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What are your thoughts on these sites? Me and my friend were kind of having a debate about it. He reckons it's for people who are very desperate but I think it's kinda like Facebook or Tagged in some ways, haha.


Anyways, what do you guys think? Could you find true love or what?

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Not as sad as people would have you believe, and commonly used. It is kind of a last resort measure, but you're more likely to meet someone compatible with you online than in real life if you're constantly looking around and feeling nothing for nobody.


You can find true love anywhere. Do it in whatever way works for you.

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Aye look what poor Ine landed herself with :p




In all seriousness, there's certainly no harm in trying it. I've got a friend who recently got married after meeting her manfriend off Match.com. This idea of it being a last resort isn't entirely accurate. She was only 24 when she got married, so it's hardly like she was going to die an old and lonely woman. With a house of cats.


Its a good alternative way of meeting people. Plus, it gives you the ability to meet people you would never ever meet in a pub or a bar if they're from an entirely different location to you.

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I considered joining one just to see what I was "compatible with".


The WiiZapper? WiiSpeak? The N64 Expansion Pak?


Ooo, what about speed-dating? I wanted to do it with a friend a few years back, but nothing ever came of it. Seemed like a laugh, although I don't think you'd get much long-term success from that, maybe.

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Given the odds of supposedly meeting an ideal partner are 1 in 285,000, anything to help along the way shouldn't be dismissed.


But at the same time it has to be right for you.


My friend tried an online dating site last year and has been with the guy she met for over a year now - turned out the guy lived just 2 streets away from her. But if she hadn't had joined, she might not ever have met the guy.


She was telling me all about it and saying I should try it as what harm could it do. I didn't think it was right for me but I set up a profile anyway. The next day, I closed it. It just didn't feel like something I was ready to do - something I could go through with.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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They're definitely not something to be dismissed out of hand. I've met plenty of girls through them, some good, some bad. I don't personally see it as any different to meeting girls in a bar or any other random place. It's just an extra way of making that connection.


The main issue tends to be people pre-conceptions that it isn't normal meeting people online. In my experience it tends to only be the socially inept that feel weird about it.


At the end of the day if it doesn't work out then you've lost nothing by trying. If it does work out then who gives a fuck how you originally met?

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I can see what he's saying with the desperate thing, but I think it's more of a last resort than desperation. Not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm not going to go into anything because we had this discussion recently.


My problem with dating sites is that I'm not sure if they'd work. Because you look at what people have written on their profile and choose from that. But that's not how things work. Most couples don't have all of these things in common, and if they were on a dating site may not have gone with each other based on the profiles. It's hard to put down what makes a person on paper. And we don't know what person we want.


That being said I do think it's great as a medium of meeting people.


Given the odds of supposedly meeting an ideal partner are 1 in 285,000, anything to help along the way shouldn't be dismissed.


Where are those odds from?

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