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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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I loved it on Radio 1 yesterday morning, Chris Moyles played the Dark Knight sound track for his 'Classical class' and it was just incredible,


goosebumps while driving to work.



Don't like wishing time away normally, but oh how I wish it were 10:40pm

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This is horrific. 14 people have been shot dead at a Midnight showing of this in Denver.




that's fucking horrible, I can't even begin. I can't muster words to describe it.


it probably deserves it's own thread as theres loads of news updates on it,


the suspects car was just searched for bombs by bomb squad/




EDIT - a 6 year old was shot for fucks sake.

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that's fucking horrible, I can't even begin. I can't muster words to describe it.


it probably deserves it's own thread as theres loads of news updates on it,


the suspects car was just searched for bombs by bomb squad/




EDIT - a 6 year old was shot for fucks sake.


I've made a separate thread now.


Watching some of the live BBC feed, it's terrible. There's footage taken by somebody outside the cinema when people are running out. Pure chaos.

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Yeah, no Superman trailer for me either. Rather disappointed at that as all the way through the trailers I was thinking, "Hurry up and show me Superman, dammit!" and it never came :( Sure it'll manifest somewhere online over the weekend.


So glad I went to the lunch time showing. Easily managed to get a seat in the back row, slap bang in the middle of the screen (unfortunately not a sofa seat but still happy enough) and the queue waiting to get in for the next screening was huge, especially considering the cinema itself is relatively small (only has 3 screens which seat less than 100 now with the sofas rather than seats in most rows).


Thought the film was brilliant though. Will say I was pleasantly surprised with Hathaway. Wasn't sure about her when she was announced but thought she put in a very good performance.

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Wonder why Cineworld didn't have the trailer :( very disappointed by that.


I did very much enjoy the film although it might not be my favourite of the trilogy. Maybe because it didn't have much Batman in it...


I went to a Cineworld and they showed it. Weird.

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Easily managed to get a seat in the back row, slap bang in the middle of the screen

Slightly off topic, but this is something I've never understood, why on Earth would you want to sit right at the back? Now, it's much better than craning your neck in the front few rows, but the middle/front third is where it's at. Comfortable viewing angle, not so far away that you lose the impact of the size of the screen.

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Mine was a Vue and they showed the superman trailer. Although I didn't think it was coming as there was a lot of animated film trailers before it.


Film was awesome, can't decide what is my favourite out the three but this was a fantastic way to end it all off. Hathaway was awesome.


Slightly off topic, but this is something I've never understood, why on Earth would you want to sit right at the back? Now, it's much better than craning your neck in the front few rows, but the middle/front third is where it's at. Comfortable viewing angle, not so far away that you lose the impact of the size of the screen.


Aye, I bought VIP tickets and we picked two comfy seats right in the centre about half way down, perfect viewing angle for the screen as we were central to it all.

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Slightly off topic, but this is something I've never understood, why on Earth would you want to sit right at the back? Now, it's much better than craning your neck in the front few rows, but the middle/front third is where it's at. Comfortable viewing angle, not so far away that you lose the impact of the size of the screen.


The screens at my local cinema aren't particularly big (seat maybe 80-ish each) and there's only about 7 or 8 rows of seats on a shallow gradient. Normally, if I'd gone to the Odeon or Vue or whatever, I'd sit in the middle rows but because of how small the screens are in this cinema, I generally feel too close to the screen for comfort if I'm not sitting at the back. The back is really the only place where you don't have to crick your neck up to watch :D

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The Dark Knight Rises - Outstanding/10


Bale nailed it.

Hathaway nailed it.

Hardy nailed it.

JGL nailed it.

Caine nailed it.

Oldman nailed it.

Nolan nailed it.


Amazing ending to a stunning trilogy. It was the perfect mix of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.


Cineworld Wolverhampton and I got the Man of Steel trailer, it was good but nowhere near as good as the comic con trailer.

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My main criticism of the series overall for those who've seen all 3


Batman has such a short existence in Gotham overall. His overall impact and influence is tiny. In Begins, Batman is around for maybe one week and involves himself in one major case.


There's maybe one year between the two films (The Joker: "Let's wind the clocks back a year... the cops and lawyers wouldn't dare touch any of you") so that's one solid year of action.


Then he disappears for 8 years, returns for a few days, disappears for 5 months and returns for 12 hours. That's the entire Batman legacy in the Nolanverse.


Ignoring the Robin thing (which was... okay) Nolan's biggest departure from the Batman mythos is that he gave Bats an end goal, an out, and then had him take it. The comic book Batman's fight doesn't end like that.


My only other criticism (I can't help it, this is how I judge movies, I take apart the most annoying bits and what I'm left with has to be great for a thumbs up) is that, like Superman Returns before it, anyone with half a brain would notice Batman and Bruce Wayne returning at the same time after an 8 year disappearance.




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I cannot gauge whether I am delighted or disappointed, whether I am satiated or starving, I can only say with confidence that I was not enraptured. I loved Bane’s implacable darkness, I loved the score, I loved the pacing, the history that paved way for the future, but at the same time I couldn’t throw myself into the spectacle, convince my spine to tingle, impel my face to crack at the reveals. Other than Talia al Ghul the characters were played to a tee, but the impressive constituent parts didn’t quite produce the shining conclusion I was pining for.


Having said that, I still enjoyed the ending and definitely want to watch it again.


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I've just watched The Dark Knight for the first time since I saw it in the cinema. The first time I liked it but was not thrilled; it said a lot about Batman from an indirect point of view and I disliked the monologues that explained the character roles rather than letting them speak through action.


However on second viewing, I liked it a LOT more. I forgot how emotionally poignant it was and some of the genuinely funny parts at the beginning. Maybe I struggled with the plot twists from the good guys (particularly the plan where Dent reveals himself to be Batman to catch the Joker) as there wasn't a lot of time for it to emotionally sink in. So yeah, a great film but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it gave itself more time... possibly as two films.


Can't wait for Rises. Hope I don't have to struggle to listen to Bain all the way through.

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The problem with Rises has just dawned on me.


The Dark Knight had verve. There was a resounding, well constructed message.


Rises had multiple messages strewn all over the place, but not a single one took me by the scruff of the neck. Perhaps the interplay between Bane and Batman was too weak to produce it. The two characters were individually brilliant, but there was no dynamic. The finale wanted to be too many things - focus was sacrificed.

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We were spared from the Superman trailer at my AMC, but we had to suffer a Keith Lemon trailer, which is almost a bad. There was an amazing trailer for The Hobbit (showed a few new clips from the last one I saw), we also had a Hawkman trailer and some film starring Tom Cruise which reminded me of Driver (the game).


As for the film. I went in with absolutely no hype and I had no idea what to expect. I wasn't even that excited.


I absolutely loved it. It's a very interesting trilogy of films as they're all very different to each other.


Bane was a bit difficult to hear at times, but it was mostly fine.


The scale of the story, and the amount of time it covered was something I really didn't expect. It was absolutely massive.


When they delved into Bane's back story I was thinking..."something is off here".


Though they explained that really well later.



I quite liked the throwaway line about giant crocodiles in the sewer.


The battles were great, the twists were great and the ending was perfect.


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Comfortably the worst in the worst in the rrilogy for me. I still enjoyed it for the most part, It was well acted and a fairly okay story but I was sitting there thinking "wheb is this going to pick up" for like...two hours, with the odd exciting bit inbetween. Batman was not in it enough. He was not smart enough, he never fought or used intelligence like Batman should, it seemed. His fights witg Bane were simply fist fights...why did he never use his gadgets or surroundings? Strange. Bane was bland. His voice soiunded weird and apart from being imposing psychologically and physically, there was absolutely nothing to him. He even proved to be a mere henchman with the Talia reveal (which I did love though). What was all the judge stuff? Why werent more people just randomly killed. For terrorists wanting to blow up a whole city they seemed pretry scared of killing people. Catwoman did not do all that much. Introduce a solid character, great perfprmance and sexy but very underused. Things seemed inbalanced in regards to far fetched ness. Like Bane wasnt out there enough...he was just hard. But then there is a flying Bat jet. Hmmm.


Ending was good but I fycking hated that they called him "Tobin" when he clearly should have been called Dick. The implication would have been enough for tge wider audience to "get" anyway. Just. Bleurgh. Good end to a trilogy but easily the most boring and least Batman like of all the films. Bring on the reboot olease. Adapt Scott Snyder's run.

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Batman's intelligence was another weakness of this whole trilogy. He fell back on Fox a lot. I remember my first inkling of disappointment in Batman Begins being when Fox describes how he developed an antidote for the fear toxin and Wayne asks "am I supposed to understand that?"


Um, yes!

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