I can go and have a nice relaxed Friday checking out all of the new stuff.[/quote']


Why did I think you lived in the US and worked for Sega?

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Just always assume that Will' is doing like the best thing ever - at all times.




And I'm right behind!


I moved to his home town just after he left. Then I moved to London just after he left there. And thus I assume I should expect to find myself in San Fran sometime soon.

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My games room posters showed up today. I got them printed through work and the best part was that our project co-ordinator called in a favour with our printers and got them for free.




Now I just need to get the room finished and a layout sorted and I can get them on the wall.

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