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I have created an enfarbtion zone. For those of you who don't know what one is.


I made it up.


Anyway my room is lookin' RAD.


Death In The CoRner.


No one is looking.


I shifted my bed into the middle of the room and then created a meditation space at the back of my room in the indented bear hole. no escape.


Placed my Bean chair (which may as well NOT have beans in it since it's so flat) at the back, stuck my Duvet underneath as a floor cloth/blanket. Stuck my laptop in front of me, new speakers either side of it (which arrived today) long HDMI attached to TV for dual screen and it all feels pretteh awesomes.


Greepings shall be had. :)


I have an eye exam tomorrow and I'm starting to think my head should be instead.


My final thought before I went to sleep last night was "I hope the pharmacist doesn't catch me"


Oh! and I can stick my headphones into the speakers for quiet times/intense ear rapeyvibes.


Tomorrow will be spent in the kitchen sink.

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Man, I'd love to see the Torch myself.


It's coming to Dublin on June 6th, was thinking of going up for a day trip but don't know if I'll be able to make it up.


Though I am so pissed off Jedward are getting to run with it.... why oh why do they keep being asked to ruin things.... I mean sure let them mess up the Eurovision fine, but do we really want the Olympic Torch stained by their touch?


If one of them tries to do a cartwheel while holding it and he flame goes out we'll never be allowed to have a torch relay again :heh:

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Though I am so pissed off Jedward are getting to run with it.... why oh why do they keep being asked to ruin things.... I mean sure let them mess up the Eurovision fine, but do we really want the Olympic Torch stained by their touch?


If one of them tries to do a cartwheel while holding it and he flame goes out we'll never be allowed to have a torch relay again :heh:


With all that hairspray you could just light them and use them as the torch.



Damn you Ireland, why won't you light Jedward?

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Just got back from a 2 day residential with my class. Had an absolutely fantastic time in Castleton. We've been weaselling (google it), rock climbing, raft, fire, hut and bridge building, orienteering, zip wiring, running round an assault course on the ground and in the air, swimming in ponds and many more.


I'm absolutely shattered now though!



Edited by Emma
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That sounds awesome Emma.


It might not sound amazing but I'm finally wearing off from my migraine Friday so I'm able to think properly for the first time in days, having two 12 hour shifts after said migraine didn't help.


I'm now in a very clean room, levelled headed with ice cream and youtubes, ahh. :)

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Just found out my degree classification. Got me a 2:1 for psychology. Which I knew I would get anyway but to say I'm slightly disappointed would be an understatement. Genuinely though I could have gotten a 1st.


Still, I've got my degree so I guess I can celebrate....

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Just found out my degree classification. Got me a 2:1 for psychology. Which I knew I would get anyway but to say I'm slightly disappointed would be an understatement. Genuinely though I could have gotten a 1st.


Still, I've got my degree so I guess I can celebrate....

I know the feeling. I got cheated out of a first due to two horrible units. One which was based on peer reviewing. Final mark based on a paper I made after fixes by a peer reviewer. The peer reviewer failed it so I was fucked. Only got like 58 for that unit. As for the other one, I fucked up the exam (I stress out in exams despite knowing the stuff), and despite doing well on the resit, I was capped at 40 for the entire unit because I resit it. Ended up with a 2:2 despite having 70-90 on every other unit which is a first


Still though, well done and welcome to the real world :)

Edited by Serebii
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You should be proud!


I got a 2:1, one of the only people in my year to do so, which one of my 'friends' kindly reminded me of at graduation in November.I left in May, worked for Jagex and have been working for Spotify since then for 8 months. I was devastated to be told and reminded as though getting a 2:1 wasn't a good mark...but then I found out he's still unemployed, even with his shiny 1st.


It goes to show that your degree, ok it might be helpful to have one, but it's more the determination, he hasn't worked hard to try and get something and feels a 1st would have got him something by now.


My point is don't.worry.so.much you'll find a job if you work hard, just like you did with your degree and you should be proud, I know I was!


There's been some good news at work and hopefully there's some good news on the house front this evening..

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I'll admit it's not a bad grade. It's just I thought I was on for a 1st given the feedback I'd been given through the year, and that's why I'm a little disappointed.


A 2:1 is good enough for me to get into a RA position in Neuroscience if/when I start applying for jobs, or even for a PhD studentship that's going in Reading, but a 1st would have made the possibility of getting into things like those easier seeing as most places are putting a lot of weight on grades (quite a few places I've looked at won't consider you if you don't have a high 2:1 grade which I thankfully have).


Anyway, off out to celebrate :bouncy::D

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Passed my third year progress panel, and did a badass presentation at the Leicester Fluids seminar series.


These are Good Things.


Now i have to Look Busy, as some italian bigwigs are coming round to view the labs, and we want funding from them. Oooh, maybe i'll put a labcoat on and hold a clipboard....

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I finished college about a week ago and it is so great. I didn't post here then because I was busy getting drunk all day. I spent the whole day today playing video games and watching Friends, eating whatever is in the fridge. Never got dressed. I can't remember when the last time I got to do that was. It's so different. It's so freeing.


I was still held down a bit. I have to apply for studentship programs so I have experience on my CV. But still. I thought I wasn't much of a gamer any more. But that changed now.

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