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Well I never go out either so maybe it's that. =P

Unless you are totally different in RL, it's difficult to image someone like you doesn't get flirted with - you're gorgeous and have the personality to more than back it up too!


Only people who have ever approached me were always drunk haha. So it's nice to finally have a non-drunk flirt with you. Even if it was in a joking way.


At least that's the version you're telling Flinky anyway ;)

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I have a house for next year! :D


Went looking on saturday and last night. Saw five in total, we decided overall we preferred one of the three we saw last night, so the estate agents were rang and we managed to secure it. It was my personal favourite as well. Little more expensive than I would like (£77p/w), but it's worth it.


There's going to be nine of us sharing the place, should be interesting to say the least. Especially since my best friend and I are going to have a drum kit, guitar, bass and synth between us.... we're thinking the drum kit might have to be electronic. Quite pleased to be sharing with nine people though in a way, I like the idea that we'd have quite a few house parties.


So pleased right now :bouncy:

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I feel like I should start looking for a place for next year. Some friends have started thinking about it, and they very nicely said that I was the one person of our friends/on our course that had nothing annoying or irritating about them, so they wanted me to live with them most.

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Eenuh, if you haven't noticed, it's happening now.




I think it's probably happened a lot, but Ine does have a way of attracting creepy men. (not including me) There was a dude at the music festival who was drunk and trying it on. I don't think she knew what to do, haha.


My best thing for today is discovering these lovely Ryvita things with raisins in them. Really yummy. I love discovering new food with great taste. Thank you Food God.

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Dan's in telesales now :P BRING BRING! YOU BUY MY SHIT? Or maybe that's just how he talks to me. But seriously - nice one dan :) two-ticks?


The best thing today, for me, was discovering probably the best pub quiz in town. great fun, and while there stumbled into a friend on an ernemy team that was effectively 1st throughout. Lots of good banter throughout!

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There's always a rush before xmas to find a place, but genuinely there are good places left for ages. I think me and shorty got our flat in march or something. Prices lower, too. The main rush is for people fighting over who to live with. I didn't have that problem :)


Yeah I'm sure there would be in most cases, but we decided that any really nice 9 bedroom houses in this particular location were going to be pretty limited. We came to a decision pretty quickly, it was all quite smooth.


Also, I can finally now say from experience that Estate Agents are cunts.

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haha :) 9-bed places cannot be that easy to come by! Where are you uni-ing? I always forget these things. I knew a guy in leeds who lived in a 12-bed house... Parties there were mad BUT... politics rife and rampant. But I'm sure that'll suit you ;)


I've lived with 3 people and 6 people, and I'm definitely the sort of person who does better in smaller numbers (though the other 2/5 people may disagree). Living with 9 people, to me, is a refusal to let go of halls experience and to take the chance and grow up a bit. You're allowing for the chance to be PISSED OFF when you want to concentrate in peace to do your vital essay, yet there are 8 other people who have no deadline for ages and just want to party! TOO MANY FACTORS. And, frankly, unless it was a mansion I'd be unhappy paying that sort of money for what is essentially your room plus a shared loo/kitchen/lounge. You should have to pay less for the shared stuff the more people there are, because mess/hygeine just gets worse each person you add to the list.

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I feel like I should start looking for a place for next year. Some friends have started thinking about it, and they very nicely said that I was the one person of our friends/on our course that had nothing annoying or irritating about them, so they wanted me to live with them most.


Pah, I always do mine in November, but this year I'm looking in February because I'm looking at professional not student.


My mates always look after February and all do fine, it depends really, I got a good deal this year because I looked before everyone else, but it doesn't mean you won't find anywhere.


EDIT: The smaller the better - I'm with Jay on this one, 9 people is just asking for trouble, it was bad enough having one bathroom with 4 people, now lets say you have 3 bathrooms for 9 people, can you imagine the pain to get to class on time? Sometimes I had to get ready an hour before I even had to leave just to make sure I was able to get a shower.


Never again. This year I live with one guy, he does bring his girlfriend round a lot (though he disappears for weeks to go to hers so I can't complain.) and it's so much easier, a two level flat for two people at 300quid a month? Bargain ^_^. I sorted it all, it's very easy, I only deal with landlords directly, I hate agencies.


Yesterday I would say my best thing was some decent food.

Edited by nightwolf
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In my house there are 6 guys, and 3 bathrooms. One of our housemates has completely decimated one (its is the definition of disgusting honestly) and so we are left with 2. The bathroom he used didn't have a shower or a bath though but I thought you should all know I have an ikky housemate :p


So we have 2 bathrooms for cleaning with 6 people and for 2 years now I think I could count on one hand the clashing of bathroom uses. Even though there are 2 pairs who have the same course they just get up at different times etc so I think it is really is a subjective experience. Some houses just "function" better at certain things, I think we all know when we can get up and have a shower and not be interrupted by the other shower which will cause them both to be cold.


As for more people in a house in general, it is far far FAR more likely to cause arguments and clashes because there are too many personalities trying to do too many different things and when people have differing deadlines I'm sorry to say but it points towards a likelihood of conflict.


I hope you'd prove us all wrong though!


Best thing about my day so far?


My shower was amazingly hot in a cold cold house. We're too cheap to use the heating (students ::shrug:) so having a nice hot shower...literally stunned.


Also I'm procrastinating from work thus the long and useless post!

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