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I'm not too sure whether this should go in the good or bad thread really.


I have a problem but the cause of said problem is definitely a very good thing.


Having already completed some tests when I first applied, I had an interview for a managers role at work on Friday. I was originally told I hear something back next week but when I had to make a return trip to the HR dept, to show them my Driving License, I was told I'd hear something on Monday.


Anyway, on the Friday shortly before I was due to leave, the Manager who conducted my interview came to see me and took me to one side - the job is mine, I got it. I couldn't believe it really. I thought I stood a reasonable chance given but you never know who you're up against and what it is they could be bringing.


I was then speaking to my current manager about it in the evening, and she told me that the gentlemen in charge of the entire section, so three managerial levels above me, had heard such good things about me and been so impressed with my test results that he originally said he didn't want to the manager who interviewed me to conduct any interviews at all - he just wanted to give me the job out right. So I guess my interview was a formality/attempt to appease HR.


Now naturally, I was quite overwhelmed with this news and praise and I was buzzing all evening. This is my second promotion in 6 months and the financial compensation has been surprisingly generous (on both occasions they've given more than the typical starting salary) - I might even be on less hours too. So yeah, pretty great news...


You'd think.


Now it's not that I'm not happy I got it but, well, I just don't feel worthy of such accolades. The past two days have been spent thinking about the times where I have made a mistake or took a chance on something that really I shouldn't have - even if it did turn out ok in the end. Plus, I've never actually been formally in charge of a team before. The team in question don't currently have a manager and so I do a lot of stuff for them that a manager normally would but it isn't the same, and there is far more I don't do. Plus, my time has been split between 3 teams anyway so they've never had my full attention and I've never had to give it either.


I guess the point is, I have no idea how ready I am but it feels like I'm not ready at all. I know it's probably something you can never really be ready for and a lot of the skills you need can only be got from doing it but it doesn't make it any less daunting.


In a nutshell, I almost feel like a fraud and I'm worried about being terrible at the job.

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Dude I know that exact feeling. I went to an open day hoping to get some shitty bar work, and the guy interviewing me looked at my CV and offered me a team leader role. I'd never 'managed' a team before and had zero experience in hospitality, had no idea how to do any of the duties asked of me, but fuck it I needed a job and would be an idiot turning it down.


I turn up a few days later for a tour of the stadium and was expecting an in-depth explanation of what would be asked of me before the 12 hour shift a few days later. The tour lasted 15 mins and the boss was called away -- he said "see you saturday!" ... So I turned up to do a job where I had to tell 10 people what to do, running a kiosk serving thousands of people. Talk about baptism of fire.


Two thoughts got me through. The first was what have I got to lose? and the second was well at least I'll know a bit more for the next shift. Ultimately it was the fact that I had just enough self-belief to get through that shift, and since then it's taught me a hell of a lot and has led to lots of other great opportunities.


I would trust in your superiors. They know what to look for and they most likely understand way more than you think about the little mistakes that happen. The qualities they see in you will far supersede and of your self-noticed misdemeanors.


You will never be ready to excel at something new until you've done that new something. You will have the leeway to find your feet. The positives are enormous. You will grow as a person and you can basically consider this a step up in your career. You will only ever move sideways and upwards. This is progress.


Congratulations! Best of luck for tomorrow/today (presuming that's when you start the new role)!

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Good luck @Mokong


@Captain Falcon First - congratulations! Second - stop panicking. Its tough, but you wouldn't be given the job if you couldn't do it. Enjoy the praise and extra money, you have obviously deserved it :).


(However, I do understand, I recently got a new job Software testing rather than games testing and thought I'd be out of my depth - if I am, I just need to ask!)

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Captain Falcon, it's called Imposter Syndrome. Loads of people get it, but you've just got to ignore those feelings and get on with it. If these people are happy with the work you're doing, then it doesn't matter how inferior you feel. (Not that I'm belittling how you feel, but often the people who know best can't all be wrong!)

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First day of new job today :D.... hopefully I don;t end up posting in Bad Stuff at the end of teh day :heh:


First day turned out good, first few weeks are gonna be just training (I knew this already forgot to mention before), today was pretty relaxed just like an induction day, getting to know people talking bout the company and a little bit of the actual training program. Will prolly be more focused and knuckled down tomorrow

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Thanks for the encouragment guys.


Despite it being a vacant position, and me already working with that team, I'm not sure when my official start date is as despite providing all the training and technical support for the those teams I mentioned, I'm actually assigned to another team that belongs in a different area of the business... I've just yet to actually do a day in that role as been taken up looking after everyone else. Which means that I should be able to start fairly quickly. I've already started to see my calender get booked up with meetings about stuff I've never heard of so HR just need to get their act together. I've also found out one of my staff (who happens to be the best worker in my eyes) is moving teams so I'll have to get some people in to interview I suppose now. I've done a couple of interviews before but only with temps but it's all apart of the job I guess.


I was speaking to some of the other managers today and explained my thoughts and they were really supportive too so today went a long way towards quelling those fears. And I am on less hours after all. Now I just need to cut down on the obscene over time I've been doing to actually make it count for something.

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Captain Falcon, it's called Imposter Syndrome. Loads of people get it, but you've just got to ignore those feelings and get on with it. If these people are happy with the work you're doing, then it doesn't matter how inferior you feel. (Not that I'm belittling how you feel, but often the people who know best can't all be wrong!)


Indeed, I was going to post this, as well as this:



(There's a transcript here.)

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I've got an interview tomorrow for a 'Senior Client Reporting Analyst' at a large multinational bank and I feel completely unqualified for it. I submitted my CV in hope more than anything but they've invited me to interview which obviously means they think I could do it. I've spent all evening so far going over the role and what it will involve and how I can use my skills within that. I've been getting examples down for competency based questions that I've been told the interview will be about.


I still get the feeling that the job is a little bit above me right now.


Turns out the interview actually went really well. I had great examples for all their questions, had a good discussion about tools that I use and had a few good questions to ask them.


Will hear back early next week.

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this was the first result for searching for 'Senior Client Reporting Analyst' and it's a ruddy typical job advert full of nonsense. I have literally no idea what it is this kind of job is supposed to do. So you'd be a senior. That means you'll be 'above' others. An analyst means you have 'data' to work with, and 'client reporting' either means your data is the reports from your clients, or your reports go to the clients. I don't know. At all. wtf do you do? Similarly, how does the above job application form not make you want to stab someone? The office of fair trading needs to step in to the job market and promot CLEAR FUCKING LANGUAGE for job advertisements and applications. It would sort the unemployment market out in a cinch.


EDIT: looking for which governing body to email about the language used in job adverts. So I can COMPLAIN.


EDIT: Couldn't find where to coplain so emailed my local MP. Happy valentines day!

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this was the first result for searching for 'Senior Client Reporting Analyst' and it's a ruddy typical job advert full of nonsense. I have literally no idea what it is this kind of job is supposed to do. So you'd be a senior. That means you'll be 'above' others. An analyst means you have 'data' to work with, and 'client reporting' either means your data is the reports from your clients, or your reports go to the clients. I don't know. At all. wtf do you do? Similarly, how does the above job application form not make you want to stab someone? The office of fair trading needs to step in to the job market and promot CLEAR FUCKING LANGUAGE for job advertisements and applications. It would sort the unemployment market out in a cinch.


EDIT: looking for which governing body to email about the language used in job adverts. So I can COMPLAIN.


EDIT: Couldn't find where to coplain so emailed my local MP. Happy valentines day!


As a Senior Analyst you still do the same work as an Analyst, but you have further responsibilities (delivering presentations etc.) and you're expected to work more autonomously. Also you may take the lead on projects and work with Analysts, and will oversee them while you work in collaboration.


The best job advert was for a "Revenue Collection Executive".


The job was for a train ticket inspector.

Edited by MoogleViper
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this was the first result for searching for 'Senior Client Reporting Analyst' and it's a ruddy typical job advert full of nonsense. I have literally no idea what it is this kind of job is supposed to do. So you'd be a senior. That means you'll be 'above' others. An analyst means you have 'data' to work with, and 'client reporting' either means your data is the reports from your clients, or your reports go to the clients. I don't know. At all. wtf do you do? Similarly, how does the above job application form not make you want to stab someone? The office of fair trading needs to step in to the job market and promot CLEAR FUCKING LANGUAGE for job advertisements and applications. It would sort the unemployment market out in a cinch.


EDIT: looking for which governing body to email about the language used in job adverts. So I can COMPLAIN.


EDIT: Couldn't find where to coplain so emailed my local MP. Happy valentines day!


Actually that job description makes a lot of sense to me. Business analysts are essentially in-house consultants that work on change within organisations; implementing a new system or modifying an existing one.


Small update on my job - I've been offered it! Well it's an 'intention to offer' depending on all the security checks I need to go through. Having already done them once in the last year I can't imagine there'll be much of a problem.

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Nice one dude! No need to be so modest, your 'small' update is a sharp comparison to your earlier downplaying of your chances. You're a good example of smart job-seeking acumen, and you should be proud!


P.S. can I borrow a couple thou once you start?


Thanks you. I don't want to get ahead of myself though - it's not confirmed until I have a signed contract in my hand. Meeting the agency at lunch to sign some forms.


In other news, I went to see the Lego Movie last night. Although the story wasn't great it had it's hilarious moments, especially when the bad guy was talking about the double decker couch.

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