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I got an apology on facebook from a girl i had to carry home a few weeks ago because she reached a state of such inhebriation that she was unable to walk or form a coherent sentence. It also seemed to cause a rather large number of mood swings. One minute she was saying thank over and over again, the next she was spitting in my face and calling me a pathetic waste of a human being. Then when i finally got her home she puked on my lap and passed out. Fun times were had by all.


Did you call her out on it a few weeks ago for being terrible form?

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I got an apology on facebook from a girl i had to carry home a few weeks ago because she reached a state of such inhebriation that she was unable to walk or form a coherent sentence. It also seemed to cause a rather large number of mood swings. One minute she was saying thank over and over again, the next she was spitting in my face and calling me a pathetic waste of a human being. Then when i finally got her home she puked on my lap and passed out. Fun times were had by all.


Not exactly a great advert for Scottish girls, is she? :p


I bet she's a Rangers fan, too.

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I was using google image search earlier as I was after some game related artwork when amongst all the frequently used pieces, I came across something I hadn't seen before. As a result, I went to the site to see if they had anything else I hadn't seen. After taking a peek around the gallery section, I clicked on the home button to see what else was on offer/what was being talked about and lo and behold the most recent article at the very top of the homepage was post about my YouTube channel with a link to my videos.

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I did 15 hours of overtime this week.


It may not seem like a good thing, but because its time and a half, its a good bit of money, plus I get a free meal every time I stay past 7:30 ^_^.


I also got a position within the company that I really wanted, so hopefully that formal offer comes in on Monday!

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Woke up next ot a naked girl this morning....its been a good day so far :D


although my head feels like its in a vice >_>






I also had a success on Friday, although not quite as good as Martinist.


Was in a club and heard my name called. Turned around and didn't see anyone I knew. A girl beckoned me over and said "do you know who I am?" and I had to admit that I didn't. Turns out my mate set her up with another of my friends (although they didn't actually go out in the end) and she had seen me on his Facebook and knew me as the "good looking blonde guy". BOOM!

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So yeah, as if my time in Japan hasn't been amazing enough so far, the last few weeks have been so fucking fun but so fucking expensive. Got myself a girlfriend, we managed to get around 6 bottles of Magner's cider for free off of some 'generous' (I imagine he wouldn't have been if she wasn't at the bar with me) Australian, despite being rather expensive because they're like gold dust here, getting her drunk for the very first time as she had never drunk 'hard cider' before.


Even if that never happened, the new peeps here so far are absolutely awesome company and willing to hang out absolutely any time. We've got one incredibly problematic person, but we've gotten over the awkwardness and instead utilise it as entertainment.


I'm finally beyond the 4 week mark without nicotine. No cigarettes, no electronic nicotine, nothing. It's kind of hit my aim to stop drinking soda so regularly, but I'm still drinking far less than I need to. Maybe taking up coffee will assist me..


My Japanese level has taken me up a class, and I'm supposedly the strongest one of the bunch though I have a real problem with my kanji skills. It's a really fractured class skill level wise, so I have a feeling me and another might be asked to move up a class so there's no need to split the class in half.


Also managed to clear all of the levels on the spicy ramen challenge at the local place, despite the last one definitely being far too hot for enjoyment. Though, this was followed by news that he'll be closing up shop next month. Whether or not this is still some extended April fools joke is yet to be decided, but I really hope the guy is kidding.


I'm closely approaching the final 3 month mark. I'm scared, I get depressed at the thought of it and I'm not looking forward to adjusting to the reality that is England.. but for now, I'm happier than I've been for god knows how many fucking years.

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That's sounds awesome @Debug Mode :) I envy you.



So, I'm getting more and more used to the fact that I'm going to quit my current job in order to go to university. Even though I don't have a temporary job, yet, and I don't know if I get a place at my preferred university, I feel good about it.


There are some people who don't understand why I'm doing this. Mainly because my current job would've given me the opportunity to earn a lot of money and they don't get why I don't enjoy it.


For me, money isn't everything. Let me just do what I enjoy, let me live my life the way I think is best for me.


And if it all ends up being the worst decision I've ever made...well, then I have one regret, but life goes on.

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@Debug Mode, you win at life. Good work, man.


That's sounds awesome @Debug Mode :) I envy you.



So, I'm getting more and more used to the fact that I'm going to quit my current job in order to go to university. Even though I don't have a temporary job, yet, and I don't know if I get a place at my preferred university, I feel good about it.


There are some people who don't understand why I'm doing this. Mainly because my current job would've given me the opportunity to earn a lot of money and they don't get why I don't enjoy it.


For me, money isn't everything. Let me just do what I enjoy, let me live my life the way I think is best for me.


And if it all ends up being the worst decision I've ever made...well, then I have one regret, but life goes on.


A job is a job. There's about a dozen things in life that should come before it. If you can get a job doing the thing you love, then good work. If not, then it's not the end of everything. Don't be a slave to the wage.

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A job is a job. There's about a dozen things in life that should come before it. If you can get a job doing the thing you love, then good work. If not, then it's not the end of everything. Don't be a slave to the wage.


Exactly. I will be out of a job for a couple of years, I will make little to no money during university but I will do/study things I enjoy.


We only have one life to live so


Fly or die

At least you know your livin'

If you get too high

Well what could be more thrillin'

'cause before you know it your life is over


Broadcast Yourself
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There's a GroupOn deal today for Cisco training courses. All the material needed for 3 amazing courses (CCENT, CCNA and CCNP), 2 of which I've been wanting to do for a while now.


Great news. I should be able to do CCENT within a week or so once I refresh myself and then start training for CCNA. The cost of the tests is extra but it's definitely worth it in the long run.

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A friend and myself managed to finish a major assignment a month in advance so decided to reward ourselves with a large glass of wine at lunch before heading back to begin redrafting. Not exactly the best idea as it killed productivity and we called it an early day at 2pm rather than staying till 5 as intended (and we'll have to make up for that later in the week) but was good to have a little break and chit chat over a drink and sit down and watch some Community while having lunch.


Now to get some food and pick up where I left off when watching Scrubs this morning (for some reason I felt an urge to rewatch a couple of episodes last night).

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Moved into my place on Saturday night. It's going okay so far. Scrubbed pretty much everything now, and mostly unpacked. Could do with a few more bits and pieces (such as a bigger desk...) but going to give it a while before buying anything, in case I get used to it. Think I want to slim down on what I've got before I move again, setting a goal of 12 DVDs, 12 games, 12 blu-rays and 12 books. The room comes with a Sky Box too. Will set that up...one day. Need to get an aerial extension first.


Yesterday went round to The Bard's and we drank, played video games (one at a time as I didn't read his mind and bring a PS3 controller) and did karaoke. Was totes cool like. Oh and he helped me move on Saturday and we mocked my housemate's boyfriend. Been wanting to mock him with someone for a while :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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