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Going in for an operation today. Going to have a septoplasty and turbinate diathermy. It's gonna be a bitch to recover (can't blow my nose for weeks, got to stay home for two weeks due to risk of infection), but it will be the first time that I'll ever be able to breathe through my nose.


I brought my PC home (staying at my parents), so it looks like two weeks of Skyrim.


Godspeed Moogle.

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2 of the most stressful days I've ever had are finally over and I can now relax with a day off tomorrow :yay:


Had my Ph.D. interview on Tuesday and think it went well. Don't think there's anything else I could have done as my presentation of my research proposal was good and I answered all their questions well.


But strangely, I wasn't anywhere near as nervous for my interview as I was for my friend and she had her's today. Genuinely one of the most stressful 40-45minute waits I've ever sat through waiting to hear how she got on. Thankfully, she came out saying the same as me which is great. So fingers crossed for both of us. There are 4 places but I think we both have really good chances to get a place each. Even if only one of us gets a place, or neither of us does, still proud that we've done it.


Had the afternoon off to celebrate with some bottles of wine and had a really good chat, which I felt we could do with to at least settle some uncertainties or little things that needed sorted/said. All sorted now, although it turns out nothing really needed to be sorted/said, and friendship is probably stronger than ever. Absolutely love the girl and don't know what I'd do without her, especially over the last few days :grin:

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I'll be working for an engineering consultancy company who design car suspension systems amongst other stuff. It's a pretty small family company though, so hopefully it'll be a nice place to work...

I hope you haven't given up on your dream of working with sewers. :sad:

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You've never breathed through your nose?! Like, not at all? Or just wheezily? Does that mean you had no taste up until now?


Good luck with the operation! I like the idea of medicinal Skyrim playing.


@MoogleViper, you've never been able to breathe through your nose?


Not for as long as I can remember. It's like constantly having a cold/blocked nose. Some air can get through, but not enough to breathe with.


I've been able to smell and taste though.

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Mostly good... Totally finished with second year of uni now, the End of Year show is done and all the work has been taken down. Don't really know what to do with myself now but guess I should probably look for a summer job! :/


Gonna miss people over the summer, can't wait until I move to Plymouth in September and get to meet loads of new people, well when I say people I mean girls... :heh:

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Tomorrow is Speech Day at work. I'll be sat in a Marquee, listening to the headmaster ramble on about something. Anything, I don't know, I won't be paying attention. Zero fucks will be given...tomorrow, I make my way to Glastonbury.


My body is ready.



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It was my last day of working full-time at work and while good in itself, it felt somewhat anti-climactic.


Was meant to finish off today and consider anything going forward a bonus (i.e. I was supposed to do handover notes, close down helpdesk calls etc) but as my immediate colleagues are both useless (i.e. I don't have time because I'm picking up their slack) and seemingly don't care it's not happened so today was just another normal day, except I bought cake.


Still, only two days going forward :)

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I officially signed up for gym/swimming!


Ok, so work technically sorted it out and all I had to do was go down, but considering my previous track record, thats a great effort for me.


Swimming tomorrow, hopefully I can push myself to make this enjoyable so I do it more. Hmm.

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Yeah, I worked out that this one is usually 50+ a month, but has an 'offer' of 50quid a month at present.


There is no way in hell I could afford it, thankfully, work are paying for it, as long as I go at least once a month. Crazy business tbh.

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Apparently one of the teachers at my placement university wants to "interview" me about learning Japanese in general, most likely because of my comments my teacher from Liverpool made about how I attended no classes except for tests last year and the year before that I completely failed. I think she's going to be very disappointed, as I'm still not that good ('good' in the sense being the level I'd like to be at, I'm not going to argue with praise) and it's all going to boil down to depression during my second year of university and some morbid definition of motivation that I think only I'm guilty of having.


This is only really in the good stuff thread because they've been puzzled about my level of Japanese over the year (much to my amusement), and have finally been intrigued enough to ask me about it. Compared to the other student who I came here with and the one student who came last year, the level difference is very wide.

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