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good stuff thread.


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Sweet man. You got any plans now?


Currently trying to get a job here in Nottingham to tide me over for the next 12 months (my girlfriend lives here so it'd be a good opportunity to save up some money!) before hopefully getting onto a graduate scheme based in London :)

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I had this dude who was so rude to me at work today. He came in before and he was vile to me. He asked me for help to try and find some white sandals for his daughter.

"What size is she?" I ask her.

"Size 7" he says.

So they all follow me to the department and he looks at them and makes a face.

"£18? Aren't there any that's cheaper?"

"I'm not too sure, let me check for you and I'll find out" I said politely.

Anyway, just as I was going to turn away, he picks a sandal up and says "Here's one for £15. You said there wasn't any!"

I said "I said I wasn't too sure and that I was going to check for you but that's a size smaller. Let me get you her size"

"Why would you say there wasn't any when there are?" he says. His kids are with him, looking at him embarrassed. The thing was, they were six years old! They just looked so shy, looking at the floor.

I repeated myself and said "I didn't. Would you like me to find that sandal in her size?", pointing at the sandal in his hand.

"Are you going to help me or stand there, you twat!" he says.

So I said "Are you going to stop being rude and insulting?"

At this point, one of the supervisors came along and his whole attitude changed. I've had problems with him before but they keep on telling me to serve him and I don't want to. Anyway, she came along. She's a girl and he has a crush on her.

He looks at me and says "I do not want to argue with you and set a bad example in front of my kids. Instead, I'll be served by this nice woman"

He then turns to her and says "This man has not been helpful. I ask for his help and he refuses to help me. I don't want my kids to see this, it's setting a bad example on them."

I thought: Fuck it, I'm leaving. He's getting both barrels.

"Sorry, forgive me, "I'm setting a bad example"? So using vile behaviour towards people, being aggressive towards people trying to help you, lying to people about things that didn't happen and swearing in front of your kids isn't a bad example? You think you can treat people like rubbish just because they're working. Well, you know what, you can't. So if you think I'm ever helping you again, you can do one, mate." and then walked away.

He looked dumb-founded and my supervisor was shocked.

My supervisor served him and the customer kept looking at me, trying to give me dirties. I just looked at him back. He just left the store rather quickly.


My supervisor said he made a complaint but she took no notice of it because she saw everything.


I'm putting this in the 'good stuff thread' because if I was having doubts about leaving this job now for my new one, I'm not anymore! They don't pay me enough to take shit from some wannabe-gangster hoodrat tramp like him. I feel so sorry for his children though. I don't usually react like that much but bollocks if he thinks he's going to get away with treating me like that again. I stood for his shit before, I ain't standing for no shit again.


In other news, I MIGHT be getting an iPhone 4S tomorrow! Woo!

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Currently trying to get a job here in Nottingham to tide me over for the next 12 months (my girlfriend lives here so it'd be a good opportunity to save up some money!) before hopefully getting onto a graduate scheme based in London :)


Down in London myself and soon to be looking for work, so who knows... :)

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Currently trying to get a job here in Nottingham to tide me over for the next 12 months (my girlfriend lives here so it'd be a good opportunity to save up some money!) before hopefully getting onto a graduate scheme based in London :)



Will be out there tonight getting drunk for a friends leaving do.:yay:

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Have a good one mate! Do you know what bars you'll be hitting up? Might end up seeing you!


Not really, we're meeting at Waterfront, although I guess we'll end up in... *sigh* Forum. Dunno about the places inbetween.


Where'd'ya think you'll be having the beverages?

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Not really, we're meeting at Waterfront, although I guess we'll end up in... *sigh* Forum. Dunno about the places inbetween.


Where'd'ya think you'll be having the beverages?


Waterfront is decent, but forum? Na, not for me :heh: We're heading to a bar called Coco Tang near the centre (it's amazing!) and then likely a place called Market Bar afterwards. Nothing set in stone though..also depends on how distracting the football is :heh:

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Waterfront is decent, but forum? Na, not for me :heh: We're heading to a bar called Coco Tang near the centre (it's amazing!) and then likely a place called Market Bar afterwards. Nothing set in stone though..also depends on how distracting the football is :heh:

I'm not a fan of Forum either, but I'll follow the crowd and try and get them to end up somewhere sexier.


I've heard of Coco Tang, is it any good?


We'll probably pop into Bla Bla Bar and/or Up n' Down Under on our way into the square.


I don't know what you look like, so no doubt we'll be at the bar together and not realise it. I'll get served before you despite you being there for ten minutes and give me EEVILs for the rest of the night.

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I'm not a fan of Forum either, but I'll follow the crowd and try and get them to end up somewhere sexier.


I've heard of Coco Tang, is it any good?


We'll probably pop into Bla Bla Bar and/or Up n' Down Under on our way into the square.


I don't know what you look like, so no doubt we'll be at the bar together and not realise it. I'll get served before you despite you being there for ten minutes and give me EEVILs for the rest of the night.


For what it's worth, we're currently eating Papa Johns and watching Football so I'm not sure if a night out is going to happen at this rate! Would be good to meet up next time you're about though!

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@nightwolf, I am loving the 3 piece there!


Today was my last day so I decided I'd treat myself to an iPhone 4s. I went there and they all looked shite for high prices. I then came to the realisation that I'm not actually going to really use it for anything but phoning, social media and the camera. I mainly wanted it for the camera but let's face it, I may as well just get a nice camera. As for the social media side of things, yeah I can't download them right now but I could always just buy a bigger SD card so I'm just going to stick with my phone and buy a decent enough camera for now.


I bought a new PSP with 8 games for £40. Money well spent, I'm really enjoying it so far. I want to know how to get PS1 games on it though (which is one of the main reasons why I bought it. I mean, why wouldn't I want to play FF7 or Klonoa on the go?!?!)

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I want to know how to get PS1 games on it though (which is one of the main reasons why I bought it. I mean, why wouldn't I want to play FF7 or Klonoa on the go?!?!)

Download them through PSN? It's not exactly rocket science. :heh:

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I am now a pet / dog owner! And it's the best thing!


Meet Bailey :heart:




He's a big of a handful, but in the best possible way. He's only 8 weeks old so just watching him explore everything is amazing. We gave him an ice cube before and it was the funniest thing ever :heh: he thought it was alive or something! :laughing:


He's lovely.



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Download them through PSN? It's not exactly rocket science. :heh:


I don't even know where to get that on here, lmao. I can't see anywhere to put the PSN on the thing!


I've just been playing Midway Arcade Treasures all night since I can't save anything (because I don't have a Memory Stick Duo yet).

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I got myself a memory stick and now I can save my games. My friend set it up so I can play my old PS1 games on it. I'm enjoying it so much but Klonoa freezes just before a boss fight and that was the game I wanted to play the most. Such is life! I can also play Mega Drive games, NES games and SNES games too so obviously I'm ecstatic that I can play these games on the go! :)


Also, today is my burtdeh, guuuurl, and I've not had a hayfever attack like I've been having every morning! Maybe hayfever has given me a day off because I'm becoming an old-ass chocolate motherfooker! Who knows but hey, I get cake...hopefully! x)


I got £75 and I'm seeing 22 Jump Street and having a go on the arcades and then I'm going out for a meal. Also, a new episode of True Blood and Wentworth have aired today. This is shaping out to be a pretty fuckin' awesome birthday so far! :D

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