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Working at the same place as your partner


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Simple really,


Do any of you, or have any of you worked at the same place as your partner?


My girlfriend has just had an interview for an administration position within our company, and was successful with it, she'll begin working here on October 25th.


Her sister also recently got a job here as a staff rec from me.



I cant say I'm fussed about her working here, although I've had banter from my friends saying that it'll be a bad thing. To be honest I don't mind, kinda looking forward to it.



Why would people think it's a bad thing? Could you work at the same company / building as your better half? Would you want to?

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It could become a "problem" if you're working close together and constantly seeing each other. Because then you may feel you're around each other too much (everyone needs some me-time) and you're both taking your work home etc, meaning it'll all revolve around that.


If you don't work closely together, there's not much of a problem. My parents have been working in the same company since forever. Half of my family works there actually (I work there on Sundays, and a bit during the summer holiday heh). So it can work.

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Depends if you live with them I guess. Personally I can't imagine anything worse than being with someone all the time. In fact I'd do anything I could for them to not work in the same place as me.


Luckily it hasn't happened to me, but I've had friends work and live together and every time it's ended up with them splitting up.


I'm sure you'll be fine though!

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It's not quite the same, buy my dad suggested applying for a job where I work (it's already complicated in that my boss' wife is kind of my cousin). Simply put, my answer was "Don't". Luckily, my boss is looking for a younger person for this job.


I think that you should have family/girlfiends separate to work.


If it's in the same company, but separate parts where you wouldn't really see much of each other then it could work.

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It could become a "problem" if you're working close together and constantly seeing each other. Because then you may feel you're around each other too much (everyone needs some me-time) and you're both taking your work home etc, meaning it'll all revolve around that.


If you don't work closely together, there's not much of a problem. My parents have been working in the same company since forever. Half of my family works there actually (I work there on Sundays, and a bit during the summer holiday heh). So it can work.


Well I wont be working any were near her, i'm secluded in the Development team with 20 other people typing all day with no noise (it's boring, thankful this site isnt blocked at work), and she'll be in the life insurance department doing the general admin work of all the sales. I'm pretty sure i'll have to create SQL report queries for her to run, but i'm a floater between departments, work for all of them, so likely to have to do some work for her at some point.


also with the 'me-time' i do understand that, and we do that now, like i'll be in the bedroom playing xbox for an hour a night, then just spend time with her on the sofa watching tv later in the evening. plus we go to town on seperate occasions, have our own friends / social lives etc. So we're doing good.



Depends if you live with them I guess. Personally I can't imagine anything worse than being with someone all the time. In fact I'd do anything I could for them to not work in the same place as me.


Luckily it hasn't happened to me' date=' but I've had friends work and live together and every time it's ended up with them splitting up.


I'm sure you'll be fine though![/quote']


yeah we do live together, but as mentioned above despite living together we still have our own 'me-time' be it me playing xbox, or going out with mates. the routine as it stands is home from work, gym, eat together, then we'll usually either watch tv together or i'll go upstairs while she watches tv.


to be fair we do spend alot of time together anyway and dont seem to drive each other crazy, and i dont think we'll see alot of each other at work anyways.

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The issue for me would be split allegiances. Who do you hang with at lunchtime - your mates that you've had at work forever, or the love of your life? I'd think it was healthier to still hang with your mates - you have to do separate stuff sometime just so you have something to talk about together later!

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If you're not working closely together and are not in the same department, then I don't see a problem at all. It only becomes a problem when people really do work right next to each other (so to speak), and you don't have that so you should be ok. =)

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I wouldn't like to work with my girlfriend/partner. Because, when you're with work people, usually the conversation revolves around work. When you get home, you'd still be talking about that there.


Also, like others have mentioned, what happens at lunchtimes and breaktimes? Who would you hang around with? Your woman or your manfriends, or even female friends? Thats a point. What about female workfriends, surely having a girlfriend working with you would have some kind of effect on that. Even if the talk you would have with these girls were harmless, they might react differently because your girlfriend "is there."


Its good to have space and different things. Like different hobbies, to be able to do different things and like different stuff. Its not healthy to spend 24/7 with one person, foreeeever.

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My mother and her partner work together (although yes, they tend to talk about work at home too) and they seem to be fine with it. Although they don't have to worry about the apparent mental/emotional minefield that is lunch break allegiances as there is no set lunch time and people go when they want.


I personally couldn't but then I personally probably couldn't live with a partner, yet alone work with them too.

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Hello, i hope all will go well for you.


I used to work at the same place as my girlfriend, and to be honest it was ok at first, but i would never do it again, its nice to have work away from home life. but it can work ok if you are not working in lets say the same office, i worked in a different part of the building and was out most of the time.


hope all goes well.

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Hello, i hope all will go well for you.


I used to work at the same place as my girlfriend, and to be honest it was ok at first, but i would never do it again, its nice to have work away from home life. but it can work ok if you are not working in lets say the same office, i worked in a different part of the building and was out most of the time.


hope all goes well.


I definitely wouldn't like it, fair enough if it's in a pretty big company and you're not really going to see each other but I'd prefer to keep my work life separate from my personal.



I agree with both...


I also used to work with my mum for a good few years, and as much as I loved her, and the insane laughs we used to have at work... it does get a bit much being together ALL day at work, then most of the night and weekend. We very rarely talked about the "work" and more about our other colleagues. Giving people a good sleggin is great therapy =P


But yeah, I don't think its advisable at all if you live with the person, or spend a lot of time outside of work with them.


You'll only end up talking and thinking about work all the time... and really that's enough to drive any person crazy!

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