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And some 'aviator' shape sunglasses from Primark. £2


I chose full mirrored lens instead of just dark cause I love how impenetrable I feel in them. I rewatched The September Issue the other day and I just feel like I want that Anna Wintour air at the moment - for people to never know your exact thoughts, seeing only themselves in your eyes. Impervious.

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And some 'aviator' shape sunglasses from Primark. £2


I chose full mirrored lens instead of just dark cause I love how impenetrable I feel in them. I rewatched The September Issue the other day and I just feel like I want that Anna Wintour air at the moment - for people to never know your exact thoughts, seeing only themselves in your eyes. Impervious.

A wise choice. If you buy aviators you have to go full mirrored. It's a simple fact. If you get the dark ones you risk the chance of disappearing at night.

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LA Noire (360) - Pre-Owned




£1.69 (£8.98 - £5 voucher for fucking up my ME3 order and then -£2.29 reward points).


Hopefully they wont go completely bust before they can dispatch it to me. They were out of stock of it new and I thought for the price I can't say no.

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Stumbled upon the blog and noticed they had a book. Birthday present for the IT guy at work who used to do freelance work (and some of what I saw on the blog still seems relevant to his job at work).

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An excellent day of purchasing I'm sure you'll agree.


(I found the first copy of Some Nights in HMV and bought it in excitement then remembered I had a Fopp voucher so checked there and got the other. Will return the first)

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I wanted to use up the £5 voucher I got from buying Mass Effect 3 from Play.com. It only counted for things in the video game category. This was £5.99. Made sense.


I have that...those games have not aged well. With the exception of Space Channel, because that was always just plain crazy. Crazy Taxi in particular just feels awful these days.


That said, it's well worth £5.99 and Sonic Adventure is worth it for nostalgia purposes. It was a lot easier than I remember mind, save for the infuriating camera :heh:

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