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good stuff thread.


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my girlfriend is stuck on a roof.




KPMG in London! Thanks!





I have the week off work so I've started playing Shenmue again and plan on completing it by the time I return to work next Tuesday.





I finished my film and it turned out well. The few little tweaks I've done since the assessment copy on Friday have worked well :)





Got my uni grades for semester 2 today - passed them all.




Going on a cruise :D leaving today/tomorrow at 2 am. Cruising round the med :) been saving for this for the past three years ^^


I am going to climb vesuvius!!!


Congrats/have fun.




Mildly lol day so far.


Had my first sign on at the Job Seekers Centre Allowance today. As I gathered you have to provide evidence of your job seeking. I only had a weeks worth or so as I havn't kept it all, and havn't been looking epically, and only applied for JSA last week, and had first meeting/interview on Monday.


Before I left I got a call about another job I applied for yesterday, from some agency. She had a little chat with me about it, and she was nice. I told her that if I get offered the job on Friday I'm taking it (its better than this one anyway) and she was like "Cool cool, this can be a back up" in no uncertain terms, so we'd arrange an interview if I didn't get it.


Went in. The chick was (really pretty, which was nice. But this is regardless. Its just nice sitting opposite an attractive person) and she talked me through it a bit. Was astounded I had an interview already (three chav's with tracksuits were sitting directly behind me in tracksuits....which isn't exactly important but....I don't like the Job Centre.) anyway, and she didn't even check my evidence.


So literally totally understand why there are chavvy little wankers who stay on JSA for years, because it is unbelievably easy to fraud. You could honestly just put "Got an interview at Bilbo Contractors" and...done. Like. Crazy. They should be more strict.




It kinda sucked cos' as SOON as I left it PISSED it down with rain so I'm kind of soaked now. Stopped when I got there. Obviously.


Anyway, feeling elated from the "Better than thou" feeling I got at seeing pathetic chavs, and attactive women, (combined with Roulette being on my brain) I decided to hit up Ladbrokes.


I had already said to myself that I wouldn't as I had been TOO lucky recently, and that going again so soon after my last win would diminish its importance.


But it was ridiculous. Literally...loll'd all the way to the bank.


For anyone who saw my Roulette video yesterday you should know my style. Random numbers/win blogs.



Well anyway, so I put £10 in. My first bet was £2.00 I think. I hit up a couple of corners, couple of doubles and trio on zero. Came in. Sweet. Already up to £10.50 (although that doesn't mean much to me at this point). Have another bet. WTF. Came in again. Awesome. Went up to £14.50. Now...they have recently changed the machines (not the game, just the machines, like the buttons. You can no longer print your winnings receipt in the Roulette game, you have to go to main menu.) Well I pressed "Print Receipt" but it wouldn't let me (as I was in Roulette still) so I was like...."Meh. One more go, get it down to an even £13.50" (lol). and IT CAME IN AGAIN. I was overjoyed. Trio 0,1,2. Zero came up. Loving life. Fucking loving life. So it went up to £16.50 so I exited and took my winnings.


Awesome. I've been so so so lucky recently, havn't lost in ages.

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I bought a digital camera ready for my 21st party with my mates on Thursday and my actual 21st on Friday. It was only £10 and the quality of the pictures are great but I do find it weird though. The camera is 5MP but it looks poor on the 5MP setting and a lot better on the 3MP setting. No idea why, I find it quite weird but anyway, I'm very happy with it and I think it was such a bargain.

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Awesome. I've been so so so lucky recently, havn't lost in ages.


You put a tenner in and walked away with £16.50? Not exactly earth-shattering. If you're only going to make small margins, you might as well just play any-black every time and double the bet each time. That way you'll make a profit eventually.

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You put a tenner in and walked away with £16.50? Not exactly earth-shattering. If you're only going to make small margins, you might as well just play any-black every time and double the bet each time. That way you'll make a profit eventually.


So much fail.


A) Watch my video.

B) I don't want Earth shattering sums

C) Computer roulette cannot be trusted to the extent that would be required.

D) The Martingale technique isn't a guaranteed win system....minimum bet on colours is £1. Double £2. £4. £8. You've paid £15 and if your opposite comes up four times in a row (not remotely unlikely) then your next bet is £32. A crazy thing to do.

E) I do it for the fun as well as monetary gaining potential.

F) All of this is covered in the video. :p

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You put a tenner in and walked away with £16.50? Not exactly earth-shattering. If you're only going to make small margins, you might as well just play any-black every time and double the bet each time. That way you'll make a profit eventually.


Not necassarily, unless he has an unlimited supply of money.

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Had my first sign on at the Job Seekers Centre Allowance today. As I gathered you have to provide evidence of your job seeking. I only had a weeks worth or so as I havn't kept it all, and havn't been looking epically, and only applied for JSA last week, and had first meeting/interview on Monday.


Before I left I got a call about another job I applied for yesterday, from some agency. She had a little chat with me about it, and she was nice. I told her that if I get offered the job on Friday I'm taking it (its better than this one anyway) and she was like "Cool cool, this can be a back up" in no uncertain terms, so we'd arrange an interview if I didn't get it.


Went in. The chick was (really pretty, which was nice. But this is regardless. Its just nice sitting opposite an attractive person) and she talked me through it a bit. Was astounded I had an interview already (three chav's with tracksuits were sitting directly behind me in tracksuits....which isn't exactly important but....I don't like the Job Centre.) anyway, and she didn't even check my evidence.


So literally totally understand why there are chavvy little wankers who stay on JSA for years, because it is unbelievably easy to fraud. You could honestly just put "Got an interview at Bilbo Contractors" and...done. Like. Crazy. They should be more strict.


Completely agree. I was on JSA for part of my unplanned gap year (long story) last year and it is crazy about how much they don't care. You could make up any old rubbish and get away with it. I wouldn't have been surprised if I could've put I'd had an interview to be an astronaut with NASA and got away with it. :P They probably would have paid for a new suit for me to go in as well.

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The camera is 5MP but it looks poor on the 5MP setting and a lot better on the 3MP setting. No idea why, I find it quite weird but anyway, I'm very happy with it and I think it was such a bargain.


For the majority of people, 3MP is fine anyway. Unless you're printing very large prints (3MP is fine for standard size photos, 5MP for A4) or plan to do a lot of cropping then anything higher is simply overkill.


The reason camera companies are continuously making higher MP cameras is simply because people think they're better (there's a tangible, understandable number). This is especially true in mobile phone cameras - the lens is a much more important aspect of the camera in terms of quality.


Anyway, a possible reason for that is that the sensors just aren't up to quality for 5MP, which could cause noise and stuff, but perfect for 3MP.

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Not necassarily, unless he has an unlimited supply of money.


I mean probability wise there's a good chance - ignoring the monkeys and shakespeare thing :heh: you only have to win once to be up. So even if it's Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Black, at this point you're up.

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Today is a good day, for I have COMPLETED MY DEGREE!! :yay:


Seriously though, I am fucking relieved. I have literally been revising exams for 3 straight months. In that time, I've probably only been out drinking 3 times. So I declare that tonight, and tomorrow night, I will be getting absolutely shitfaced. Oh yeah.

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Today is a good day, for I have COMPLETED MY DEGREE!! :yay:


Seriously though, I am fucking relieved. I have literally been revising exams for 3 straight months. In that time, I've probably only been out drinking 3 times. So I declare that tonight, and tomorrow night, I will be getting absolutely shitfaced. Oh yeah.


Well done on finishing mate :D Have a quality few nights, you deserve it. Hit me up when you're back man. Also, I suggest rewarding yourself with a 3DS and Zelda :grin:

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Well done on finishing mate :D Have a quality few nights, you deserve it. Hit me up when you're back man. Also, I suggest rewarding yourself with a 3DS and Zelda :grin:


Cheers buddy, must catch up and have a good chin wag. I have already bought Portal 2 to celebrate, a 3DS is very tempting though.

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Yer but that's why table min and max limits are in place.

Granted I'm not following where this is actually even taking place but, I did this on Partypoker with no problem. In fact it actually did do red so many times I started to think it was scamming me :heh:

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I bought a digital camera ready for my 21st party with my mates on Thursday and my actual 21st on Friday. It was only £10 and the quality of the pictures are great but I do find it weird though. The camera is 5MP but it looks poor on the 5MP setting and a lot better on the 3MP setting. No idea why, I find it quite weird but anyway, I'm very happy with it and I think it was such a bargain.


My tutor and I were recently discussing this about cameras, so many people focus on MP! MP do not neccessarily determined the quality of the camera.


Work bought me a card for my birthday, I'm really going to miss those guys..

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