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good stuff thread.


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That whole section is complete bliss.



"Last call for the Miley Cyrus concert!"

"Hey Jiz! Wait for me!"

"You know Miley's rules -- no blacks are allowed..."

"What kinda racist shit is that??"

"Look it's Miley's racist shit, not my racist shit. Ok, just because I'm going, doesn't mean I'm a fucking racist."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Remember last night?"


"I can't believe I'm going to meet a renowned neurosurgeon."

"Hi, I'm Dr. Jones, neurosurgeon."

"What the... Oh my god, DON'T RAPE ME, NO!"


"Ironically, I was raped by a Samoan that night, so don't lecture me on the points of race. Look, I don't hate you because you're black, you're black because I hate you. Now I gotta get going, alright. Jesus Christ. LET'S GO TO THE CONCERT."


"Racist cunt."

Edited by chairdriver
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Well pardon me for being a little touchy about anyone making light of me getting accused of paedophilia. It it had happened to you you'd know it's not something to joke about.




That's the way he's coming across to me.




I don't think I have, he's trying to make a joke out of my misfortune.

I certainly wouldn't do that to anyone, and don't think it's a joking matter.


Well, I do happen to be of the opinion that anything can be made fun of. Jokes about stuff like this gets thrown around a lot on these forums, and to be fair I don't think any of us realised how bad it was for you.


That being said, I also believe I can safely say that no one here meant any offence.

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Well, I do happen to be of the opinion that anything can be made fun of. Jokes about stuff like this gets thrown around a lot on these forums, and to be fair I don't think any of us realised how bad it was for you.


That being said, I also believe I can safely say that no one here meant any offence.


I'm sure it's easy to make light of when it doesn't happen to you, but I've spent the last 36 hours plus on damage limitation, and it's not been a picnic.

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I'm sure it's easy to make light of when it doesn't happen to you, but I've spent the last 36 hours plus on damage limitation, and it's not been a picnic.


As I said, I don't think any of us realised the severity of the issue, nor were we trying to be insensitive. If you feel we've hurt you, I apologise on my own behalf.

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A guy I haven't seen in years, and wasn't honestly expecting to ever see again, just came round and paid me back the £100 he owed me. Time to pop down the offy and Pizza Hut.


Karma for all those kiddies you didn't fiddle!


Not sure how the babie fits in.


Melodrama and a bottle of wine, yeah?


Here is a breakdown.


You say a good thing that happened to you


Jay says it's good karma for a bad thing that happened to you


You misunderstand the situation :)


Apologies if you didn't and you still find that offensive. I just don't see how and believe you may be being a bit over-sensitive. But then I'm not in your situation so can't imagine how you feel.

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I'm sure it's easy to make light of when it doesn't happen to you, but I've spent the last 36 hours plus on damage limitation, and it's not been a picnic.

What I find the most amazing about this whole thing isn't that a couple of people have accused you of being a pedophile, but that you actually need to do damage control. No disrespect intended, but what kind of friends do you have on Facebook if their opinion of you is that easily swayed? Just laugh it off instead of making a big deal out of it.


When people say mean things about me that aren't true, I tell my Facebook friends about it and we all have a good laugh about it. :indeed:

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That whole section is complete bliss.



"Last call for the Miley Cyrus concert!"

"Hey Jiz! Wait for me!"

"You know Miley's rules -- no blacks are allowed..."

"What kinda racist shit is that??"

"Look it's Miley's racist shit, not my racist shit. Ok, just because I'm going, doesn't mean I'm a fucking racist."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Remember last night?"


"I can't believe I'm going to meet a renowned neurosurgeon."

"Hi, I'm Dr. Jones, neurosurgeon."

"What the... Oh my god, DON'T RAPE ME, NO!"


"Ironically, I was raped by a Samoan that night, so don't lecture me on the points of race. Look, I don't hate you because you're black, you're black because I hate you. Now I gotta get going, alright. Jesus Christ. LET'S GO TO THE CONCERT."


"Racist cunt."


Jiz :bowdown:


There will never be another.


"Please just...fucking kill me!"

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Care to elaborate as to why these people are doing this? Maybe give a bit more info. Sounds interesting.


Apparently they hold me responsible for one of them getting kicked off Facebook, because I reported them for one of their sick little games they played on someone else.


Here is a breakdown.


You say a good thing that happened to you


Jay says it's good karma for a bad thing that happened to you


You misunderstand the situation :)


Apologies if you didn't and you still find that offensive. I just don't see how and believe you may be being a bit over-sensitive. But then I'm not in your situation so can't imagine how you feel.


Maybe I was being a bit over sensitive.


What I find the most amazing about this whole thing isn't that a couple of people have accused you of being a pedophile, but that you actually need to do damage control. No disrespect intended, but what kind of friends do you have on Facebook if their opinion of you is that easily swayed? Just laugh it off instead of making a big deal out of it.


I don't know about you, but on Facebook I find you accumulate friends through friends, and end up with loads of people you don't really know on your friends list. These are the people I had to do damage control with, my real life friends obviously didn't believe it. And the thing is, and I don't know if you've noticed, some people are less than rational when it comes to accusations of paedophilia. All it takes is for one of those fruit loops to hear these things and before I know it I've got a lynch mob on my doorstep.

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I was at a friends house a few years back, and we were expecting alot of people to come over, not a party, but a gathering so to speak. before everyone arrived I signed onto facebook and checked some stuff out,


and left myself signed in.


gathering finished, go home, people stayed at the house, one of those people being my Ex Girlfriend,


straight onto the lap top to see me signed into facebook.


this was the night before my birthday.


on my actual birthday i'm getting 2 kinds of texts... "Happy Birthday dude!" and "OH MY SHIT You're Gay?"



Well played Lindsey.... Well played indeed.

Edited by Murr
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But you just said they're not really friends and people who don't know you to the extent that they'd beleive it if someone told them you fuck children. They don't exactly sound indespensible.


No, but I have made some good real life friends by adding friends of friends of friends. And you can never have too many friends.

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No, but I have made some good real life friends by adding friends of friends of friends. And you can never have too many friends.


Clearly, that's not true.


Exactly, either you limit your profile and get it sorted or you stop complaining about something that can be prevented.


I apologise it might sound harsh, but my friends say crap like this and it's rather easy to sort. Any decent person will not suspect you of being anything sinster and will know this is all bullshit and it will most likely to cause them to move onto someone else. It's just a case of turning everything including private messaging to friends, for a while.


It's like high school, get them to grow the fuck up already.


Today was good, I hung out with a friend I've not seen in quite some time, went shopping for the first time in ages, nice day etc. :yay:

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