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good stuff thread.


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Halfway through? The fuck are they using in that for the heat, naga chilli?


I like my hot stuff and this ramen guy has made it into a challenge with all the different levels. Because there's a lot of exchange students coming in, I imagine what's happened is that he was told his original spicy ramen isn't actually all that spicy by international standards thanks to the Japanese mainly being pretty weak with spicy stuff.


When I did level 2, I drank the entire soup base and when he came to collect my bowl he had this look of disbelief on his face. He told me I probably shouldn't attempt that for anything stronger and my god he was right, there was no way I was going to drink that pit of lava from level 3.


Well, I didn't notice it earlier because they were packed together in the middle; until I got to them, I thought they were just small sweet peppers. But no, they definitely weren't naga peppers; in fact they were actually relatively mild, but I'm just no good with spicy peppers. It's funny, I love the taste of spicy food, I just have low tolerance for strength.

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Had a fun day at the BFI for an animation day they did (part of the Future Film Festival). Went to three talks by different companies about the industry, careers etc followed by networking drinks.


One of the talks was with the creator of Simon's Cat and I won the newest book. MEOW!

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Well, I didn't notice it earlier because they were packed together in the middle; until I got to them, I thought they were just small sweet peppers. But no, they definitely weren't naga peppers; in fact they were actually relatively mild, but I'm just no good with spicy peppers. It's funny, I love the taste of spicy food, I just have low tolerance for strength.


Ahh I see. I think all the fucking around with ridiculously hot sauces in my life with friends has built up one hell of a tolerance.


Any way, I was expecting this post to go into the bad stuff thread, but here it goes.


Some of you may remember the 'Baldness' thread that got started up early last year and I started posting about how it had crept up on me until a hair dresser asked me about it. I had been using some alpecin products and as I think I said to some one a couple of weeks ago, unless you can afford to keep it up and not drop it, do not touch the same. The moment you stop using it, your hair will shed like a cunt.


So, skip forward to October, I'm in Japan, they don't sell alpecin here and I run dry. Hair falls out like mad. And to make things even worse for myself, I haven't had a hair cut ever since the last time where it became apparent it's thinning like a bitch. Long hair with a thinning hair line: the worst thing you can do.


So today, woke up with this "I don't give a shit any more" feeling and went to the hairdressers down the road. Told them the predicament, lifted up my hair so they could see the line and asked them if they've got any recommendations because it's definitely apparent that anything long is now completely out of the question. Sat their during the whole thing, talking every now and then to them but they could tell I was worried as fuck. Grew slightly agitated over it as the guy was keen to work a style into it while I'm thinking "There's hardly anything there to style with!"


He finished up and fuck, couldn't believe it. I actually liked a hair cut for once. I haven't had short hair in nearly 10 years, but I'm glad at how it turned out.


PS: Wait for the inevitable bitching tomorrow in the 'bad stuff' thread because I can't control it any more.

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Although I'm too chicken shit to do this, it is actually the best option. It gets the whole thing out of the way and helps you rebuild your self esteem straight away.


I think it's a wicked idea, I've done it myself in the past, although that wasn't out of necessity or anything. People are confused for the first five minutes but it becomes natural pretty quick. I've seen you in real life, so I can safely say you'd rock the Jason Statham look like a badass.


Edit: holy fuck, after scoping your Facebook pic that Jason Statham comment was right on the mark.

Edited by The Bard
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@Debug Mode Never touched Alpecin myself, probably due to your experiences and that it will shed hair once you've stopped using it. My hair is slowly receding (well, i believe it is, no-one else thinks so). Using no prescription stuff or Alpecin, but am taking multivitimins and using an anti-dandruff shampoo (stops the head itching) and it seems to have stopped receding. Hair isn't shedding quick though, i only see the odd hair now and then compared to seeing 5 or so an hour, now it's 1 (if that).
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Yeah, the best idea is to avoid it like the plague. I know some methods will work to grow some lost hair back that'll stay providing you care for the area carefully, even after you've finished using it, but Alpecin is just not the right choice and the others are usually very expensive and not guaranteed to work.


Watching your diet is the best way to combat hair less, something I never did. That and it's impossible to have a decent diet on a student budget here in Japan. Smoking doesn't help either, not sure why I thought it was a good idea to pick that up again, even if it's £2.80 a 20 pack here.

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So I took the job I was offered. Am now a Conductor for Northern Rail, start training next Monday. Am gonna pack in my driving school gradually, though I'm going to keep my licence which costs £300 every 4 years so I can always go back into teaching if I wanted.


New job sounds awesome, sure there'll be a few problem areas, but the pay and benefits are good. Plus I get holiday and sick pay, something I've not had for 10 years! So I'm telling all my pupils I can't teach them any more. Having your own business is good when you're busy, but worrying when you're quiet. Am not going to be earning more money in this new job, if anything, it may be less. But the current problem I have is that I either have loads of free time and no money to enjoy it with, or enough money but no free time. I've not had a holiday in 6 years, I work 6 or 7 days a week and it gets annoying when pupils cancel at the drop of a hat, thinking that you just do this for a laugh and they're not messing with your livelihood. You've always got to be on the lookout for more work - you could be busy as anything one month, then a few people pass and it all drops off. Plus there's the abusive drivers on the road, tailgating and being a general pain.


Hopefully, this will be much less stress! So I'm absolutely delighted with it! :D

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So I took the job I was offered. Am now a Conductor for Northern Rail, start training next Monday. Am gonna pack in my driving school gradually, though I'm going to keep my licence which costs £300 every 4 years so I can always go back into teaching if I wanted.


New job sounds awesome, sure there'll be a few problem areas, but the pay and benefits are good. Plus I get holiday and sick pay, something I've not had for 10 years! So I'm telling all my pupils I can't teach them any more. Having your own business is good when you're busy, but worrying when you're quiet. Am not going to be earning more money in this new job, if anything, it may be less. But the current problem I have is that I either have loads of free time and no money to enjoy it with, or enough money but no free time. I've not had a holiday in 6 years, I work 6 or 7 days a week and it gets annoying when pupils cancel at the drop of a hat, thinking that you just do this for a laugh and they're not messing with your livelihood. You've always got to be on the lookout for more work - you could be busy as anything one month, then a few people pass and it all drops off. Plus there's the abusive drivers on the road, tailgating and being a general pain.


Hopefully, this will be much less stress! So I'm absolutely delighted with it! :D


Could you not keep up teaching a few pupils in the evenings? Sure, you might want some time off but that extra money.


As for cancellations (I assume your students pay in advance as that's what tI did). Tell them if they cancel more than one lesson with less than 24 hours to go they get charged for it.


Worked wonders when the company I did swimming teaching for started doing that.

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Could you not keep up teaching a few pupils in the evenings? Sure, you might want some time off but that extra money.


As for cancellations (I assume your students pay in advance as that's what tI did). Tell them if they cancel more than one lesson with less than 24 hours to go they get charged for it.


Worked wonders when the company I did swimming teaching for started doing that.


I probably will. As for the cancellations, that's what I do. But not everybody can pre pay and there's so much choice out there of instructors, they can easily find someone else willing to put up with their shit. It's certainly a saturated market. It's been fairly good to me though, but I think it's time I moved on.


It's weird that i might bump into Dog-amoto on a train now....


Make sure to wear a carnation so I know who you are. :D

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Today I went for a run. :smile:


The first run I have ever been on. Firstly I assessed the area to see whether it was safe to run and I wasn't about to get stabbed between my buttocks and aside from thinking an old man was stalking me who just disappeared, which says more about my psyche rather than the safety of the park, everything got the ALL CLEAR. :D


So I jogged back, the whole experience made me feel freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I lost who I was, why I mattered and any sense of anything other than I EXIST AND I AM RUNNING. :grin: (then I ran out of breath)


Normality resumed and I had returned to the bleakness of Britain.

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Three of the five people who wanted to go to a bar tonight are sick, so everything was cancelled. Hopefully we'll get it done next week.


But that means I can watch the Sony conference later.


And even more important: I had a great time today. Met the girl I was talking about in my last post in this thread.

We walked her dog, watched a movie and talked a lot.

And I listened, I took interest in everything she said. Haven't done that with anyone in at least two years.


It feels good. Getting to know about her life, about what she did, what she does, what she wants to do.


Should help me in future conversations. Should help me with changing/fixing who I am.



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Today I went for a run. :smile:


The first run I have ever been on. Firstly I assessed the area to see whether it was safe to run and I wasn't about to get stabbed between my buttocks and aside from thinking an old man was stalking me who just disappeared, which says more about my psyche rather than the safety of the park, everything got the ALL CLEAR. :D


So I jogged back, the whole experience made me feel freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I lost who I was, why I mattered and any sense of anything other than I EXIST AND I AM RUNNING. :grin: (then I ran out of breath)


Normality resumed and I had returned to the bleakness of Britain.


Was it anything like this? :p


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Arrived back home from Rome on Tuesday but couldn't find the card reader. I was in the process of moving so I had put it in some random box. Found it today after searching for something else.







I'm fully aware of how photogenic I am :p These were actually some of the better ones :p (on the first picture I think I had problem with the sun too)

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Colloseum, Spanish Steps and St Peter's Square?


Went to Rome in 2007 for a long weekend and loved every second of it. Couldn't recommend going there more for a week of culture. So much to do.


We had a great tour guide, Angel Tours, young students who were really passionate and gave exactly the right amount of information on everything we saw. Far more than you'd get in a guide book but not enough to get bored by.

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Charlie: Yes. I only had two full days though so I didn't have time to rest much. Lots to see in not much time. But it was fun.


Ellmeister: Got some random people to take pictures of me. Did some in return too a couple of times. The picture at the Spanish Steps was taken by a lone Asian.

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