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good stuff thread.


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I just created a price list for my wedding photos, as well as a spreadsheet that calculates the price I pay for them, the price the customer pays and the profit I make. It does it for each print size as well and makes it a piece of piss to adjust my prices. It also creates a receipt for my (future) customers.


It's not exactly Excel wizardry, but it makes me feel all professional and junk.


Next up, wedding album page design templates. That won't be a quick job...


Well done mate. It sounds like you've got a really good set up over there and doing well for yourself.


You wouldn't happen to have any wedding photos which feature moonlighting do you?

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Well done mate. It sounds like you've got a really good set up over there and doing well for yourself.


You wouldn't happen to have any wedding photos which feature moonlighting do you?


As in photos that are lit by the moon? Can't say I have. Most of the images I have of weddings in the evening are from the receptions, so it's mainly first dance etc.


I imagine that would be pretty tricky since the moon doesn't give off enough light for moving subjects (People wouldn't be able to keep still long enough). You'd almost certainly need some sort of soft flash to light the actual subject. Even then, I don't think you'd actually be able to get the moon into the same picture without Photoshopping it in.


Unless moonlight is a certain type of lighting I'm not aware of?

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I don't have many of first dances since one of my weddings didn't actually have a first dance. I can't even show the other reception pictures either since I asked permission to put them on my site and they didn't reply.


There's one on my website though if you want a look. It's in the "People" album (at least until I get round to making a dedicated Wedding section. It was from my earliest wedding though, so it could be better.


Haven't got any of empty rooms yet, although I may be shooting a wedding brochure for a venue soon, so I'll be taking some then.

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So apparently the job interview went really well. As in, I dazzled them.


Which is kind of a weird thing to hear because I just kind of chatted about what I do.


Haven't got any solid confirmation so I'm not going to assume anything at the moment. I'm happy with how it went. I've did everything I could do. If something comes of it, amazing. If not, I'm cool. This has all happened so quickly it feels like nothing has happened at all (literally everything happened in the past 24 hours).

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I don't have many of first dances since one of my weddings didn't actually have a first dance. I can't even show the other reception pictures either since I asked permission to put them on my site and they didn't reply.


There's one on my website though if you want a look. It's in the "People" album (at least until I get round to making a dedicated Wedding section. It was from my earliest wedding though, so it could be better.


Haven't got any of empty rooms yet, although I may be shooting a wedding brochure for a venue soon, so I'll be taking some then.


Ah ok. I'm trying to get some photos of moodlighting (similar to the first photo on this site - http://www.colincook.co.uk/) to use for a website I'm creating.


Thanks anyway.

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So whut did happen brah?


So I literally just got a phone call from them and they asked me to come in on Wednesday to introduce me to the team. I think they're giving me some work and if that works out I'll be on their books for regular stuff (it's a freelance job).


Also, @Rez, I need to tell you what the job is because it is lol worthy. The job is as a copywriter but yeah, who it's for is lols. I'll tell you over Uncharted.


I'll be more open about it to y'all when I'm dead certain this is going to work out.

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Story which started bad but turned good :D



Went to use my laptop, turned it on then while loading it Windows it suddenly decided to crash and restart. When it restarted it would then not go past the POST and wouldn't boot Windows and just kept restarting. (Well actually I had it dual booted with Ubuntu so after POST it should give me a boot loader to choose which to load Windows or Unbuntu and it wouldn't even give me that)


Tried to boot to Safe mode... NOTHING

Tried to boot the Recovery mode..... still nothing???


Right that got me worried as the laptop never came with a recovery disc as it had a recovery mode/partition.... but now that wasn't working.


Luckily I am at my sisters house visiting so I used her laptop to google/clear my head form the panic of *OMG OMG Crap I'm gonna need to buy a new frakking laptop*


My initial thought was to see if I could download a Recovery Disc ISO and burn it to a disc... turns out a recovery disc is not free apparently... every site I found that said it was a free download then had a note saying MS made them remove the free d/l's and the d/l's I found on MS's site had to be paid for....ggrrr.


Then I remembered I bloody have ISO images of all Windows OS's from 2000 to 7 installation discs from my Comptia A+ course :heh: *facepalm*


So burnt an installation disc, ran the recovery console and then a fixmbr command and done. :yay:


All fixed...phew... thank the gods it was simple enough.... though I really gotta learn to not assume the worst when something goes wrong and stay calm :heh:


I managed to fix my own Laptop, yay. I'm guessing somehow the Master Boot Record got corupted as it wouldn't Boot and kept restarting and wouldn't even let me boot to safe or recovery modes. Luckily I brought my External HDD with me which had ISO back ups of all Windows OS's that I got from my IT course. Burnt a Vista disc (yes I know I should upgrade) and was able to use that to open the recovery console, ran a FixMBR and now it is working again...phew... was getting worried I might have to buy a new Laptop. Thank the gods it was only the MBR :D)

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Had some birthday celebrations at work. Went for lunch (in which I completely forgot what I ordered and had half of someone else's food before realising), had cake in the afternoon and they gave me a card and £30 worth of vouchers (£15 fopp, £15 waterstones) which was really sweet of them considering I've only been there 5 months, and then drinks at the work bar after work. Had a really nice evening :)

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I am genuinely touched. Once again the friendships forged through this website impress, astound and make me feel warm.


Daft and I were talking about American Psycho on PSN this week.....


I received a mysterious package from Amazon, and I was like "Whut. I havn't ordered any LEGO. *shake* HUH,....its not loose plastic"




<3 <3


Thanks so much Daft, seriously. I will start American Psycho tonight.

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I am genuinely touched. Once again the friendships forged through this website impress, astound and make me feel warm.


Daft and I were talking about American Psycho on PSN this week.....


I received a mysterious package from Amazon, and I was like "Whut. I havn't ordered any LEGO. *shake* HUH,....its not loose plastic"


<3 <3


Thanks so much Daft, seriously. I will start American Psycho tonight.



People on N-E are great like that!


I received one of my only two birthday cards from Sprout (the other was from a friend a day late). Annnnd I also got the Zelda manga boxset, whoo! Now I no longer have to look for (translated) scans online when I want to read those and look at the pretty art. =)

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I had a funny night last night -- in a failure way -- but it was so sitcom-y in those moments it was hard not to laugh.


Myself and a few friends decided against going to a pub so we went to the beach instead. We were all a little tipsy but not drunk and it felt so nice to have the salt air with us at 10pm. I even went barefoot. Of course, I soon realised the wine I bought needed a corkscrew so myself and a friend went back to my residence. It began raining then so it was good we left (& the tide came in ridiculously fast and we were somewhat trapped). I forgot my card-key though so had to wait in the rain for someone to open the door.


I ruined the cap of the wine with my awful wine opening skills (bad waiter). I had to push it inside the wine with a chopstick. The pressure of this caused most of the wine to be shot right into my face. Ensue breathless laughter. I poured it all into a bowl and drank from it till 1am.


Finally I walked my friend home [we ran / skipped / rolled to our voices singing 'Colours of the Wind'] and by 2am I bought myself a bag of chips. Nom. It was fun. We pretend we're German superstars.

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Just got back from a skiing trip in Austria. Possibly the best ski conditions they've ever had and I definitely did some of my best skiing. Perfect pistes and hardly anyone else on the slopes. It was a bit cold though; it was -23 on Sunday, so cold that snot was freezing inside my nose.


Downloaded an app for my phone that tracks your ski runs. Apparently I had a top speed of 85.5kph, which kind of makes me feel sick! Glad I didn't fall at that speed.

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I told myself that this year I needed to sort out the social aspect of my life out - since moving to Stockport I've literally known nobody outside work and family.


Anyway, the past few weekends I've hung out on Saturday at a bar called TV21 (I recommend it to @ReZourceman when he's in the area in a few weeks - their burgers are immense) with a friend on work, and due to that I've met up with his friends, who are all nerds (male and female) so I've gotten along with them pretty well. So I've actually met new people for once.


I've also joined a Squash club and start on Tuesday - no doubt there's a possibility of bumping into people there, too.

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Just got back from a skiing trip in Austria. Possibly the best ski conditions they've ever had and I definitely did some of my best skiing. Perfect pistes and hardly anyone else on the slopes. It was a bit cold though; it was -23 on Sunday, so cold that snot was freezing inside my nose.


Downloaded an app for my phone that tracks your ski runs. Apparently I had a top speed of 85.5kph, which kind of makes me feel sick! Glad I didn't fall at that speed.


Sounds great! What's the name of the app? I wouldn't mind using it :)

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Just got back from a skiing trip in Austria. Possibly the best ski conditions they've ever had and I definitely did some of my best skiing. Perfect pistes and hardly anyone else on the slopes. It was a bit cold though; it was -23 on Sunday, so cold that snot was freezing inside my nose.


Downloaded an app for my phone that tracks your ski runs. Apparently I had a top speed of 85.5kph, which kind of makes me feel sick! Glad I didn't fall at that speed.


Sounds awesome mate. You beat me, my top wasps red was 78kph and apparently I was totally out of control.


Sounds great! What's the name of the app? I wouldn't mind using it :)


I used the 3 Valleys App which was great. You can download the map an it'll show you your location with GPS (no data as maps previously downloaded). It also shows you ski stats such as distance etc. look through my ski album on Facebook and you'll see a screenshot.

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