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It was cheaper to buy a 5 guitar rack than a 3 guitar one. Go figure. Guess I need to buy more guitars to fill the 2 extra spaces. Excellent.



Also this track from Amazon MP3 deeley:



The video freaks me out a bit. Not sure why.

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Second time buying this...first copy was borrowed and never given back by a friend, and really it's just awkward now. Only got to watch it once before that too.




ROFL at them putting "3 1/2 stars" on the poster! Why would you? Makes you assume it's mediocre at best. Overall, it's a design travesty. *shudders* I love how the Oscar Nom quote feels like it might be sarcastic as well.



Edited by Paj!
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Just spray painted my fixie black...


...and most my fingers, too. #FAIL.


I painted my lowrider bike a while back. I say painted the lowrider bike, but what I actually mean is I painted my lowrider bike, my mountain bike and most of my garage. The result was worth it though:




It matches my car...


It's also used as an accessory at car shows...


I have no life...

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I just flipped my bike upside down and realised I utterly failed to spray the underside of the frame. FAIL


Fixed it now. Kind of worried about how well the paint is going to stick. How did yours hold up? How long do I have to let it dry? Also, how many coats did you do?


This is what it looks like now.



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I can't remember how many coats I did. Think it was 3 or so. I just kept on going until I couldn't see the old purple paint any more.


I'm not sure how well it will hold up as it just sits in my garage waiting to be used. It's not really a riding bike (it has no brakes). I don't think the paint would hold up too well though since I put the coats on quite thick. The paint isn't flaking off or anything, but I don't think it would take too well to being scratched.


Might sand it down and give it a new lick of paint in the summer. Depends if I can be bothered.

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