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Rubbish Achievements/Trophies


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Haha, that reminds me when we were at the end of Sanctuary, just pissing around.

Then you had the temerity to start shooting at me, and I said something like 'well if you want to make it a deathmatch situation I'm more than adept at kicking your ass in that field'.


They should blates make Unch 3 purely online co-op with 50 levels or something insane. The lolz would be immense. It would be like what they say on the X-Factor; a journey!

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All the achievements on EDF:


All Stages Cleared (Easy) 50

Acquired after clearing all stages in Easy mode.

All Stages Cleared (Normal) 100

Acquired after clearing all stages in Normal mode.

All Stages Cleared (Hard) 150

Acquired after clearing all stages in Hard mode.

All Stages Cleared (Hardest) 200

Acquired after clearing all stages in Hardest mode.

All Stages Cleared (Inferno) 300

Acquired after clearing all stages in Inferno mode.

All Weapons Acquired 200

Awarded after acquiring all the weapons in the game.

If you complete it on hard, you don't get the achievement for the difficulties below. And if you play co-op, only Player 1 gets the G...
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If you complete it on hard, you don't get the achievement for the difficulties below. And if you play co-op, only Player 1 gets the G...


That reminds me of the awful Gears of Wars achievements where you have to play as Dom (i.e. you have to be Player 2).

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That reminds me of the awful Gears of Wars achievements where you have to play as Dom (i.e. you have to be Player 2).


Think they did that to encourage co-op play, but it was very unnecessary to have to play as Player 2 to get it. Ended up playing that campaign way more than I wanted to due to helping people with achievements.

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The first stupid achievement i came across was in Command and Conquer 3 (360), i remember getting all the other achievements (seem of them were pretty hard such as complete game on hard etc) but i felt satisfied unlocking them... up until i looked at the last one 'Player Multiplayer for 100 hours' WTF!!! Even games ive loved online such as Gears 2, MW & MW2 ive not clocked up that many hours in one game just on MP!!!!


Bioshock 2 was doing well till it included a load of shit MP ones (and i never thought the MP was any good in that, Bioshock is a single player game dam it!!)

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I find myself not really caring about the achievements in my XBOX 360 games. If it tells me I've achieved something, I'll sometimes hit the Guide Button on the controller to see what I got it for, but I never find myself hunting for any of them..


I've looked through the list of achievements for a few games out of curiosity and just see loads that make me wonder why people would even go to the bother of obtaining them ::shrug:


I agree with this pretty much.

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the recent Chronicles of Riddick game had 50% of the achievements online. I checked it out once, played for maybe fiver minutes and fled. the game was absolutely awful online- irredeemably shit and yet the devs had seen fit to weight the achievements available massively towards it.

It's a shame, because that game is otherwise damn good.


Halo 3 had this one absolutely infuriating achievement that I never got. Now, I'm pretty good at Halo by all accounts but the one where you have to get a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a ranked free for all game of slayer just takes the piss. There's just like...no scenarios that ever allow you do get it pretty much. And your timing has to be perfect (if you don't know, the SL is like a giant sniper rifle that charges up to fire then goes through several targets)

It'd be a monumental achievement to get, and yet it's only 5g. WTAF.


That achievement was a total bitch. The trick was to get people to co operate on those big, weekend FFAs. It became a lot easier then. I just got lucky on High Ground once, so I didn't even need to do that shit :heh:

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I really dislike the collectible achievements. If I'm playing Gears of war on insane mode, the last thing I want to do is be looking for cog tags, if I'm playing Bad Company 2 I don't want to be looking for satellites to blow up, if I'm playing Modern Warfare 2 I don't want to be looking for your fucking Intel.....


i just wanna live and reach a checkpoint!

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The first stupid achievement i came across was in Command and Conquer 3 (360), i remember getting all the other achievements (seem of them were pretty hard such as complete game on hard etc) but i felt satisfied unlocking them... up until i looked at the last one 'Player Multiplayer for 100 hours' WTF!!! Even games ive loved online such as Gears 2, MW & MW2 ive not clocked up that many hours in one game just on MP!!!!


Bioshock 2 was doing well till it included a load of shit MP ones (and i never thought the MP was any good in that, Bioshock is a single player game dam it!!)


I'd agree on both counts. Also C&C has not one, no, but about 3 or 4 Negative Achievements giving you nothing at all! That 100 hours in multiplayer one, does that count in standard offline Skirmish? I'm going back through the game to get the ribbons. I got quite a few Bioshock 2 ones when everyone had the game and was playing online but it is so laggy and glitched I didn't particularly enoy it at all.


Unfair Achievements fuck me off, and also glitched ones. Completing Mass Effect 1 with certain ally team members would be one of those glitched ones. I've near enough 100% that game SO MANY TIMES and it refuses to give me both ally achievements. People who own the game are probably aware 100% isn't exactly a quick endevour. Sometimes i'll get 1 but never both even though there's no reason why I shouldn't get awarded it.


The one i've been hunting for a while, on and off, is the last achievement in Streets of Rage 2. To get this I think goes even beyond being good at the game and is all down to luck. It's the one where you have to score 800k on Hardcore mode. This mode being a fucking joke to start with doesn't help. You start with 1 life and cannot continue. So you have to build up lives as quick as possible for the later levels. If anyone has this kudos. I'd like to know how.


Oh and also on the subject. Achievements which require you to reach ranks in multiplayer and stuff via XP, credits, whatever. This would be fine if the amount of XP was substantial (Blur seems to be the fairest i've played so far what with Daily Challenges and what not). Games like Red Dead Redemption can fuck right off. I don't know if there's an Achievement for getting to a certain rank but the level of XP awarded is laughable.

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Completing Mass Effect 1 with certain ally team members would be one of those glitched ones. I've near enough 100% that game SO MANY TIMES and it refuses to give me both ally achievements. People who own the game are probably aware 100% isn't exactly a quick endevour. Sometimes i'll get 1 but never both even though there's no reason why I shouldn't get awarded it.
I think I completed Mass Effect seven times to get all the achievements. Never had a glitch though. The main thing is, you have to go straight to get the ally you want to complete the game with, before doing anything else, and complete a significant number of optional missions with them. You don't just have to end the game with one ally, but do most of the game with them.
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Unfair Achievements fuck me off, and also glitched ones. Completing Mass Effect 1 with certain ally team members would be one of those glitched ones. I've near enough 100% that game SO MANY TIMES and it refuses to give me both ally achievements. People who own the game are probably aware 100% isn't exactly a quick endevour. Sometimes i'll get 1 but never both even though there's no reason why I shouldn't get awarded it.


I never even bothered with those. Especially as you needed to complete 75% of the game (inc. side quests) with a squad member. I much preferred taking squad members that suited the mission (story-wise).

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The one i've been hunting for a while, on and off, is the last achievement in Streets of Rage 2. To get this I think goes even beyond being good at the game and is all down to luck. It's the one where you have to score 800k on Hardcore mode. This mode being a fucking joke to start with doesn't help. You start with 1 life and cannot continue. So you have to build up lives as quick as possible for the later levels. If anyone has this kudos. I'd like to know how.


Took me the best part of a day to get this one. You just have to constantly save your game after you defeat an enemy and then reload if you get a beating. Eventually you will get a fair few lives but don't let this fool you in to being reckless. I got near the end but I got stuck at one point as I used to many lives earlier. I had to restart the whole thing again. :(

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There's one in Halo: Reach that looks to be a total bitch- 1,000,000 points on Firefight. I'm something of an achievement purist in that they're only any good if you actually achieve something when you do them so I have no intention of using that IGN custom game to get it easy. At a guesstimate though, that means that I'll need 3 buddies for a good couple of hours of massive pwnage to get it properly.

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Some of the Vegas 2 achievements are just stupid, kill x number of people with y weapon with at least z people present. It is near impossible to get these.


Well, I'd argue that's why it's called an "achievement", wouldn't you agree? What would be the point if everyone was able to get 1000 in every game?


In my opinioin, and I like achievements although I don't "overcare" for them, a game should have achievements for completing each chapter and the game itself in the different difficulties, but that should not be the whole 1000.


A game has to have more achievements, those that not everyone will get. 1000 points should only be awarded to completists. I'm not one. I look at a list of achievements and choose the ones I will pursue and just don't bother with the others.


To give an example, the pigeons in GTA4, I would never bother with that crap. I don't like that kind of fetch quest anyway. The film reels in Godfather, the pigeons in GTA4, etc. I think the only quest of the sort I ever completed were the 100 skulltulas in Ocarina of Time. And I did those without guides in the 90's. :awesome:


But it doesn't bother me. I will never get the pigeons achievement in GTA4 because I simply don't care about it or its gamerscore points. I enjoyed GTA4 to its fullest (well, I still have to play the Ballad of Gay Tony, I have it there on the shelf still) without killing pigeons or getting 100% (which would include the fucking birds). The game is so much more than that. Others too.


Let achievements make you enjoy your games more, but don't get so obsessed about them that they make you enjoy them less.


I for one strongly believe in achievements and think they are a great idea to make you pursue some objectives. But only the ones you really want, and never at the cost of enjoyment. If you don't think it's fun, forget about it, just play the game.

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There's one in Halo: Reach that looks to be a total bitch- 1,000,000 points on Firefight. I'm something of an achievement purist in that they're only any good if you actually achieve something when you do them so I have no intention of using that IGN custom game to get it easy. At a guesstimate though, that means that I'll need 3 buddies for a good couple of hours of massive pwnage to get it properly.


Bet you end up cheating :p


What's the point of the 0G achievements? Like in Guitar Hero 3 where you refuse a boss battle.

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I never even bothered with those. Especially as you needed to complete 75% of the game (inc. side quests) with a squad member. I much preferred taking squad members that suited the mission (story-wise).


I think I completed Mass Effect seven times to get all the achievements. Never had a glitch though. The main thing is, you have to go straight to get the ally you want to complete the game with, before doing anything else, and complete a significant number of optional missions with them. You don't just have to end the game with one ally, but do most of the game with them.


Yeh for my last run I wanted Liara and Wrex's Achievements. Went straight to Liara's planet, completed it way over 75%. Ended up just getting Wrex's. This has happened a few times with others :(.


Took me the best part of a day to get this one. You just have to constantly save your game after you defeat an enemy and then reload if you get a beating. Eventually you will get a fair few lives but don't let this fool you in to being reckless. I got near the end but I got stuck at one point as I used to many lives earlier. I had to restart the whole thing again. :(


That's pretty much how i've been going about it but there's certain bosses which I can't seem to find a strategy for. The damn Boxer at the end of the boat for one, and Zamza (Claw dude).

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I'd agree on both counts. Also C&C has not one, no, but about 3 or 4 Negative Achievements giving you nothing at all! That 100 hours in multiplayer one, does that count in standard offline Skirmish? I'm going back through the game to get the ribbons. I got quite a few Bioshock 2 ones when everyone had the game and was playing online but it is so laggy and glitched I didn't particularly enoy it at all.




I unlocked one or two of them shitty negative cheevos!! The achievement just needs 'Play MP for 100 hours' so i dunno if offline skirmish counts, my memory telling me it had to be online but i could be wrong!!!!


Yeah i never enjoyed Bioshock 2 online either!

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I unlocked one or two of them shitty negative cheevos!! The achievement just needs 'Play MP for 100 hours' so i dunno if offline skirmish counts, my memory telling me it had to be online but i could be wrong!!!!


Yeah i never enjoyed Bioshock 2 online either!


I just got absolutely conned. Here I am doing all the bonus ribbons I hadn't previously had. Doing them on Easy thinking I could get the ribbon, then get the achievement for Bronze. Nope, nothing. So does this mean that if i've got a ribbon on say Silver, I have to do it again on Bronze for the achievement? I can't even remember what difficulties I got the ribbon on!

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I just got absolutely conned. Here I am doing all the bonus ribbons I hadn't previously had. Doing them on Easy thinking I could get the ribbon, then get the achievement for Bronze. Nope, nothing. So does this mean that if i've got a ribbon on say Silver, I have to do it again on Bronze for the achievement? I can't even remember what difficulties I got the ribbon on!


If i remember correctly on the map showing the levels, the icon which has a medal, if you have a ribbon there will be a extra part on top of the medal going horizontal so you can see which levels you have and have not got a ribbon.


I think it is just Red Alert 3 in which you cant tell if you have done all the bonus missions or not!

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Some of the early 360 games have poor achievements, or at least poorly balanced.


The main example I can think of is the original Geometry Wars. You can do a ton of awesome stuff in the game, be good enough to get every achievement in GW2, yet end up with barely any points whatsoever for the first game. All the later achievements carry the most points and a shitload of them would come all at once basically.

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The Disgaea 3 trophies take the piss. Most of them require you to devote a large chunk of your life playing the game to get them. I mean I do love the game and play it lots but some of them just don't seem doable within a resonable timeframe :P. I read when some people go "oh yea I got Platinum on Disgaea 3" I think wtf you must have spent like 1000-2000+ hours playing the game.

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You'd think you'd get 5 billion platinums for doing that.




No. Just a silver.




Halo 3 had this one absolutely infuriating achievement that I never got. Now, I'm pretty good at Halo by all accounts but the one where you have to get a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a ranked free for all game of slayer just takes the piss. There's just like...no scenarios that ever allow you do get it pretty much. And your timing has to be perfect (if you don't know, the SL is like a giant sniper rifle that charges up to fire then goes through several targets)

It'd be a monumental achievement to get, and yet it's only 5g. WTAF.


Mehhhhh that one wasn't toooo bad. You just had to whore the laser for ever.


The Disgaea 3 trophies take the piss. Most of them require you to devote a large chunk of your life playing the game to get them. I mean I do love the game and play it lots but some of them just don't seem doable within a resonable timeframe :P. I read when some people go "oh yea I got Platinum on Disgaea 3" I think wtf you must have spent like 1000-2000+ hours playing the game.


Yeah I havn't got into it properly yet but I checked trophies and decided that I doubt I'd get a single one. Even if I played it for as much as Disgaea PSP (200 hours)

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