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Our pro 5 team guaranteed ourselves promotion to League 2 next season with a victory over the team in first place last night :grin:


Next week we're scheduled to play an unassigned team, which guarantee's us 3 points and means we'll finish on 31 points. If the team we beat last night who are first lose next week then we'll go ahead of them and finish the league first.


If they do win then unfortunately we'll finish 2nd, but still..... means promotion.



only suck ass thing about it is we'll get a medal that says 'Runner Up' I don't want that, I want a 1st place medal and trophy.




2 seasons and back to back promotions.... AWWWW YEEEAAAAAHHHH

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Wooooooo! I'm free! Ten exams in little over two weeks are finally all done. 3 shit, 7 good. I like those odds.


I'm stepping out off the page and into the leisurely world. Mmmm. Yes.


FYI to any young'uns thinking of pursuing chemistry as a viable career path - don't do it, you will have no life/be eternally miserable.


EDIT: Yes, I'm already drunk.

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Wooooooo! I'm free! Ten exams in little over two weeks are finally all done. 3 shit, 7 good. I like those odds.


I'm stepping out off the page and into the leisurely world. Mmmm. Yes.


FYI to any young'uns thinking of pursuing chemistry as a viable career path - don't do it, you will have no life/be eternally miserable.


EDIT: Yes, I'm already drunk.


Yoü are my hair. I will be ü tomorrow. Tradition is that after your last exam you get drenched in water and forced to down a bottle of champagne (which I bought today -- for some reason never realised it was £25 expensive (I knew it was expensive, but not that expensive)). Peerpressuresex.


I've not had any alcohol since my birthday over a month ago (just done other substances instead, and had soft drinks at pubs), so I will be really drunk after downing a bottle of champagne. Like deadrunk.


And then we (the mathematicians (who I've always so underappreciated, I've always written off as bad/boring, but actually are my faves when you talk to them properly (like Wen is my favourite person on Earth. Secretly 23, and in our year. Yes)) are going punting in the river. With Pimms. This will not end weeeellll.


I just want my friends to think aï'm dynamite.

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Got a breakdown of my modules for the third year today. Ended up significantly improving compared to the second year. Back then my grades were mostly high thirds and low 2:2's.(which was either a 5, 6 or a 7 out of 15). However this year I got 9/15 in three modules which is a high 2:2 and came to 75 credits. Then in the remaining 45 Credits i got 12/15 which is a High 2:1. If I got a 10 in one of the 30 credit modules I got a 9 in my degree would have been a 2:1. Still, this is still a significant improvement to last year. :)

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Wooooooo! I'm free! Ten exams in little over two weeks are finally all done. 3 shit, 7 good. I like those odds.


I'm stepping out off the page and into the leisurely world. Mmmm. Yes.


FYI to any young'uns thinking of pursuing chemistry as a viable career path - don't do it, you will have no life/be eternally miserable.


EDIT: Yes, I'm already drunk.


You + me (at six) + Eathai Busaba + wine = yay!

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Served a customer at work today who was very happy with my service. So happy, in fact, that she left the store and called customer service the moment she left the store to tell them how happy she was and apparantly couldn't praise me enough. Customer service win, and this would have been enough to secure a good feeling in my chest.


But Cust. Services then send an email to our store passing the message on. My manager sees this and is impressed. An hour later, the regional manager sends an email down asking for his thanks to be passed on to me. This is a rarity. I take the praise and have my ego stroked a little bit more. And then, a couple of hours later - the regional's boss (in charge of about 250 stores or something crazy) sends down an email asking the same. Unheard of. I couldn't have walked around the store much prouder at this point - whatever the lady said must have been seriously complimentary!


All of this was topped off by being given a rather delicious sonic hat. We're one of 200 stores taking part in a Sonic 20th Anniversary promo and as such we got sent 5 Sonic hats. Everybody wants them. Not only the staff in our store but we have other stores in our region asking for them, and so the manager yesterday said she was going to put them away, to hand them out as prizes and such. So I rather cheekily asked for one as I made our store look so good and got one. Quite a small token of awesome but I love it. Sits nicely next to my Scribblenauts hat (pictured behind)!


Here is a picture of the hat. And my (much better after a few weeks back at home) Sister happily wearing it.




It's incredible.


Anyway, yeah, that's my good stuff for the day :D

Edited by Dyson
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Congrats :)


Today I found out my future:




Sounds good. Although 92 kids may be a bit much.


But in real life news - tonight is our final (until September) degree show. Taking place at Graphic in Soho so there will be industry people and gin. Glorious glorious gin! :p Looking forward to it :)

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