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Been at the Isle of Wight Festival for the sixth year running, despite the mud and horror actually getting there on Thursday, one of the best weekends of my life.


Never drunk so much before, yet somehow held up and didn't throw up at all! Like @ipaul I wasn't a massive Bruce fan, got into him a bit in the last few weeks through his Greatest Hits, but seriously, one of the best live acts I have ever seen. What a fucking legend he is.

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After a crappy long day at work it's been nice to return home to a cooked meal (well, salad), some wine and then later be joined by friends for Beat the Beat and random YouTube videos. Exactly what I needed.

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BUT! Tonight I begin I first late night shift. I've not exactly had the greatest amount of training (2 hours) but let's see if I can pull it off.

With two hours left I'm taking my one hour break. I can't stand having hem close to the atart of the shift... Things start to drag. It's an awesome feeling knowing there will be around 40 mins of work left. So long as I drag the jobs out I won't be standing around and the other bosses giving me their work to do for them. I can imagine Friday night won't be as quiet.

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Well done mr-paul. What degree is it?


BA(Hons) in Journalism from City University London, one of the most respected Journalism schools in the world. Pity there is no money/jobs in the field at the moment, but this gives me a slightly better chance than many!

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Have decided I want to stay on studying at Dundee and got for a MSc in Eye Movement and Cognition. Think it's a good thing. Well, it'll be helpful in the long run but not so sure staying in Dundee is ever a good thing :laughing:


Just waiting on my dissertation supervisor doing a reference for me and need to scan in my degree transcripts before I can submit the application but I'm hoping I get a place. Aced the Vision module this year so that alone should be good enough and my PhD idea that wasn't taken on can be used for my dissertation so fingers crossed.


A small step but I'm slowly working out where I want to go/what I want to do/who I intended to be/

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Had a French student come in today because their exam was illegible so I had to type it up while they dictated it. Was very hot, like...seriously.

"And my answer for ze question number deux: to fix ze problemz wiz ziz tax code, we only have to luk at paragraph cinq, sectionne troise, where ze intricaciez of ze taxes iz explained..."


"Hoochie mama!" :o


"Excuse moi? Did you say something?"


"No, carry on."

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