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good stuff thread.


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Last week staying in Leeds this week. Happy in some ways, but will also miss being here at night. Will also miss having my food paid for every day! :D


After 16 weeks training, finally got to drive a train at full speed yesterday (only 75mph, our trains are shit!) Spent today on a simulator with PS2 style graphics, covering the stuff we wouldn't normally see like obstructions on the line, degraded working due to signal failures etc. Was good to put stuff into practice.


In the next few weeks I'll hopefully have an assessment and then be assigned an instructor who I'll need to spend the next six or so months with. Then I'll have my final assessment near Christmas all being well. :D

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Wanted a hair cut, so popped into town to get it done. A Scottish man was cutting it and we ended up talking about how he was making a graphic novel featuring American celebrities represented by sperm. Nicholas Cage was the hero sperm. I don't even-


It was all very surreal. At the end of my cut, he mentioned that I must be a good teacher because I seemed very calm and relaxed. He also asked me, "how many times a day do you get called Tom Daley? You have the same adorable smile." :blank:


In truth, people have made the comparison before. I don't see it, personally.


Not sure if post should be good stuff or random stuff. I think....good. NicholasCageSperm tipped it for me.

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Wanted a hair cut, so popped into town to get it done. A Scottish man was cutting it and we ended up talking about how he was making a graphic novel featuring American celebrities represented by sperm. Nicholas Cage was the hero sperm. I don't even-


It was all very surreal. At the end of my cut, he mentioned that I must be a good teacher because I seemed very calm and relaxed. He also asked me, "how many times a day do you get called Tom Daley? You have the same adorable smile." :blank:


In truth, people have made the comparison before. I don't see it, personally.


Not sure if post should be good stuff or random stuff. I think....good. NicholasCageSperm tipped it for me.


It's a tradition in Scotland to talk about celebrity sperm whilst trimming one's hair.

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He also asked me, "how many times a day do you get called Tom Daley? You have the same adorable smile." :blank:


In truth, people have made the comparison before. I don't see it, personally.

I can see the smile angle, but the skin colour factor makes the distinction between you two rather easy.

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I found somewhere new to live!


It needs to get BT internet (which is upgraded at the end of the month) and parking is a bit weird (got a garage), but it's so lovely and I can't wait. Get the keys the 1st June hopefully.


No more dogs or landladies who don't want to fix heating systems - phew.

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Well, I've submitted my final project, still have to do a presentation (which will be a piss of piece) and set up work for the end of year show, but I don't really have to do anything major.


i actually don't really know what to do with myself now... :heh:

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Well, I've submitted my final project, still have to do a presentation (which will be a piss of piece) and set up work for the end of year show, but I don't really have to do anything major.


i actually don't really know what to do with myself now... :heh:


A piss of piece? :heh:

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Got a month for the show, then a big blow out at Glastonbury festival, then I'll get a job... Or at least start thinking about getting a job :heh:


A piss of piece? :heh:


Well it's just talking about the project to s couple of tutors. I seem to be quite good at bullshitting my way through stuff like this and have always had good feedback from presentations/industry liaison meetings.

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Best thing I ever did at university (which frankly was the only good thing) was look for a job just before I left.


I found I landed into a job just as I left, whilst my friends spent 6 months unemployed. Be careful.


To be honest I'd welcome six months unemployed just to recover :heh:


Don't think I want to go straight into graphic design anyway, might work a shit job for a bit and then do some travelling.

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Well it's just talking about the project to s couple of tutors. I seem to be quite good at bullshitting my way through stuff like this and have always had good feedback from presentations/industry liaison meetings.


Going out on a limb here and guessing Charlie was picking you up on the ol' syntax there :p

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Only one more long week before the slow season kicks in at the store, then I'll finally have some brain space to get some myself together. Until then I'll be having a breakdown in the staff toilet if anyone needs me.


Edited by gaggle64
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Going out on a limb here and guessing Charlie was picking you up on the ol' syntax there :p


Ha, read it again after seeing this and it still took me an age to figure out what was wrong with it!


University has clearly made me retarded... :heh:

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